The maintenance team moved forward in panic for half an hour before the detector in hand found the damaged location. It was a huge cabin that was probably originally preserved as a temporary warehouse for storing various items. It stands to reason that there are no important or minor equipment or pipes passing through this kind of place, so it is not a big deal if it does not require maintenance.

But those madmen from the Cult of Mechanicus must say that any damage or damage will cause displeasure to the machine soul, and they even gestured at the old sergeant with a gear salute, saying how could a vulgar meat bun understand the beauty of mechanical harmony.

The sergeant resisted the urge to hit people and obeyed the order, although he did not think that this would make the machine soul happy, unless the machine soul also liked a large amount of filth and chaos under his feet or in his belly. Still feel happy. The sergeant found it ridiculous to be angry because an abandoned cabin was not repaired and not angry about the hellish scene in the entire lower cabin.

"Okay, boys. We are here." The sergeant used the control panel in his hand to turn on the power supply of the huge cabin. The electric light that had not been used for a long time was still so reliable and durable, emitting bright white light that illuminated the entire cabin. Everyone soon found a huge wound behind an abandoned container.

The sergeant suddenly felt bad when he looked at the crack, which was about 4 meters high and 3 meters wide. Not to mention whether the few repair tools in his hand were enough to repair such a big hole, he could only imagine what could create such a hideous thing. Things are even more frightening.

"Gun ready, I want to check."

The sound of charging the laser gun was activated, and everyone stood in a tactical formation around the sergeant.

The sergeant approached the crack and observed it carefully. He felt that he must have been dazzled because he saw various huge fingerprints and rough marks that could only be cut with a chain sword. This must have been a guy who cut off the steel hatch with a chain sword and then tore it open with his hands. Is this a guy we can fight against? No, I must report it to the superior.

Quickly taking out the communicator in his hand, the sergeant decided to report what he saw and heard to his superiors. But at this moment, a huge black shadow jumped out of the gap, and with an impeccable knife, he directly cut the sergeant and the weapon in his hand. The communicator was cut in half, and the sergeant's body split open from left to right and fell, with internal organs and blood flowing all over the floor.

The soldiers were stunned by this sudden attack, and none of them could see the movements of the guy in the large black robe. The faces covered by gas masks were full of fear, but their long-term training and survival instinct still made them subconsciously raise their guns and shoot.

It's a pity that the guy in black robe moved faster, and just when everyone was about to raise their guns, he punched the person closest to him on the head.

Broken skull fragments and mangled brains were scattered on the ground. He pushed the corpse away forcefully, knocked down two soldiers, and quickly charged.

The huge and dull sound of running hit the hearts of these soldiers like thunder, making them even more panicked.


Extreme fear brings extreme anger. After witnessing his comrades being brutally killed in just one second, a soldier yelled loudly and pulled the trigger of the laser gun in his hand. Damn it, the soldier carrying high-energy lasers shot his anger at the man in black robes.

The man in black robe did not give him a chance to completely empty the magazine. He threw a dagger pulled out from the dead sergeant's waist with his backhand and hit the soldier in the head. Then he used the chain sword in his hand to throw out several beautiful sword flowers, cutting the remaining soldiers into pieces.

Looking at the mess, the man in black robe silently collected the body parts and internal organs, and used the still flowing blood to draw blasphemous and mysterious runes one after another in the cabin.

As the last blood rune was carved, the black-robed giant also took off his covering.

The dark armor is constantly surging with the blasphemous power of subspace, and the gorgeous golden metal creates terrifying demonic faces.

This person is Ronald, the Black Legion Chaos Space Marine who was infiltrating the ship.

Ronald had been waiting for the moment to leap into the subspace after sneaking into the Flame. After betraying the Emperor and humanity, he joined the subspace. He didn't know how many ways he could lay a spell on the ship to attract demons. Arrays and traps.

The secret massacre and destruction of the slaves on the lower levels left the surface of the Flame ship riddled with holes. There were countless blasphemous runes like this. He is now fully prepared, and the bait for temptation has been prepared. Now he only needs to let out a little fragrance, which is enough to attract the devil.

And all it takes to do this is a small explosion, an explosion that can disturb Geller's position and create a small crack.

Geller's position is that it is the best protective equipment to protect human ships from the erosion of subspace. It is impossible to get into it and cause havoc. The thick adamantine gate and countless weapon arrays are enough to tear apart any unprepared army. Ronald is not like dying alone.

Taking out the whirlpool grenade from his waist, this powerful relic can tear a rift leading to the subspace in any real universe, swallowing everything around it and sending them to the subspace to face the darkest terror.

Although Geller's stance covers the entire ship like a huge bubble, he cannot stop the erosion of the cracks from within. Moreover, the subspace cracks in the real universe will be suppressed quickly within seconds to tens of seconds. Disappear, but this is subspace, and once the rift is opened, it is not so easy to close.

Silently adjusting the explosion delay on the grenade, Ronald stayed away from the cabin. He didn't want to be torn to pieces by the weird demons in the subspace. They didn't care if you were on the Chaos side, they just wanted to drink blood. , feasting on the soul and providing endless pleasure to their master.

A twisted vortex appeared out of thin air after the grenade exploded. The bloody cabin suddenly became even more disgusting and difficult to look at directly. Twisted faces grew on the blood runes, roaring in pain, and poured onto the ground. Each of its internal organs began to pulsate irregularly like life, forming twisted creatures that continuously sprayed impossible blood from the holes in their bodies, and then slowly expanded to absorb the sprayed blood again. return. One, two, three, ten, one hundred, one thousand, tens of thousands of demons appeared in the crack. They made noises and screams that mortals could not understand, praising and praying to their master. The entire cabin Rapidly infected by the evil power of subspace, the relatively solid metal hatch became rusty, but in the blink of an eye it became brand new again.

The ship's alarm also sounded loudly, and the warning of sensing subspace pollution instantly rang throughout the Flame.

But the danger is not limited to this one ship. More subspace demons are targeting the cracks in the whirlpool grenades and rushing towards the expedition fleet.

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