A ray of light shone into Lin Fan's slowly opened eyes. The blur in front of his eyes made him blink hard several times before focusing into a clear picture. Lin Fan felt so tired and exhausted, just like a person who had not exercised for a long time and suddenly went to the gym to exercise for several hours on a whim. The next day, he felt exhausted and sore. However, this uncomfortable feeling may be even more uncomfortable. In the example just mentioned, you would feel the pulling sensation in your muscles while walking up and down stairs all the time.

Licking his lips, Lin Fan felt that he was so thirsty. It's funny to say that before this coma, Lin Fan didn't feel sleepy and tired much, let alone thirsty. There is no such feeling even in training. It wasn't until he had a hard encounter with those superhuman Chaos Space Marines that this feeling of fatigue came over him.

Lin Fan thought with some bitterness that it seemed that he was not completely invincible. The burden of forcing a mortal body to follow the rhythm of those supermen was too great, so much so that his spirit was crushed. But fortunately, he was still alive, instead of being disemboweled by a chain sword or blown to pieces by a bolt gun like those good brothers in the assault squad. Thinking of this, Lin Fan, who felt a little sour in his heart, sniffed and made a sound.

"Oh! Your Majesty the God Emperor! Our hero is awake!"

The sound of cheers came from Lin Fan's left, followed by the sound of eager footsteps.

Lin Fan raised his head with difficulty and looked at the people gathered around him. He only saw Old Jock's iconic bald head, Domian, and some unknown soldiers. But judging from their clothes, Lin Fan felt that these might be members of the Inquisition. people.

"Good boy, I've heard about your achievements from those soldiers. It's really amazing! I wouldn't have thought you could do this." Old Jock's rough voice took away everything Lin Fan had. Paying attention, he noticed that Old Jock had an extra red mechanical eye, and that his left arm had also been replaced with a metal mechanical arm.

"Old Jock, what are you doing?"

"Oh, you're talking about this!" Old Jock knocked the mechanical arm with his strong and exaggerated right arm, making a dull metallic sound. It sounded like this arm was very weighty. "Our third company's station was also attacked by that group of rebels. But who am I, you sergeant? I easily killed seven of them, seven in and seven out. These are just a few souvenirs left by me."

Listening to Old Jock's simple and rough description, Lin Fan laughed happily. He knew that although Old Jock said it was easy, that battle was actually very difficult. After all, the equipment of the third company was not that good, and the number of people was the smallest among all the companies.

The two just ignored Domian, who looked like he was worshiping an idol, and started talking.

Lin Fan has been in a coma for almost half a month. During this period, Colonel Mark returned to Ketun with more than 60 soldiers from the first company and more than 1,000 recruits from the fourth and fifth reserve companies, and the engine of the loading truck that saved many lives also completed its mission. The mission was completely destroyed. It is said that Delia's trainee priest also performed many commemorative ceremonies for the machine soul of the loading truck.

Colonel Mark's troops easily defeated the Chaos rebels who were completely ragtag. The residents of Ketun, who had suffered from the rebels' crazy actions, also grabbed various farm tools from their homes and fought them happily. . In this place where there is a serious shortage of weapons, only the Astra Militarum and the Planetary Defense Force stationed on the planet can have some weapons. However, the number of the incited Planetary Defense Forces was so small, the sudden rise of troops, and the lack of organization. The rebellion was suppressed by the joint efforts of Colonel Mark and the residents of Ketun.

Afterwards, when counting the number of casualties of the Thirty-seventh Regiment, leaving aside the fact that the 4th and 5th companies lost more than 3,000 lives when facing the rebels due to equipment problems and insufficient training, the 1st company was killed by the Chaos Space Marines. More than 900 people were killed in the attack. The second company suffered few casualties when facing the rebels, only more than 200 people were killed. The third company also suffered a serious blow due to its small number of soldiers. Almost more than 400 people died fighting the rebels. In the crossfire between troops.

However, many of the rebellious Planetary Defense Forces have also been purged. Basically, the more than 30,000 defense forces protecting the entire area around the Great Green Basin have been almost wiped out, leaving only a few hundred people hiding around.

After the analysis of this rebellion by Colonel Mark and the Oude political commissar who returned from the Mechanicum branch, they found that there was no rebellion like this here on the whole planet. This rebellion was localized, extremely hasty and lacked planning. It looked like a move to attract attention by covering up something.

The ring-shaped kelp that surrounds the globe, excavated by the Mechanicus to ensure water vapor circulation, isolates two flat and wide continents. The Sanqi Regiment is stationed in the center of the east side of the ring-shaped kelp, which is the large green basin. Although Ketun, as the mainland center on this side, has many important internal affairs agencies, it still exists more as a core agricultural distribution center, and its administrative and religious significance is not great. According to what the Oude political commissar said after his return, the priests of the Mechanicum branch temple had been killed before he arrived, and the ground was full of engine oil and blood. The huge instruments responsible for planetary communications were also completely destroyed, even causing the agricultural production in the other hemisphere to lack contact and come to a standstill.

If only the deaths of hundreds of thousands of local residents were taken into account, this rebellion would be simply pitiful in the light of the rich knowledge of Colonel Mark and the Austro-German political commissar. They have been patrolling and searching suspiciously for the past few days in order to find more hidden dangers.

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However, out of the Empire's vigilance against any Chaos corruption, the forces of the Inquisition and the Ecclesiarchy also came to this ordinary peaceful world and began a several-year purity review. The peaceful life on the planet may be broken in this way, and perhaps more people will be judged as having weak and pious beliefs, and be burned on the stake by the bigots of the Inquisition.

"But I heard from Colonel Mark and others that the background of the black cans you killed is quite big. The officials of the Tribunal were even alerted. I think they will come back to see you soon." Old Jock finished his words. , Lin Fan could hear the noisy footsteps in the hospital corridor.

As the door of the medical room opened, Colonel Mark, the Ord political commissar and a cold white-haired woman wearing a black slim-fitting uniform and a trademark high hat of the Inquisition poured into Lin Fan's medical room. This single-person medical room, which was already small, seemed even more narrow and crowded.

Before Colonel Mark and Political Commissar Oude could speak first, the white-haired woman praised Lin Fan, "I am the judge of the Heretic Tribunal, Ogunila Weiss. I am here to investigate your richness." Great service and loyal soldier."

The general style of the Inquisitor and the settings of Weisi are being drawn.

Although it looked like the judge was here to hand out medals to Lin Fan, from her cold expression and cold voice, Lin Fan only felt a headache.

Colonel Mark and Commissar Oud didn't say much. They just turned their heads and used their mouths to express something unknown, but judging from the shape of their mouths, they were definitely not good words.

"At least for now, I won't censor you." As if she knew what Lin Fan was thinking, Weisi changed her offensive and acted reasonable, "After all, the heroes of the empire also need a little respect, right? But after you can go to the ground, we will take you to do the necessary inspections." An undeniable arrogance came from Weisi, and Lin Fan even wondered if the inquisitors were all so arrogant with their nostrils turned upward. .

There was no need to wait for Lin Fan to reply, or Weisi didn't need to ask a little big-headed soldier for permission. Then she stepped out of the medical room with a crisp sound from the high inquisitor boots on her feet.

Colonel Mark curled his lips: "This is why I will never like these guys."

"I take it you don't like me either?"

The ridicule of the Oude political commissar made Colonel Mark laugh, and the suppressed serious atmosphere in the medical room was swept away.

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