Qin Yilang laughed angrily. If the melon seedlings were not to leave, they would be thinking about the soil. Nima soil is more valuable than melon seedlings, okay?

Qin Yilang raised his foot to go over, but Meng Chi stopped him: "Don't worry about it, I'll take care of it."

As a senior officer on this mission, Qin Yilang really didn't have time to argue with Lan Yingying, a woman, so he just nodded and let it go. How can Meng Chi solve it? At most, she could reprimand Lan Yingying to stop digging and pour out all the soil she dug out.

Lan Yingying was extremely aggrieved, and said angrily: "Isn't it just digging some soil, and I won't hurt the melon seedlings, why can't I do it?"

"That's right, it's just some soil. You can't dig it anywhere. You have to dig it from a well-grown melon field." Meng Chi raised his hand to point at the planting field cultivated by Lan Yingying, "I want to Dig the soil in your own plantation field, no one cares about you."

"You, you..." Lan Yingying's face turned red and she said indignantly when her small thoughts were seen through, "What's the big deal, if you don't dig, don't dig."

Lan Yingying turned around and went back to her tent, she couldn't hold back her face, she didn't want to see anyone for the time being.

Qin Yilang snorted, and stood under the eaves of the tent to hand over military affairs to Feng Ling. Luo Bi seemed to be sleeping and listening to it, not paying much attention, just casually listening to a sentence or a sentence, mixed with the sound of rain.

Looking at the non-stop rain, Luo Bi suddenly became flustered again. The unexplained heavy rain is not a good sign, it indicates that a large-scale beast attack is coming, and humans should evacuate as soon as possible.

But wealth and wealth are sought in danger, this is a great opportunity to collect supplies, and everyone is willing to leave. The Thunder Flame fighters with strength values ​​are not afraid of the current situation, they can completely retreat at critical moments, but women can't, they have no ability to protect themselves.

Qin Yilang went to ask Hu Li and Lan Yingying, and they didn't want to leave, so Qin Yilang didn't mention it. There are two talented contractors, and the combat team is also guaranteed.

Luo Bi hugged Feng Ling's waist and sighed, although she was not in good spirits these days, it did not prevent her from understanding the situation on Zizhu Star. A group of powerful Thunder Flame Warriors with strong military strength were searching for wild food all over the planet.

In the river, on land, as long as it is edible, it will not be spared. Luo Bi was dripping blood from distress. She also wanted ingredients and supplies, but they were all taken away by others. When she turned around, she made a comeback. I don't know if she can find good things?

In fact, materials and wealth are things outside of the body. In a prosperous and peaceful age, Luo Bi may still have the desire to seek money, so forget it for now.

Now that the balance of the three major galaxies has been broken by the idiot Bai Xian, how can Luo Bi care about things like material wealth, erasing what should be erased, destroying what should be destroyed, no one should pay attention to her.

Luo Bi didn't dare to touch her storage bracelet, and went around a long way with her thoughts, and she didn't destroy what should be destroyed. The fact that the real warm jade bracelet was not thrown into the river, sooner or later it was a serious worry, no wonder she wasn't flustered.

That's right, Luo Bi, the warm bib bracelet that tested her physique, was not thrown into the Xunhe. The warm bibracelet was still in her storage bracelet at this time, otherwise she would be so frightened that she couldn't keep her wits about her.

Before, Luo Bi planned to throw the warm jade bracelet into the Xun River, but then suddenly realized that he was a fire-born person, and he was incompatible with water, so he changed his mind temporarily and threw a jade bracelet into it.

Luo Bi likes to be true and false in her actions, making it impossible for others to guess.

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