Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 954 Eat them all

Luo Bi laughed, what should she say, that she was happy because Bai Xian had a miscarriage and it was difficult to conceive, that can't be said! She smiled: "It's nothing, I'm just happy. There are not a single talented student from the Luo family who went to Zizhuxing this time."

This is indeed something to be happy about. Regardless of the relationship between the children in the clan, they are still clansmen. Luo Hang nodded in agreement: "Your hall brother Luo Huan is the most capable of the younger generation. With him taking care of him in Zizhuxing, Luo Cha and the others will be able to help you." Be safe and sound."

The planting field was almost turned over, Luo Hang collected the flat rake and walked towards the field, followed by Guan Zhuting and Luo Bi. Luo Bi has been depressed for such a long time, and now there is no pressure in her heart to see that everything is fresh. She walks and kicks the dirt, and when she sees the dirt, she even steps on her feet and grinds it.

The people around her didn't follow, Guan Zhuting turned her head and smiled when she saw Luo Bi's actions: "This child."

Hearing the sound, Luo Hang also turned his head, pretending to be angry and said, "Like a child all day long, no one is doing right."

That being said, the connivance in Luo Hang's eyes was undisguised, his child finally came back to life, look, how good it is, carefree, he was terrified a few days ago.

Thinking about the fear of the past few days, Luo Hang suddenly had the idea of ​​letting Luo Bi become the emperor. This matter needs to be considered in the long run. Luo Hang lowered his head to think, went down to the planting field, and put the two rakes into the storage room.

Guan Zhuting waited for Luo Bi to join her. Luo Bi was playful, crushed a clod of soil, and ran to the bamboo fence to look after the poultry. Guan Zhuting followed with a smile. After more than a month on the mission, the mother partridge chickens hatched another brood of baby partridge chickens, each of which was black and not slipping away, which is ugly.

The mother teal duck and mother goose were not far behind, with a few small things behind them, together with the grown partridge chickens, ducks, and geese, the whole fence was very lively. Luo Bi counted, there were more than 50 adult partridge chickens, and there were almost 50 teals and geese in total, enough to eat.

"Mom, grab a few and eat." Robbie acted like a baby.

"Okay, mom will cook something delicious for you tonight." Guan Zhuting smiled and entered the bamboo fence, before she started, she asked, "How many did you catch?"

Asking this, Luo Bi impatiently stared viciously at the poultry in the bamboo fence: "Twenty of them, I ate them all."

Eat twenty at a time? Misfortune is not so mischievous, normally Guan Zhuting would persuade her, but now it is different from the past, Luo Bi managed to calm down, she can do whatever she says, as long as the person is good.

Guan Zhuting caught the partridges first, Luo Bi was at the side directing, Luo Hang released the rake and came back, the two girls were having a good time.

Luo Hang's good temper didn't say anything to anyone, and he helped catch the partridge. He said to Guan Zhuting: "Catch the water duck. The partridge is light and hard to catch. Don't scratch your hands. Don't catch the goose either." , that thing has a sharp mouth and likes to peck people."

While talking, Luo Hang glanced at Luo Bi, Luo Bi giggled, Feng Ling came back, went to the plantation field just in time to see this scene, looked at Luo Bi in surprise, not understanding what kind of riddle the father and daughter were playing.

"I was pecked by a neighbor's goose when I was a child." Luo Bi still remembered this incident, and said angrily, "That family has nothing to do with it. They insisted on raising a goose to take care of the house. He bullied me to hold a child and chased me to peck me, but it scared me to death."

"Child?" Feng Ling keenly grasped what he cared about, looked at Luo Bi lightly and asked, "Whose child are you hugging?"

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