\\I will never get used to the nausea of ​​traveling through the warp. \\Old Qiao Ke suppressed his desire to vomit and expressed his feelings to Lin Fan.

When a ship enters the subspace from the real universe, many people who have not received training and have been involved in navigation for a long time will show a strong sense of discomfort. The chaotic and turbulent subspace is filled with all kinds of horrific nightmares and crazy and chaotic emotions and turbulent souls, which are enough to tear apart everything of any innocent person. The demons living in it are also watching the soul of every living person, ready to come out and feast at any time.

Lin Fan walked through the sailors and servitors coming and going, admiring everything in front of him.

Everything here feels novel to Lin Fan. Although he cannot enter the cabin of the macro cannon and light spear array, he can still find many interesting things inside this ridiculously large space ship, but there are more Still that uncontrollable feeling of suffocation.

Like almost every ship in the Empire, the Flame is also clearly divided into three deck areas. The highest deck is where Space Marines and ship officers command operations and live, if there are no special needs or necessity. , they won't even step out of their decks to take a look at the middle and lower decks.

The middle deck is where many Astra Militarum troops and sailors work and train. It is also the place with the largest amount of human activities and the most equipment cabins on the entire ship. Countless servitors, led by Tech-priests, constantly patrolled the mid-decks, repairing any possible damage.

The lower deck is the most hell-like place on the entire ship. When many people enter here, their first reaction is that they feel that they have arrived at the gloomy and dangerous lower level of the hive, with the ragged ship servants and numerous hard workers. Slaves no longer know how many generations they have lived on this ship. Generation after generation they survive on this ship. After death, they are quartered by the people around them, or they are sent to the stove to lick a sip of firewood for the ship's voyage.

Not to mention what kind of things are buried in this huge maze of various pipes and composite structures. The construction time of each ship is so long. During the long construction time ranging from decades to hundreds of years, there will be all kinds of strange things settling in the dark and hidden corners of the ship, often Someone would disappear inexplicably at the interface between the middle deck and the lower deck, leaving scarlet blood stains of the murdered people on the ground. But for the Space Marines and the command staff on the upper deck, these are just insignificant superficialities and are not enough to make them feel a sense of crisis.

Lin Fan rushed into a navy restaurant and carefully looked for something that looked delicious.

But to his disappointment, apart from the various tasteless meals made from recycled starch and water, this restaurant was just the same as the individual cans and energy bars distributed by the Ministry of Military Affairs. Maybe as members of the army, everyone on this ship really lacks the rich food supplements like those in the agricultural world. This makes the soldiers who came from the agricultural world of Kamaklan very painful and complained to their superiors more than once about the food. It was just too much to swallow.

But Colonel Mark didn't care about these things. He just said to the new recruits: "Be content with yourselves. When you start fighting, you won't even have to eat these things." Then he used his powerful Big boot kicks them all out.

Life on the ship seems to be quite interesting in Lin Fan's eyes. Every morning, the priests of the state religion will bring their own incense burners and the emperor's scriptures to recite back and forth. The political commissars are also like wolves and tigers. Staring at each soldier and saying the Emperor's devout prayers. Get up once in the morning and go to bed once in the evening, if there really is a concept of morning and night in subspace. To be honest, Lin Fan hasn't seen any natural light for a long time. He can now clearly distinguish between morning and evening, which depends entirely on his own biological clock and everyone's daily activities.

Those soldiers who came from places where the state religion's control was not too strong were a little baffled by this kind of prayer, and even felt that the political commissar was too busy to care about it, but Lin Fan knew what this kind of devout belief in the emperor meant.

The huge church on the ship, as well as various sacred statues and complicated and complete prayer rituals, are all designed to protect those sailing in the subspace from being contaminated by evil gods and turning into strange forms. monster. In this idealistic subspace, it is the second closest place to the Emperor. After all, his cold sun-like soul is here, silently hostile to those evil gods, and he also devotes part of his attention to protecting those who travel back and forth. ship.

Therefore, in order to save the lives of his men, Lin Fan spared no effort to pursue his devout belief in the Emperor. With the help of the new fanatic believer Domian, the entire Third Company became loyal believers of the Emperor. The first thing I do when I wake up every day is to subconsciously pray to the emperor sincerely.

In fact, it is not difficult to do this. The world of Kamaklan is just a very ordinary agricultural world, and most of the people living there are simple farm men, and there are not so many convoluted thoughts. Are these emperor's great deeds and sayings true? Coupled with the influence of the group, anyone who did not believe in the Emperor would become particularly conspicuous and obtrusive, so those who had doubts were quickly assimilated into the Emperor's believers in such an environment. .


A team of armed maintenance personnel is patrolling the D1347 channel on the lower deck.

"If possible, I really don't want to come here a second time." The young naval soldier wearing a gas mask, holding a laser rifle in one hand and a maintenance box in the other, complained in a muffled voice about his dissatisfaction.

The dim passage is full of pipes running back and forth, and high-temperature steam is constantly sprayed out from various pressure relief valves, making this passage shrouded in mist and extremely hot.

The noncommissioned officer at the front of the team spoke to comfort him, although his tone did not convey the slightest hint of comfort: "Put it down, you newbie, you haven't even gone to the return ports and recycling main valves on the F and G floors further down. No matter where, at least what is sprayed out here is just high-temperature steam that wants to enter the circulating water system. Even if there are highly toxic chemical gases in the places below, those weird bugs were the biggest trouble for the deck maintenance team last week. Sergeant Hank of Team 378 was accidentally bitten by a small green bug and was still lying in the medical room.

"Uh, so that's why we got guns? To kill some bugs?"

"No, it's worse. Maybe it's the various mutants who have been hiding in the lower levels, or the slaves who have gone crazy and all kinds of weird things that have been living here since the ship was built."

The older noncommissioned officer turned back and looked at the maintenance team member again: "Protect yourself, you know?"

The sergeant's expression could not be seen through the mask, but everyone's hearts were already raised. They all held the laser guns in their hands tightly and watched every corner around them with their own eyes.

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