When the unexpected incident was reported by the psychic news and newspapers, the entire border territory immediately exploded.

The cause of the incident was very simple - a reporter was originally going to interview the honorary marquis who built a base in Cornell, but happened to see the conflict between Her Royal Highness and the marquis.

- According to the pictures taken by the reporter and some insiders, Her Royal Highness seemed to think that she was deceived by the marquis, which led to the conflict with his subordinates.

At present, Her Royal Highness has left the new base and is said to be seeking assistance from the Duke of Buck's family, who has officially signed an engagement.

As soon as this quite explosive news came out, people who didn't care much about this matter began to pay attention to the subsequent developments - after all, a few days ago, someone said that Her Royal Highness was deceived and got involved with Aarons... Now it seems that this is true?

"I thought those rumors were just rumors, but they are true?"

"Maybe not? Maybe the couple is just having a quarrel, and they might make up tomorrow."

"I think that young master... oh, he is a marquis now, and he is really powerful... The princess is now officially engaged to the Duke's family, and he can actually keep her in his house for so many days..."

Although everyone did not take the unilateral engagement seriously, most people still felt that it must be strange to make such a thing happen at this time.

And public opinion soon split into two camps - one side believed that Aarons and the princess were just flirting, and they would make up in two days. The other side believed that the princess was going to choose a husband with better conditions, so she deliberately clashed with Aarons.

Since neither side could prove that their guess was absolutely correct, the discussion about this matter spread to every place in the border territory within a day.

The Duke's heir, who was involved in it, also received a letter from the princess at this time.


"Heh, this is probably a trick to lure me out."

Although he is short and fat and not good-looking, William Booker does have the brains and determination that match the heir to the Duke.

"But it could be true. After all, the Marquis has no ability and his appearance is just average... Maybe Her Royal Highness is really tired of playing around, so she did this."

"Master, what are you going to do?"

"Where is that battleship now? Is it still in the base in Cornell Village?"

Because he is the heir to the Duke, William does not intend to put himself in danger. The last time Aarons attacked him in public, he actually felt threatened.

If he went out casually, he might be attacked by the other party.

"According to our investigation, the warship seems to be under repair and will not be able to start for a while."

"Is that so? Hehe... Then you guys take the mercenary group to investigate the situation. Also, bring all the magic protective equipment. If Her Royal Highness is really there, try to capture her directly."

Whether this is a trap or not, William, as a businessman, is willing to take this small risk - after all, the profit is so lucrative that people are willing to take risks.

"But Master, if we and the mercenary group leave, will you be in danger?"

"I will leave the city at the same time as you leave. Whether you can capture the princess or not, I will leave this place in three days."

As long as you board the airship, your personal safety can be guaranteed - after all, humans cannot fly into the sky with their physical bodies, and ordinary magic cannot reach such a high place.

"Next time I come, I will grab all the people around that useless Marquis."


At this time, on the wasteland, Her Royal Highness the Princess and her Aries secretary were setting up a tent for camping.

"Sister Xia Ye, I have something to ask you."

"Your Highness, please speak up. I will not hide anything I can answer."

"Is my husband... always forcing himself?"

After hearing this unexpected question, Xia Ye could not help but stop what she was doing.

After thinking about it carefully, she pushed her glasses again and answered Claire's question in a serious tone.

"The young master, in fact, has never gotten rid of the habits of his previous life."

Because she has seen Aarons' memories many times, Xia Ye may be the person who knows Aarons best.

"He still hasn't learned to rely on others. When encountering anything, the first thing he thinks of is how to deal with it alone... and once something goes wrong, he will take the initiative to take all the responsibility on himself."

Rather than saying this is an excessiveRather than being selfless, it is better to say that Aarons is actually afraid - he is afraid that he will be abandoned by others because he cannot create value, so he has been trying to do things that are not suitable for him.

And putting all the responsibility for failure on himself is just because of lack of self-confidence.

"Although I think the young master will understand his own value sooner or later, I am very worried that he will make a more serious mistake before that."

"...What will it be?"

"For example, at a critical moment, he thinks that he is a replaceable person, and then chooses to abandon others and die alone."

Xia Ye's conclusion is very cold and ruthless.

The reason why Aarons experienced so many failures in his previous life is actually because he has this abnormal self-deprecation tendency hidden in his heart - he cannot recognize his own ability or value, and when faced with a dilemma, he will only choose to sacrifice himself first.

In the incident not long ago, he actually showed this characteristic.

"...My husband, he always raises his head."

Because he is used to looking up, Aarons will not pay attention to the ugliness and derogation that only crawls at his feet. But because he always looks up, he only feels that he hasn't done well enough.

——Even if he pushes himself to the point of exhaustion, he won't lower his proud head.

"Although it's not appropriate for me to say this, people like the young master really meet the standards of aristocrats."

"I... I've received so many favors from him, but I don't know what I can do for him."

After seeing the distressed look of Her Royal Highness the Princess, Xia Ye couldn't help but sigh deeply - she certainly could understand this distress, because she was actually thinking about this problem herself.

What should he do to make Aarons recognize him?

"Although I don't know what to do, you are not alone - so if you have troubles, go and discuss it with others."

After realizing that her heart seemed to be unable to maintain the previous calmness, the Aries Witch who survived from ancient times couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Let everyone worry about this kind of thing together."

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