Just when Lin Fan had established trust with Yukagel, the commander of the first company, and was about to exchange information on both sides to determine what to do next, something unexpected happened.

The sound of bombs that frightened Yukagel sounded again. Without anyone's warning, he immediately lay on the ground to avoid possible death threats. The more than 200 remaining soldiers of the first company also ran away like frightened rabbits, looking for any thick bunker to save their lives. They were so frightened by Pidat's massacre that they even No one dared to release the fear and anger in their hearts to the distant gunfire.

The face under Pidat's helmet was very happy. It didn't take much time to find the coward who had escaped before, and even met more soldiers. This was very convenient and saved him from having to go to a position. Running back and forth from one position to another.

Lin Fan watched as the black legion soldiers in the distance slowly approached everyone with an unstoppable arrogance. The powerful bolt gun in his hand suppressed any soldier who tried to get up and escape, and beat them ruthlessly. Break into pieces.

This damn guy, Lin Fan raised the laser gun in his hand and aimed at the black shadow in the distance with his special vision.

The laser shot out from the muzzle, carrying Lin Fan's fury and piercing the eyepiece on Piddat's helmet. Piddat, who suffered such a precise blow, ignored the burning sensation in his eyes and ran quickly to find cover. , and put his thick shoulder armor in front to block the incoming artillery fire.

This is the power of the laser gun. In theory, it can pose a threat to Space Marines. However, the only problem is that experienced Space Marines will not give you a chance to shoot. It exceeds the speed and thick shoulder armor of mortals. It is enough to help them have crushing combat capabilities when facing mortals who lack heavy firepower.

But it is a pity that Lin Fan is not an ordinary mortal. He is a mortal who has traveled from the world outside the book. The dark shadows that are difficult to observe for others are as clearly visible in his eyes as the words and pictures written directly in the book. Perhaps this is the comprehensive visibility of high dimensions facing low dimensions. Ability. Although Lin Fan's weightless body would still be knocked away by the explosive air waves and violent impact.

Lin Fan's steady and precise shooting made Piddat puzzled. Logically speaking, it was impossible for a mortal to track the figure of any Space Marine without the help of instruments, let alone running and dodging at a fast speed. accurately penetrate any weak part of the power armor.

The reason why he is so understanding of the various weak parts of Pidat's power armor is due to the comprehensive teaching of the Custodes. Since the Horus Heresy, the Custodes have been wary of all Space Marines, even if they are loyal. During these long years, the Custodes have been secretly collecting all intelligence and information on loyalist and traitorous Space Marines in order to facilitate In another rebellion in the future, these traitors can be quickly eliminated with the force of thunder.

Under the Emperor's orders, the Imperial Guard taught Lin Fan the weaknesses of all models of power armor. These weaknesses were usually well protected by the Space Marines, and even some of the weaknesses were not very clear to them themselves. Lin Fan's knowledge and training in the Imperial Army, coupled with his physical fitness, armed with a laser gun, was enough to inflict an unforgettable loss on any ill-prepared Space Marine.

Laser gun salvo

Pidart suffered dozens of precise blows in the seconds of charge, and he could feel his legs suffering from the heat burns penetrating the armor and the sting of fragments melting the armor. Although the mighty power of subspace was constantly repairing his injured body and growing new sprouts and all kinds of strange things, it still couldn't keep up with the damage output by Lin Fan.

Feeling ashamed and aggrieved, Piddat roared angrily and gave up the idea of ​​​​dodging. Instead, he quickly pulled out a smoke grenade from the tactical belt around his waist and threw it in front of him. There is only 50 meters left! After rushing through the smoke, I can use the chainsword in my hand to cut that annoying fly into pieces. I have to eat him alive to vent the anger in my heart.

The smoke spread quickly, forming a ball that obscured the field of vision and seriously affected the efficiency of the laser gun. All Lin Fan's attacks blasted beautiful light spots on the smoke, but they could not penetrate deeper into the smoke.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Fan fiercely broke the battery clip in his hand. The durable clip immediately twisted and broke, and then became hot and red. Just as Lin Fan was about to pull out the dagger from his waist, Piddat also rushed out of the smoke, and an unstoppable black chain saw struck Lin Fan's body with the terrifying noise of an evil god.

"Ding ding ding ding!"

The high-speed rotating chain saw collided with the single-molecule dagger in Lin Fan's hand, making a tooth-breaking sound. Piddat was surprised that Lin Fan's strength could actually withstand his top-down blow. When an ordinary soldier is slashed like this, his arm is often directly broken off, and then he drops the dagger feebly and is cut in half by himself.

"There's something wrong with this person!" No matter how angry Piddat was, his long combat experience gave him the most correct warning and reaction at this time. Just like the Black Legion soldier before, he immediately pulled out his weapon when the attack failed. He took out the chaos dagger from his waist and thrust it into Lin Fan's head from another direction.

Lin Fan's feet were suppressed by Piddat's superhuman strength, leaving cracked shallow pits on the road. He had to twist his body to the extreme to avoid Piddat's dagger, and completely pressed his body against it. When it reached Piddat's body, the damaged magazine in his hand was pressed against Piddat's chest.

The high heat generated by the energy clip burned the road surface as smooth and translucent as glass. It was as powerful as a melt bomb and exploded in Piddat's chest, directly melting his Chaos Breastplate, and the metal's heat flow also penetrated him. body of chaos. Piddat didn't even have a chance to scream in pain before his entire upper body was burned and he died.

Lin Fan's light body was pushed tens of meters away by the air wave generated by the explosion, and he fell hard onto the hard road. Lin Fan did not feel the severe pain of being burned, but felt an uncomfortable feeling as if his body had been scratched. Deep sleepiness and fatigue enveloped his nerves, and he closed his eyes without even thinking too much. He closed his eyes and fell into sleep.

However, in the eyes of other mortal guards, the temporary squad leader of the assault squad was the only guy who bravely stood up and shot at the black-armored giant, and even survived in the hands of that guy in close combat. , and saved everyone's lives with a heroic self-destruction.

Yukagel looked at the black corpse lying on the ground as if he had just woken up from a dream. The thought of escaping the catastrophe came to his mind and made him collapse on the ground and gasp for air. It wasn't until he heard Domian's shouting that he remembered Lin Fan, who was blown up and had no idea whether he was alive or dead.

"Oh, Your Majesty the God Emperor!" Domian looked at Lin Fan, whose body was charred and black, and the grief in his heart was uncontrollable. This brave and pious squad leader fell in front of him. Domian thought about the emperor's devout prayers, hoping that the God Emperor would not take Domian's life just like that.

The surviving soldiers came closer in twos and threes, listening to Domian's cry-like prayers, and were infected by this sad atmosphere. They all looked at Lin Fan's body with heavy expressions.

Delia was not idle either. She immediately jumped down from the loading truck and threw herself on Lin Fan to carefully check the injuries.

"Woohoo! My God, there is nothing wrong with him. He just fainted." Delia shouted with joy. This was in line with the emotions that a little girl of her age should have, but the problem is that this emotion should not be From the performance of a Mechanicum priest. But does anyone here care about such small details?

They happily moved the hero who saved them to the car. When they got on the car and saw the second black-armored giant who fell to the ground, their admiration and respect for Lin Fan in their hearts had reached the point where it could not be increased. If Lin Fan At this time, Fan could stand up and shout to the soldiers: He was the emperor's illegitimate son. There must be people who believe this is true.

The remnants of the first company, the remnants of the assault squad, and a trainee priest got in the car and headed to the next place.

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