"Let? Would I do such a thing? Free things are the most expensive. They will understand it later."

Aarons knew that the honorary nobles would not take the bait so quickly, so he sent everyone a promotional material and had them sent out.

After returning to the office, he talked about this with Xia Ye who came to report.

"Although this may indeed cause our magic source stone thermal mutagenesis and carbon uranium engine technology to leak, once these people have tasted the sweetness, they will not be able to work for other nobles."

"Are you so confident?"

"As long as Cadia does not go to war with the Empire, this border territory will still be the most suitable place for trade. If they go to other places, even if they can drive the same car, they can't make as much money as here."

Because the great nobles are used to exploiting others, even if they have the same technology as Aarons, they will never let outsiders make money from it.

So these honorary nobles can only come to Aarons to work in the end-and this also means that they are completely tied to Aarons' chariot.

"However, it would be better if the technology could be kept secret for a while longer."

"So you are worried about this, Marquis."

Somewhat unexpectedly, before Xia Ye could express his opinion on this, the sage Jiangyue suddenly came uninvited and walked into the office with a smile on his face.

"You may not understand it, but our technology is not so easy to copy."

"Isn't it? I feel that as long as they get the sample, they will know what to do?"

"They don't know how to prepare the fuel alone. Even if they know that the magic source stone can be thermally induced into fluid carbon uranium, the fuel and shell charge we use have been processed twice, and it is not so easy to reverse analyze the manufacturing process."

Aarons originally thought that the reverse engineering level of this world was as exaggerated as Jiangyue... Now it seems that it is not the case.

"Master, you may have forgotten that we were able to master the exact parameters of each process so quickly because we have a super-specification computing device like Miss Zhuying. Even if we tell others the design principles directly, it is difficult for them to perfectly copy them in a short time."

"But the craftsmen should all know the detailed parameters and processes, right? What if they are turned by the enemy..."

"First of all, the craftsmen involved in the core process have signed a magic contract and cannot tell the secrets casually. Secondly, fuel processing and parts production can all use magic, so they are fully automated-the factory is underground."

...Looking at it this way, it seems that I am indeed worrying a little too much.

The problems that I can think of, Xia Ye and Jiang Yue can naturally think of them. In such a more professional aspect, I really don't need to waste too much energy.

"Then I'll leave the technical matters to you, Teacher Jiangyue."

"Don't worry, Marquis. Just leave these things to me."

"Also, the cannon today... can that thing be used by ordinary people?"

Thinking of the terrifying power that could even dye the sky red, Aarons felt that if this thing was really used in battle, it would only be excessive firepower.

"No, because there are many magic arrays installed on the structure, it is actually a weapon designed specifically for magicians... It is most suitable for children who have a lot of magic power but can't cast magic."

After hearing Jiangyue's explanation, Aarons' mood suddenly became depressed.

Mo Qianyun has not yet shown any signs of waking up - although her body functions are still functioning normally, it is unknown how long this vegetative state will last before it recovers.

And it is only theoretically possible to recover... If she is unlucky, she may fall asleep forever.

"Teacher Jiangyue, can you make something else? I'll ask Zhuying to help me draw the design... When she wakes up, I also want to give her a few gifts."

"No problem, as long as you bring the sketch, I'll do it right away."

"Well... As the attending physician, I'll go check on Miss Qianyun later."

Aarons certainly won't forget the mistake he made, so he has to prepare now... to give a good return to the Duke's heir.


"The plan is probably like this - I'll take the initiative to ask the Booker heir out tomorrow to the place we saw that day. Because they are likely to be afraid of the existence of the Prison Gate Flower, so let Teacher Jiangyue take people to pretend to do large-scale maintenance."

"Will the other party take the bait?"

"That guy won't come by himself, but he will definitely send someone toCome down. To make the performance more realistic, I will fight with Sister Karin outside and pretend that there is some conflict between us. "

Keliya's plan is very simple, and the ultimate goal is not to lure out William Booker himself and destroy him.

Her target is the fighting force sent by the Duke's family - as long as these people can be dealt with, even if William Booker still has some ancient magic scrolls in his hands, it will be difficult for one person to stir up any waves.

"In addition, Sister Xia Ye will be my attendant temporarily to make this scene more realistic. Luo Lan has arranged reporters. As long as a fight breaks out, they will immediately spread the news throughout the border territory. "

"The plan is good, but what about my job?"

"My husband must be the protagonist. As long as those guys take the bait, you will immediately go over and give them a little shock. ”

After simply arranging the division of labor for everyone, a sergeant brought a reporter to the office.

This was a person specially arranged by the third prince Luo Lan, and he came here specifically to film the "conflict" that was about to happen in the base and turn it into today's headline news.

"Are you all ready? Then I'm going to start making trouble--"

When everyone was ready outside the square, the drama of luring the snake out of its hole finally began, which was not a very exquisite performance.

"Asshole Aarons Moti! How dare you use such a clumsy rhetoric to deceive me! If you don't give me an explanation today, I'll have to let you taste my power!"

"What are you talking about, Your Highness? I have never told any lies-you misunderstood it yourself, do you still want me to take the responsibility?"

"Ah... Damn it! You...cowardly, despicable, shameless, and lustful person! Today I must let you see how powerful I am! "

Hey, Princess, aren't you being too precise in your scolding?! Although these three words don't seem to be related, they all seem to fit!

"——Damn it, don't let her say anything more, take her down!"

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