Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 16 Mark has a cerebral hemorrhage

Today was originally a good day, Colonel Mark thought angrily while hiding behind the temporary bunker. It's all these guys' sudden rebellion, damn it. I have never received any sign of Chaos corruption from the Ministry of Justice or the Ecclesiarchy.

He leaned out and fired hard at the rebels, hitting a few idiots who were screaming and charging. Colonel Mark huddled behind the sandbag again. A series of bullets hit the sandbag in front of Colonel Mark, and the impact from the other side could be clearly felt on the shoulder next to the sandbag.

Looking at the chaos, the reservists of the 4th and 5th companies who still obeyed his command still worked hard to fight back with the local weapons in their hands. Although most of them could not guarantee their shooting accuracy, under Colonel Mark From the looks of it, this is simply a waste of the empire's ammunition.

Originally, a group of troops from the fourth and fifth companies were to be reviewed and filled into the third company. Now it seems that there is no need to do this. They are all new recruits and still lack training.

Colonel Mark even saw a cowardly soldier who just stretched out his gun with both hands and started shooting randomly. This even made Colonel Mark even more angry. If the Austro-German political commissar was here, he would definitely be angry with such an incompetent soldier. Got sick.

But I don’t know what’s going on with the Oude political commissar now. Yesterday, the Oude political commissar took a car to where the gear boys of the Mechanicum went to see the recent failure of communication equipment. Communications at surrounding stations in the entire Green Basin area were more or less interrupted and malfunctioned. Commissar Oud always felt that something was wrong, so he sent more than 100 people from the First Company to accompany him to see if there was any problem with the Mechanicus. .

And what about yourself? Because he was in this big trouble now, he didn't even carry extra magazines.

As the last energy magazine lost all its energy, Captain Mark had no choice but to activate his chainsword, which he never left behind. However, the chainsword tailor-made for Imperial officers was completely different from the one used by Space Marines. , the relatively narrower and shorter chain sword can be wielded by mortals, but compared to the chain swords used by supermen, it is like a tactical dagger.


But size never hindered the chainsword's high-speed teeth from crushing all the Emperor's enemies. Colonel Mark could hear the chaotic sounds of the running approaching, and he would fight for the Emperor until the end, as he always had. As for the reservists, Colonel Mark looked back and took another look. He could only say that they were too young and too young.

Just as Colonel Mark was about to rush out and use his chainsword to eliminate a few more traitors who betrayed the Emperor. The huge loading truck driven by Delia ran over the rebels fiercely from behind, and the soldiers of the first company poured firepower on the rebels in the huge compartment of the loading truck with good visibility.

A stream of blazing lasers fell down, ruthlessly and efficiently hitting any rebel without a bunker, completely vaporizing their limbs or heads, leaving only charred corpses.

Colonel Mark saw that the commander of the first company, Yukagel, was also on top, and immediately shouted: "The reinforcements have arrived! Charge with me! Show the emperor's wrath to the rebels!" Then he rushed out at the lead, slashing Several rebels arrived who had no time to react, and seized their weapons to shoot at the enemies.

Seeing the commander's bravery and seeing the arrival of reinforcements, the reservists' morale was immediately boosted. Each one of them rushed out of their bunkers and corners in the same manner, chasing the rebels who were attacked from two sides and were in constant panic.

The morale of the rebels came and went as quickly as it came. The rebels who surrounded Colonel Mark fled in a chain, leaving only a embarrassed figure for the soldiers of the empire. But how could Colonel Mark and the others let these guys run away alive? They chased after them reluctantly and started shooting.

The massacre lasted for half an hour. Not a single rebel could successfully escape, and every one of them became a corpse lying on the ground. The smell of blood and the burnt smell of barbecue attacked the noses of every living person. The mutilated corpses were embraced by the earth without hesitation. I believe that if the fields are opened here, there will be a good harvest.

Colonel Mark looked at the stopped loading truck and moved his shoulders and arms. He had been in the peaceful world of Kamaklan for a long time, and suddenly such a fierce battle made him feel sore all over.

"You're really lazy. This is not good." Colonel Mark criticized himself a few times, thinking that after suppressing these rebels, he could fight the Austro-German political commissar with real swords and guns for a few days to recover. The previous state.

"Here are the remnants of the first company, colonel." Yukagel saluted Colonel Mark with a standard military salute.

"The remnants?" Colonel Mark didn't even want to think about the further meaning behind it, and stared at Yukagel with his own eyes as he continued to speak.

"The 900 soldiers of our first company stationed in Ketun were attacked by the rebels, but we held the line perfectly. It was not until a black armored giant carried out a one-sided massacre that we abandoned our position."

"Black-armored giant?"

"That's right, sir! A black-armored giant, armed with a big and scary chain sword and a horrifyingly decorated bolt gun. Our laser guns can't penetrate his thick armor, but fortunately, the temporary squad leader of the third company's assault squad, Soap A fight to the death saved everyone’s lives.”

"Where is that black-armored giant now?"

"In the car, sir."

Colonel Mark walked towards the loading truck in a hurry. Listening to Yukagel's description reminded him of the appearance and actions of the superhumans and the emperor's angels he had seen during his military career. Colonel Mark is deeply proud of being able to see these angels. You must know that many Astra Militarum may not see any Death Angel in their lifetime. Their number is so small, and the territory of the Empire is So broad.

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Observing carefully the huge body that was far larger than ordinary people and the thick armor that could be compared with a chariot, Colonel Mark's worries were confirmed. What they encountered was not a sudden chaos rebellion, but a premeditated one. Chaos strikes, and there are even treacherous Space Marines operating among them.

This is understandable. There is no way that only 900 soldiers of the first company can stop a Chaos Space Marine. So how many more of these fighters are there? What is their goal? Communication was probably interrupted by them as well. Could there be something wrong with the Austro-German political commissar? A series of questions flooded Colonel Mark's mind, until he suddenly remembered an even more shocking fact.

"You said it was soap that killed him?"

Colonel Mark looked at Ugkar with shock and suspicion that anyone could see.

"That's right, sir, he used an unknown bomb to teach this guy a lesson. Not only that, the unfortunate guy whose chest was blown up was the second black giant that Sergeant Soap killed."

Colonel Mark laughed and praised the Emperor's name. "I didn't expect that our regiment could have such a ruthless character! I want to submit his combat report to the higher-ups of the regiment. How is he doing now? Is he still alive?" However, Colonel Mark already treated Lin Fan as a dead person. The realm army's ability to compete with these supermen relies solely on human lives to fill it, and sometimes it cannot even fill the gap in combat power. But even if he died, it would still be a good thing. The Emperor never forgets those who fought bravely for the Imperium. Killing Chaos Space Marines with only the weapons of the Astra Militarum will surely make him stand by the Emperor's side after death, and will also become a An outstanding and inspiring example to shape the spirit of the Thirty-seventh Regiment.

If the record is true, the Imperial Military Affairs Department will not treat this hero badly. They will find Lin Fan's relatives or heirs, reward them with better positions, or directly integrate them into the Zhongsi Academy to become a glorious empire. An officer or a political commissar or something.

"He fell into a coma after the explosion, but it was not life-threatening."

"Okay, okay!" He said several good words in a row, but it was difficult to express how happy Colonel Mark was now. His hypertensive head, which was previously angry at the reserve's poor performance, immediately stopped hurting. "Next, let's not let Sergeant Soap's dedication go in vain. Return to Ketun with me immediately. We still have battles to fight."

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