Lunch was on the table, but before everyone was on the table, Jiang Zhi and Tong Yiting ordered over and greeted the instructors and tutors of the college very politely. They did a good job in respecting the teachers.

Lin Yanchong did not forget what the two of them did back then, so he nodded and gave up. His student is Luo Bi, who is separated from the two by a floor. Liuqin didn't wait long to see Tong Yiting and Jiang Zhi, raised her chin and nodded, washed her hands and sat down.

Lu Xianyu was more modest, smiled and chatted a few words, and then had nothing to say. Now that everyone has washed their hands and is ready to serve, what's the point of the two not leaving? Lu Xianyu couldn't help feeling embarrassed.

As a guest, it was difficult for Lu Xianyu to invite people to sit down for a meal, and it was even more impossible for Luo Bi, who pretended not to see, moved the wine jars and glasses for a while, and was too busy to care about other things.

Wu Cheng and Xue Zhijiao didn't care about these things, they found seats one after another, and looked at Tong Yiting and Jiang Zhi, they didn't even say to leave after all this time. It's clear that this is for money! No one asked for an invitation, and the two of them stood and had nothing to say, making the situation even more embarrassing.

The gentleness on Lu Xianyu's face was almost unbearable. If she had known it would be like this, she would just nod her head and let it go. There are so many things.

"Teacher, it's time to eat." Luo Bi called out to rescue Lu Xianyu.

Lu Xianyu hurriedly nodded at Tong Yiting and Jiang Zhi, and turned to wash her hands. Jiang Zhi, as if nothing happened, greeted her and went to the other table for dinner. There was Zhong Jun Zhang Luo's lunch, and she just brought two dishes.

"Shameless, I saw that we were going to eat, so I rushed to say hello at this time." Huang Xinling's words were not polite at all, whether it was Tong Yiting or Jiang Zhi, she didn't like it.

Others thought the same, but no one said it out. They each chose their favorite dishes and stretched out their chopsticks. Warrior Leiyan prefers partridge chicken with ginseng and grass, and women like vegetables best. A table of delicious food paired with purple wine makes everyone feel comfortable physically and mentally after eating.

After drinking and eating, the fragrant tea was served on the table, and everyone started chatting.

Lin Yanchong intends to take the combat team to go to Qingyao Star for another mission, and asked Luo Bi: "Are you going? We're leaving the day after tomorrow morning. If you're going, get ready quickly."

Zizhuxing has been classified as a fifth-level dangerous planet since a beast attack not long ago. However, because of this, its neighboring planets are relatively safe and have more resources. fiscal.

Luo Bi had already made up her mind, but she didn't say anything because she didn't arrange her home yet, and said, "I won't go, you go first, I want to plant the vegetable seeds first, and we'll talk about it in a few days."

Lin Yanchong didn't persuade her to go, and sat down for a while to say goodbye. Luo Bi generously gave each of them a brood of partridge chickens and a box of honeydew melons. There are five in a box, which happens to be an odd number, and she won't put any more.

The teachers and students were very surprised, they collected their things and left happily.

After sending people away, the family went back to the shared balcony to sit down and continue to drink tea. Luo Bi took the opportunity to express his thoughts: "I want to go back again. Purple Bamboo Star can't get close, and Qingyao Star is okay. The one next to it Blazing Star is fine too, last time I left in a hurry and didn’t gain much, it’s too bad.”

Feng Ling vetoed it straight away: "No, you are in good health."

Luo Bi coaxed Feng Ling with a smile: "I'll just follow you and not go anywhere."

Feng Ling is sure to protect the person under his nose, but it's not that he disagrees, it's not necessary at all.

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