Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 984 Spending Great Efforts in Cultivating

More than a dozen children each took out their own fishing tools to show to Luo Bi. Most of them were various small fishing nets, small fishing rods and small harpoons. The skills of the future interstellar era talented weapon refiner are good at fishing nets. , as for the rest, I’m really not good at it.

Never seen how you asked them to refine it? Innovation is not something everyone has such a bright mind. Therefore, based on familiar refining techniques, there are various types of fishing nets that are suitable for a wide range of people.

That's why Luo Bi is so disgusted with Tang Lu'er. He came from the same era. Everyone who needs to know knows that Luo Bi refined crab pots and fish traps. You said you can't change them. Refining individual harpoons or something. of?

Eh? Tang Lu'er doesn't, so they will refine it just like you, no matter how disgusting you say it is.

"Luo Bi, Luo Bi, do you think my little fishing net looks good?" Zhu Xingbao raised his own little fishing net with his feet on his feet.

Zhu Xingbao's small fishing net is the same as Zhu Xingjiao's. The fishing net has dense mesh and is suitable for catching small fish and shrimps. There are two fixed bamboo poles at both ends of the fishing net. It is brand new and has probably never been used.

It looks fun, but not pretty.

The Zhu family attaches great importance to the cultivation of juniors, so they are not willing to spend money and material resources on resources. It can be seen from the equipment in the hands of a group of young guys that they are definitely high-end products.

It's no wonder that the Zhu family cares so much about the cultivation of their children. It's also strange to say that most of the Zhu family members are useless in terms of awakening. Ninety-five percent of them have awakened below D level, and almost all of them are at E level and F level. Level spin.

This is what interstellar humans call unawakened. In fact, in the future interstellar era, there will be no real ordinary people. Just because awakening is useless, those below D level are called unawakened. Therefore, Awakening has no human rights and will be beaten to death.

In a word, all interstellar humans will awaken in the future.

Below D level, the level of superpowers is hovering between E level and F level. The children in the clan are as awakened as if they have not yet awakened. The successive heads and elders of the Zhu family have been vomiting blood, but they are unable to save themselves. Who knows how this will happen? Things can only be cultivated with great efforts and efforts.

Although the children of the Zhu family are weak in awakening, they are very good in terms of physical fitness. Without exception, they are all S-level. This is the reason why the Zhu family can still gain a foothold in Fengyao Empire. Because more and more of the clan's children were awakened and crippled, the Zhu family withdrew from the Emperor Star and moved their family to the Zhihuang Star.

If it weren't for this reason, Mr. Zhu hummed, the ancestor of the Zhu family had married a princess. How could the aristocratic family with thousands of years of history silently withdraw from the Emperor Star.

"It's so small, I'll play with it later." Luo Bi grabbed the bamboo poles at both ends of the small fishing net and knocked it, feeling itchy in her heart. She always liked small things.

Zhu Xingbao nodded fiercely: "Okay, let's play with you."

"Don't play with his, children's stuff." Zhu Xingshao came up and shook the fishing net in his hand: "Mine is a curtain net, which can intercept fish swimming over. It is refined by a fifth-level talent weapon refiner. Yes, it can catch a lot of fish and crabs at one time."

"Let me see what kind it is." Luo Bi returned the small fishing net to Zhu Xingbao and reached for Zhu Xingshao's fishing net. However, her hand sank and the fishing net fell to the ground. Bullying, isn't it? It's too shameless in front of a group of children. Luo Bi raised her leg and kicked it: "It's too heavy, pick it up yourself!"

Zhu Xingshao picked it up distressedly. He had never used it once: "You are too weak."

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