The piercing sirens echoed in the control room on the upper deck of the Flame. The red hazard warning lights were spinning like crazy, and the red light shone on everyone in the control room.

"Subspace contamination detected in area D1347 on the lower deck."

"Geller's stance check is normal, and there are subspace cracks inside the hull."

"Subspace contamination also occurred in D1544 and D areas."

The captain of the Flame, Womit. Mitte listened to the reports from the ship operators and the Mechanic Priest in the command room with a silent face and quickly made a decision. He reached out and dialed General Westad's communication line, "General Westad, there is a subspace rift inside the Flame. I need your troops to block C0, C10, C20, and C40 leading to the middle deck. , C50 gate, we will seal off all the remaining small vents and abandoned passages, and change the output method of the Geller position to cover it on the structural position. Your people must try their best to defend the gate. It is too big and difficult to Covered with Geller Stand.”

General Westad listened to Captain Mitt's request and shook the cigar in his hand. "You can trust the Casare Corps." Then he hung up the phone.

Captain Mitt looked at the holographic projection of the entire ship's structure and asked the mechanical sage Rotakos beside him.

Wrapped in the Mechanicum's signature red robe with gear patterns, he stretched out several prosthetic limbs made of metal and connected them to the ship's console, and immersed his consciousness in the huge data flow and machines of the entire ship. He felt the pain of the ship in his soul.

"Can you detect how the subspace rift was created?"

"According to what the sacred machine soul of the Flame told me and my analysis from the holy code, there is nothing abnormal about the equipment of the ship itself. The subspace rift appeared due to external force."

"Did external forces appear?"

"There is a 98.99 probability that the crack was caused by an exploding vortex weapon."

"Is there a way to seal it?"

"We have never done a closed experiment using a vortex weapon to open a rift in the subspace, but we can try to see if we can use the same vortex weapon to create an annihilation reaction."

Mitte listened to Rokotas Mechanical Sage's cold mechanical voice and just wanted to block out his suggestions. God knows if these guys who love data more than human life want to use this opportunity to conduct experiments before making such suggestions.

Just as Mitte was making a difficult decision, the hatch of the command room opened.

The Inquisitor wearing power armor and several elite stormtroopers closely following behind him poured into the command room, "I have a way to seal the subspace rift."

"Oh! Judge Weisi, that's great. I'd like to hear the details."

Weisi told everyone her plan succinctly; "In the real universe, maintaining any rift in subspace requires rituals and blasphemous runes. Although we are in subspace, this may not be applicable. , but this still does not affect my judgment.”

"But why?" Mitte looked at the judge with evil eyes. He had already realized that this beautiful woman named Wei Si must be hiding a secret.

"The turmoil in the agricultural world of Camaklan is not just a simple popular riot, but the result of the direct intervention of the heretics and Black Legion soldiers under Abaddon. During our investigation, we suffered a swift blow There were three places of destruction, but we only found two damn heretics.”

"So it's possible that another one infiltrated the Flame and used his blasphemous heretical knowledge to summon demons on the ship?"

"Yes, that's what I thought. So if we want to close the rift, we must pass through many obstacles and destroy the rituals and runes. In this way, even if the rift cannot be closed, we can shrink it as much as possible."

Mitt once again dialed the communication channel of General Westad, and also dialed the communication channel of the Space Marines who were accompanying him.

Captain Mitt couldn't think of anything else that could reach the finish line from the countless sea of ​​demons, except the Emperor's holy angel of death.

Westad's face appeared on the holographic screen with a rugged, bearded visage.

"Hello, my lord."

"Ha! Boy, your ship doesn't look like it's in good condition."

"Sir, the heretics of the Black Legion have been mixed into the interior of our ship. They have opened a subspace rift inside our ship. We need your help to destroy the maintenance ceremony on the lower level of the ship."

"A traitor to the Black Legion? Humph, then we must go. We will sit and jump to help the torpedoes go straight to where they are."

"Thank you very much, sir. We will send you the structural drawings of the ship right now."

Space Wolves Space Marine

As the rough laughter slowly faded away, the holographic screen of the Space Marines also turned off, leaving only Captain Mitt and General Westad.

"You heard it all, right? Westad."

"Yeah, I heard that." Westad silently lit another cigar and held it in his mouth.

Reaching out and closing the communication screen, Westad began to calculate how many brothers he would die or injure in this accident. One hundred thousand? Two hundred thousand? even more? At which five gates will a total of 450,000 of the Casare Corps transported on the Flame die? Even if he was lucky enough to survive, he would be executed by the Inquisition and the nuns of the State Church.

Westad smoked his cigarette depressedly, knowing that he had no choice.

He wrote an order and passed it down to all regiments that could receive the order, and then he lay down on his chair and waited for good news or bad news to come.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading!


A small number of Casare's legionnaires living on the middle deck of the Flame are building temporary positions at the junction of the five gates. Thanks to the Mechanic Priest's dedicated maintenance of the alarm system, all members can be notified immediately Subspace contamination at the bottom.

The fissure was too far from the middle deck, so that the demons that had just burst out of it were rampaging through the complex and narrow bottom deck, looking for any living souls. As the sea of ​​demons completely submerged the poor people at the bottom and all kinds of strange aliens and creatures, these demons fell into massacre of each other again.

After all, in their perception, this ship only has this little soul. The more demons there are, the fewer souls they will eat. The roars of the demons of Khorne Slaanesh and Nurgle are fighting at the bottom , passed through the overlapping pipes and cabins, and the terrifying roar made the soldiers of the Casare Corps stationed at the gate want to retreat.

But they also couldn't retreat. Despite the shock of the corpses of the cowards who were shot by the political commissars, they had no way to retreat. The ship looked big, but it was ultimately limited. Once the demons broke through the defense line, It is only a matter of time before they are devoured. Maybe the devil will be more happy with this hide-and-seek game?

Gate C0, the largest transport port on the middle deck and bottom deck of the entire ship, was stationed with the largest number of soldiers. Hundreds of Leman Russ tanks were lined up behind the temporary steel barrier. Hundreds of densely packed Wolf Spider turrets slowly rose from all sides of the wide passage at the gate, aiming lasers towards the dark front where the power system had been destroyed.

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