William Booker actually didn't want to come to the border.

In his eyes, neither the princess nor Aarons were important characters - even if these two people really had any special power, it was meaningless in the face of absolute numbers.

The reason why the strong in this world cannot rule the weak at will is because pure power has its limits.

Whether it is physical or mental strength, once it is exhausted, it will not be able to continue fighting. No matter how powerful a level 5 strongman is, he still needs to eat and sleep.

And those who have crossed the boundary and reached level 6 are even more fools who have taken the wrong path - giving up the most important power in exchange for other things is simply meaningless.

"Those guys don't understand the power of wealth at all, so they will never be my opponents."

What can money buy? The battleship he owns can already explain everything.

It is precisely because the empire has such powerful weapons that neither the Cadians who once invaded the empire nor the Sunset people who constantly harassed the empire's borders in the south dare to launch a full-scale attack on the empire.

As long as you have enough wealth, you can have such power - the firepower of this warship is even more powerful than the Yumenhua, which is the princess's palace.

"Master, we have entered the border territory and can land at the airport in half an hour."

"No, tell the bridge, let's go to Moti City first... Don't worry about any regulations, I just want to show those guys our strength."

This [Golden Bridge] can easily tear apart a 5,000-man ground corps. And the external armor specially reinforced with magic beast materials can also resist level 4 or even level 5 magic bombardment.

Even if the opponent deploys magic artillery that can fire into the air in advance, this ship can locate and annihilate it at the fastest speed.

"Also, let the first brigade get ready and get off the ship immediately after landing. Their mission is to investigate what weapons Aarons Moti used last time, and if possible, find a way to seize some."

"Yes, sir. What about the second brigade?"

"They are the main force to attack that base. Let them rest now."

There are 600 soldiers he brought with him, and 800 if the crew is included - most of them have the strength of the middle level of level 3, and more than 100 have reached level 4.

This is just a part of his strength. As long as he is willing, there will be hundreds of people coming to support him later.

And what does Aarons Moti have?


"You guys retreat. I need to rest for a while."

Because he had a premonition that this journey would be very boring, William did not intend to waste too much energy.

All he had to do was to crush that overconfident marquis step by step and let everyone know the true power of the imperial nobles.

"Report, report! In the air... something in the air seems to be approaching us quickly!"

"In the air? If it's a flying monster, scare it away with the ship's guns."

Why did such a small thing make these servants so panicked? William opened the curtains with some annoyance and looked at the dim night sky.

——There was nothing in the sky except the stars, and there was nothing to be afraid of.

[Bridge report! Unknown objects are... No! That thing is so fast... so fast! ]

When the crew's terrified voices came from the radio in the ship, William finally realized that something was wrong.

And at this moment, a dark red strange glow suddenly passed through the window in an instant, leaving a clearly visible wake-

Something just brushed past the battleship!

"Is it a high-level monster! Transfer all the magic power to the defense array first!"

William's command was timely and accurate.

When you are completely unaware of the enemy's detailed situation and cannot escape at will, the best strategy is of course to prioritize defense.

According to common sense, as long as the enemy launches an attack, it will definitely reveal a flaw.

[That guy is flying back again! Wait, it seems to be... ahhhh, run away -]

"What's going on?! Reply quickly! Hey!"

However, before William's order was executed, the entire battleship suddenly felt an unsettling vibration.

The bridge commander who was still communicating with William through the radio also made a shrill scream and then there was no sound.

"Damn it! Hurry up and get a few people to see -"

Just as William was yelling at his subordinates, there was a sudden explosion at the rear of the hull - then the battleship shook violently, causing everyone to fall to the ground.

The battleship was actually attacked![Report, report! The No. 1 Magic Source Reactor has been destroyed! It was a light... a strange red light! It went straight through the outer armor and the hull and hit the Magic Source Reactor! ]

"What?! How can this happen--"

[Wow! The bridge was... burned down! There was lava everywhere... Help, help! ]

What happened just now?

It was only a few dozen seconds, and this warship that should have been invincible was attacked twice in a row?

And the damaged parts were the most critical bridge and magic source reactor! The warship that lost control and power was about to fall soon-

"Asshole! Come and protect me! Even if this ship crashes, I must not get into trouble!"

"Yes! Open that ancient scroll!"

The warship that could not operate normally had begun to tilt, but William's men used the ancient magic scroll in time to protect the duke's heir.

Even if the warship's magic source furnace explodes when it crashes, this ancient magic should be able to withstand the impact of spiritual power. After the magic shield was propped up, the people hiding inside finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"What the hell is going on! How could a magic beast have such a powerful force!"

[Of course it's impossible, because the one attacking you is not a magic beast at all. ]

The cabin broadcast, which had been completely silent, suddenly sounded at this time. However, the female voice coming from it did not belong to anyone in the Booker family.

[My apprentice was taken care of by you last time, William Booker... So now she is going to seek revenge on you in person. ]

"Who are you! Damn bastard! How dare you attack the Duke's heir... Tell me your name!"

[There is no need for that, after all, you will become a dead man soon-lock the position with the strongest magic fluctuations, and let the two rail guns fire at the same time after the next turn! 】

When the female voice on the radio stopped abruptly, William Booker saw the existence approaching him from the tilted window.

Just like a meteor that brought disaster, the black giant wing that was dragging a dark red glow towards him at high speed suddenly opened its huge mouth connected to purgatory and spewed out two hot torrents like lava.

Then the light mercilessly penetrated, melted and devoured everything it touched, and exploded into a gorgeous red flower at the end of the flight.

"What... is it...?"

——And this was the last thought of the Duke's heir in his short life.

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