Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 962: Let her spend the interstellar coins she earned

Luo Hang's chest hurt because of her anger. Guan Zhuting covered her heart and ran away. No, her heart couldn't bear it. They have spent 200 million interstellar coins before even going on a mission to harvest supplies. How can this be so good?

Her parents felt sorry for Star Coin Luo Bi, but they didn't care. On the contrary, she was in a good mood, bouncing when she walked, wandering around but not walking.

Luo Hang was annoyed: "That's almost it, go home."

"Let's go shopping again." Luo Bi was not afraid of her father's dark face and walked forward with a small bag in her arms.

Luo Hang breathed in and out, and finally called Guan Zhuting to follow him. He was just a child, what should he do if he got lost? Guan Zhuting covered her forehead with her hands and was sweating. She had been used to living a frugal life since she remarried. Luo Bi spent 200 million interstellar coins just by poking around. She couldn't bear it.

Even among the nobles of the big families, I have never seen anyone spending money like water. Yes, they just spent the interstellar coins like water, and then they were gone.

Thinking of the 200 million interstellar coins she had spent, Guan Zhuting moved her hand to her heart and said to Luo Hang, "Just take care of it! We can't let her continue shopping, or her son-in-law will be unhappy."

Before Luo Hang could say anything, Luo Bi heard it from before. She turned around and came back. She raised her chin and said confidently: "Fengling doesn't care about me. He said that I can spend the interstellar coins as I please. You have no control over it."

Look, how spoiled they are. Luo Hang angrily called Fengling.

In the end, Fengling said: "It's okay. Just let her buy whatever she likes. She will spend the interstellar coins I earned."

Luo Hang was completely angry this time. What was he trying to do? do not care. Luo Bi was going to Feng's shopping mall to buy a construction robot, and Luo Hang sent it there without saying a word. Isn't Fengling rich? Just spend it! Luo Hang wanted to see how much wealth Fengling had to make Luo Bi suffer.

Luo Bi was happy. No one was controlling her, so she became bold. She ordered fifty construction robots in one go, all of which were intelligent. The price of intelligent construction robots exceeds one million, but they are still not comparable to planting robots.

"Why did you buy so many construction robots? The more you get used to them, the worse they become." After leaving Feng's shopping mall, Luo Hang couldn't help scolding them.

Luo Bi didn't say a word and accepted the training obediently. She bought everything she needed to buy anyway, so just give her a lesson! After that day, Luo Hang and his wife stopped going out with her. Luo Bi had her own way and asked Fengling to go out with her. She bought pots, shovels, shovels, folding ladders, and a lot more.

Fengling raised her eyebrows. Is this a plan to move to Qingyao Star? It's unlikely when you think about it, so you smile and give up.

Luo Bi heard that Mr. Zhu was going to take the younger members of the Zhu family with him. She really didn't know what to say. Qingyao Star is a level three dangerous planet. If something happens, the Zhu family will have no successors.

Turning back to Fengling, Fengling looked at her with a half-smile but said, "Our whole family has gone too, and I haven't seen you worried."

Luo Bi was indeed not worried about her family. She smiled and said, "You and my brother are strong enough, so I'm not worried."

Fengling liked hearing this, so she hugged the person and tucked her into the bed to sleep. In the night, when the person in her arms began to breathe evenly, Fengling leaned over and kissed her, sighing with satisfaction. The current life is what he dreams of, so he must guard it carefully.

The vegetables in the planting field sprouted five days ago. Fengling got up and went to the planting field to check it out. The ground was full of lettuce and green vegetables, enough for the family's poultry.

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