Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 961 I won’t spend your interstellar coins

Luo Bi looked at her father, "Come on!" You are the father-in-law. Fengling, a son-in-law, can still control your daughter. Luo Bi is used to looking for helpers.

Luo Hang was not fooled. He asked Luo Bi: "How do you plan to go? Go to the Zhihuang Star to garrison, or form another team to go on a mission? The bishop asked you at the dinner table, but you refused."

Luo Bi had already thought about this and said with a smile, "Are you and mom going? Plus my brother and Fengling, we will go as a family."

Luo Hang was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and was quite moved, but he shook his head: "No, there are still livestock at home that need to be managed. Our whole family is gone, what about the moos and wild boars?"

"Find someone to help! The more dangerous the Purple Bamboo Star is, the safer the neighboring stars will be. It would be silly not to do it now!" Luo Bi immediately thought of the Zhu family: "Ask Aunt Zhu's help and tell her, no Let her family suffer."

Luo Hang thought about it and looked at Fengling: "What do you think?"

No matter what Fengling said, his father-in-law agreed, so it would be pointless for him to insist on opposing. Besides, if the whole family went to protect Luo Bi, there would be no worries, and there was no reason not to collect supplies.

After the family decided to go on a mission, they sat down to discuss it together. Luo Bi sent Hua Ran a message that night and asked him to go to Zhu's house. Hua Ran asked in detail and went to the Zhu family early the next morning, when the Zhu family was having breakfast.

Hearing that Luo Hang's family wanted the whole family to go out on a mission, Mr. Zhu was also moved: "It's okay to help your family take care of the livestock. Just tell that girl Abi that I and my little grandsons will go too."

Zhu Xingzu's eyes lit up when he heard this. The head of the Zhu family did not object. He sent Hua Ran away and started to select his guards. It didn't matter if the younger members of the Zhu family went out to practice, so the old man would be relieved to follow him.

Zhu Xingzu got up and ran out. He wanted to tell a few younger cousins ​​the good news.

Mrs. Zhu couldn't sit still: "I'll go too. Luo Hang's wife has gone, and I can take care of a few younger ones as well."

The head of the Zhu family pondered for a moment, then immediately agreed: "Okay, I will look after the house, and you all will go."

So Mrs. Zhu flicked her handkerchief and went to prepare for the trip in a hurry. After hearing about it, Mrs. Zhu San, the wife of the Zhu family's cousin Zhu Kai, secretly started to pack her things. She would follow when the time came and she could still pack her things. She left it alone.

Fengling also called General Qi Lan to say hello. General Qi Lan said: "He Yun and Xue Yue are both at Qingyao Star. Let me say hello to them."

Fengling was in charge of this. Next, he was responsible for preparing equipment and resources. Luo Hang and his wife sow seeds and grow vegetables. They also took time to accompany Luo Bi to the underground city to buy travel items.

It was reasonable to buy food, drinks, tableware, stoves, and collection boxes, but seeing that Luo Bi was interested in sets of tables, chairs, benches, beds and wardrobes, Luo Hang couldn't care less and pulled it off. People just leave.

Luo Bi refused to leave and dodged her father's hand: "Leave me alone, and I won't spend your interstellar coins." She hated others taking care of her the most.

Luo Hang was so angry that he walked out of the mall angrily, his eyes dirty and his heart unhappy. Guan Zhuting looked at this and that, and decisively stayed with Luo Bi. After watching for more than ten years, she had already understood that no matter how much trouble she made, in the end, I would win as my daughter.

Taking advantage of her father's absence, Luo Bi took the time to put away what she liked, pay the bill, and then move on to work elsewhere. In two days, she spent a generous amount of 200 million interstellar coins, purchasing all kinds of items.

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