Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 985 She also wants to be praised

Luo Bi saw that Zhu Xingshao was distressed, so she picked up a small section of the fishing net and checked it: "I didn't break it by you."

"It's okay, it can't be broken. You have so much strength." Zhu Xingshao immediately said he didn't care and shook out the fishing net to show Luo Bi: "Look, my fishing net has sparse mesh and is designed to catch big fish."

After hearing this, Zhu Xingzu, Zhu Xingjie and other little brothers sent fishing nets to Luo Bi one after another. The children all wanted to show off their tools. Luo Bi understood this best. She praised them one by one, and the children burst into laughter and commotion.

Luo Bi also has a childish nature, and she also wants to be praised, but what can she come up with.

Phoenix crown? There is no imperial concubine pig here, and if there is one, it may not be useful. I have never tried Fengguan’s specific skills. As for the bottle nipple? When she wants to take it out, there must be no one running in front of her. These children have all been weaned! People don't care about baby bottle nipples, on the contrary, they are very afraid of them.

Luo Bi was thinking about it when Zhu Xingyun gave her a small harpoon: "Here is this for you. When we go into the water, you can fish with us. The small harpoon is quite light."

As for reminding her that she is weak! Luo Bi muttered in her mind and took the small harpoon in her hand. The small harpoon that Zhu Xingyun gave her was only two feet long and made of metal. It was suitable for a two-year-old. It would be funny for an adult like her to use such a small fork to spear fish.

Regardless of whether it's funny or not, Luo Bi is so rare for such a delicate little thing! She didn't mind that it was for children, so she played with it in her hand, planning to try it out a few times on the shore.

Luo Bi didn't dare to go into the water, she didn't feel safe.

Zhu Xingyun started at the front, and a group of children behind quickly picked out suitable tools for Luo Bi. They were almost all small fishing nets, small harpoons, and small fish baskets. Anyway, they were all small, Luo Bi was sure It can be carried.

Zhu Xingshao searched for a long time and grabbed a handful of beautiful stones and put them in Luo Bi's hand: "Here are these for you. I picked them up by the river. They look good! When I grow up and have someone I like, I will give her a lot of them." This kind of stone.”

You can pull it down! Luo Bi couldn't laugh or cry while holding the stone. What's the use of a small broken stone? She didn't want it, so she politely said: "You can keep it for yourself! I don't need it."

"I still have it, take it!" Zhu Xingshao waved his hand. He liked these small stones very much, and he wouldn't give them to anyone else.

Before returning it, Luo Bi was reluctant to put it away. The small stones were really useless. Why did you give her a handful of stones? Luo Bi didn't care, but others did. Zhu Xingbao and Zhu Xingjiao surrounded Zhu Xingshao, begging for small stones.

When He Yun saw Fengling, he proposed to form a team to kill the imperial concubine pig, but Fengling refused. While the two were talking, Xue Zhijiao and Wu Cheng came to see them. They were sent by Bishop Lin Yanchong to invite Fengling's team to fish in their territory.

Fengling asked Luo Bi's opinion, and Luo Bi agreed. Why not go if you have a good seat? Go.

After breakfast was made, everyone went their separate ways after eating. He Yun led the team to kill the imperial pigs at the edge of the planet. Jiang Yixin followed, and the others followed Xue Zhijiao and Wu Cheng to the place where the fighting team fished.

The position occupied by the fighting team was still the same place occupied by the last mission. At this time, the water level of the flood river had dropped by more than half. When Fengling and Luo Bi arrived, Lin Yanchong had already taken Pei Yang and Baijuan to attack.

Huang Xinling and Bai Yu also came. The two of them were sitting not far from the shore, arguing that they didn't want to work.

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