Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 959: Going to Test Again

The interests of boys and girls are always different. Huang Xinling and Bai Zhigao played with the ducklings in their hands and compared their good-looking spirit with each other. Occasionally, the two of them interjected a few sentences, changed the topic, and talked about interesting things in the academy.

Luo Bi hadn't heard anything about being absent from class, so Wu Cheng told her with great interest: "Tang Lu'er is really interesting, she came back from Zizhuxing a while ago, I don't know what kind of wind she suddenly had, and she went to the test again. "

"Guess what?" Wu Cheng pretended.

What can I do? There are only two kinds of results, good and bad, Luo Bi smiled and didn't ask, waiting for Wu Cheng to continue talking. Wu Cheng took another big bite, and only the core remained of a fruit.

"The low-level talent level is still the same." Wu Cheng swallowed his mouth and couldn't help laughing: "It's not a big deal, the class is so lively, Tang Luer broke a hundred low-level biscuits in one go Emeralds and crafts are in a variety of situations, and many students fell down laughing."

Luo Bi sounded a little strange, but Bai Juan interjected, holding the fruit in both hands: "But she finally forged a jade bi-sword, and slapped those who made fun of her in the face."

Xue Zhijiao heard the words and said: "Tang Luer has changed. After returning from Zizhuxing, she is not so flashy. Although there are always problems in class, it is undeniable that she is very hardworking. Before Tang Luer was always ambitious, now it is not bad to be down-to-earth."

"Yeah, she relied on the Zhou family in the past, but I heard that now she only wants to rely on herself." Wu Cheng showed admiration, no matter what time it is, people who are hardworking and willing to work are always looked up to.

The more she listened, the more weird it became. Luo Bi always felt that Tang Luer's behavior was incompatible with each other. A student who had been tested before had no reason to take the test again under normal circumstances unless her talent was upgraded, but Tang Luer's test results obviously did not upgrade.

This is a bit strange. A person may not know anything else, but he can roughly know what stage his talent level is at. Why did Tang Luer go to the test institute without further ado? Could it be that she didn't even know how much she weighed?

If it's true, it's ridiculous, isn't it? In addition, Tang Luer's class performance is even more unreasonable. Last year Tang Luer was able to refine plum blossom skewers, but now she is like a beginner.

It's normal for the extraction to be unsuccessful. Tang Luer was not good at extraction in the first place, but the refining aspect was particularly weird. Although Tang Luer refined the Jade Bi Sword later, it couldn't conceal the unusualness.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Tang Luer has changed, but the country is easy to change and the nature is hard to change. The character has changed so much, what does this mean?

Thinking of this, Luo Bi was startled, why wouldn't she change her soul again! Some physiques are very special, and it is easy for other souls to take advantage of them. Tang Luer's body can be worn once by someone, but it's hard to guarantee that she won't wear it a second time. It's not impossible for anyone who has the ability to take over her body.

Someone would occupy his body at any time, it was scary to think about it, Luo Bi quickly put aside this thought and let it go. After resting for a while, Luo Bi threw out some river fish and a red chicken beast for Wu Cheng to deal with. Adding poultry, it was enough to keep busy for a while.

The three women in the kitchen got acquainted with each other, and chatted in full swing, expressing their opinions on the topic of Bai Xian. Anyway, most of them felt that Bai Xian's future was worrying. They were both women, and the three felt regretful and emotional.

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