Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 953: Fastest Three Hundred Years

"She has lost her body and cannot conceive." Feng Shu, who came out on the back foot, answered.

Xue Xi didn't like to hear these words, and stared at Zhan Yi for an answer, Zhan Yi raised his eyelids: "If you can afford to wait, it will be three hundred years at the earliest, and you will have to check before you can draw a conclusion."

"Hehe..." Xue Xi chuckled.

Wait three hundred years? This doesn't mean that Bai Xiansheng can't give birth at all. The expressions of the others are different, and at the same time they find it extremely ridiculous. Everyone knows that women in the interstellar era in the future have a short lifespan, at most three hundred years old. With Bai Xian's sickly body, it would be good to live to one hundred fifty years old. After three hundred years, people would die long ago and give birth to farting children.

In fact, it is not impossible to let Bai Xian live for another few hundred years. Xue Xi, Leng Lie, and Feng Zijie looked at each other, and the three went back to discuss countermeasures. Feng Shu and Zhan Yi went into the conference room to discuss Bai Xian's body nourishment, Xue Changjuan lazily leaned on the pillar outside, looking into the distance with gloomy eyes.

At present, there are too many people in the three major galaxies paying attention to Bai Xian's body. Her miscarriage and loss of body seemed to grow wings at noon that day, and everyone knew about it. In short, there is everything to say, the Thunder Flame warriors with strong force values ​​collectively lost their voices, and other irrelevant people were full of emotion.

This result was expected by the public. As bystanders, they were able to speak freely and express their opinions one after another. The entire Star Network was extremely lively. When Luo Bi saw the news from Starnet, she let out a long breath, and leaned back in her chair, completely relieved.

If you can't have a baby, you can't have a baby. The sudden emergence of a baby that can give birth scared her half to death. Now that Bai Xian's body is damaged and it is difficult to conceive, Luo Bi's flustered heart calmed down. Didn't the two chief physicians say that Bai Xian would have to wait three hundred years to give birth, and Luo Bi would have died by then.

What is she afraid of? The result was simply not good.

Luo Bi was not worried that she would get pregnant. Over the past 18,000 years, the three major galaxies have recorded three women who possessed the genes of the ancient earth, but in reality they are not. There are more than ten women in total.

The other women with ancient earth genes were not mentioned because they were judged by the chief physician to be difficult to conceive, so they were ignored by others. Robbie reckoned that she had that kind of constitution.

It is clear from the fact that she and Feng Ling have been married for a year and there is no movement. Even so, Luo Bi does not want people to know her ancient earth genes. The genes are too pure to give birth to and cannot stop the crazy strong gene Thunder Flame Warrior.

The mighty Thunder Flame Warrior Pan's child was stunned, and Luo Bi was afraid that he would not be able to avoid it, so he didn't dare to take chances. If you want to live a stable life, it's better to suffocate the ancient earth genes, and you can't tell anyone.

If there is no accident, within three hundred years, Luo Bi can feel at ease, unless another woman with ancient earth genes comes out. Luo Bi's heart fell to the ground, and her mental state became better. She turned off the optical brain with a "snap", and there was a smile on the corners of her brows and eyes. Damn, she was alive.

Opening the room, Luo Bi walked briskly to the plantation field where the shared balcony was located to find her parents. Feng Ling was not at home after going out, so when she was in a good mood, she naturally wanted to find her relatives, and the smile on her lips couldn't be suppressed.

Jumping up onto the small bluestone wall, Luo Bi dragged her voice and called out: "Father, Mom."

Hearing the sound of shouting, Luo Hang immediately raised his head. His daughter became energetic, and Luo Hang became happy: "What's so happy? Come and talk to father."

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