Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 963: Handy Equipment

Fengling dialed the message to discuss with Hua Ran, and decided on a date to set off at eight o'clock on May 1st, which was the morning of the day after tomorrow.

When Luo Bi was bored, she wondered what else she had not prepared. She bought some bits and pieces of gadgets from StarNet and put them all into the storage bracelet. Luo Hang looked confused, and Guan Zhuting couldn't figure out what she was going to do.

There is nothing to prepare for next. Luo Bi plans to refine some handy equipment for the accompanying children, be it daggers or daggers. These are small children who mainly need handy equipment.

Fengling's face was full of disapproval, Luo Bi pretended not to see it and ran to the shared balcony planting field to refine it.

First throw out the medicine cauldron, then sit in a small chair and think about the required refining materials. It is not suitable to use spiritual plants that are too aggressive for children's equipment, and the soft lethality is not strong. What materials should be used?

Also, what kind of equipment is most suitable for refining? A dagger or a short sword, or a small formation disk.

After thinking about it for a long time, Luo Bi's idea took a 180-degree turn. It didn't matter what it was, as long as it was practical, whatever it was refined would be what it was.

Since it was specifically for children, Luo Bi finally decided to choose water-based spiritual plants. After flipping through the spiritual plants in the storage bracelet, I picked out five spiritual plants: acanthus leaves, sparrow grass, grandmother's root, purple branch wood, and bitter root, and dealt with one-third of them.

This type of spiritual plant was difficult to handle, and her hands were all sticky during the handling process. After handling them, Luo Bi washed her hands first, then came back and spread ten of each spiritual plant on the bottom of the medicine cauldron. Spread a layer of transformation crystals in the middle, with spiritual plants on top, and then spread a layer of multicolored crystals, with spiritual plants on top.

After closing the cauldron lid like this, Luo Bi waved his hand to guide the fire source to start refining.

First, a big fire was used, and the stove exploded. The "bang" sound scared a group of poultry away.

Luo Bi ran to the bamboo fence and leaned over to take a look. She was not dead, but was frightened and ran back to continue refining. It doesn't matter if the poultry is timid, as long as she fry it a few times, she will become more timid.

The required materials were put into the medicine cauldron and refined over low fire, but it still exploded.

After studying for most of the day and blasting several furnaces in a row, she stopped practicing. She lay in bed at night and was filled with refining. All kinds of spiritual plants flew all over the sky, and finally they were stuck into the soil and grew into a big tree. She couldn't pull anymore.

The next day, Luo Bi got up early and continued refining, using small fire first, high fire in the middle, and medium fire at the end. It was more delicate than coaxing a child, but who would have thought that after such careful refining, the result would be successful. Yes, Luo Bi removed the source of the fire.

"Did you make it?" Luo Hang and his wife quickly dropped what they were doing and came over. Luo Hang asked, "What kind of equipment did you make? A dagger or a short sword? Children are most comfortable with these two."

"I don't know. We'll find out later." Luo Bi was also eager to know what was being refined this time, but the furnace was too hot and she had to wait.

While waiting, Luo Bi couldn't help but communicate with Zhu Xingzu and chatted about the refining situation. Zhu Xingzu was very excited and urged: "It's been a while. You should be able to open the lid of the cauldron. Open it quickly and see what it is." .”

"Don't worry, wait a while." Others were anxious, but Luo Bi was not anxious.

Zhu Xingzu quickly informed his little brothers that it didn't take long for the Zhu family's children under the age of fourteen and above to be weaned to gather in the main house. The older ones came running, and the newly weaned ones were brought by their mothers.

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