"Confirmed that the railgun has hit the target. Senior Zhu Ying, please conduct a damage assessment."

The black fighter plane with a dark red tail circled and flew high into the sky, leaving the huge warship that had already begun to overturn to fall to the ground.

And at a height close to the clouds, a petite figure was hovering here, monitoring everything happening below.

【Scan. Confirmed that the target's human life signal has disappeared, the ship's power has lost 70%, and it will touch the ground in 30 seconds. 】

【Good job, Qianyun. The mission is over, come back. 】

When another female voice sounded in the communicator in the cockpit, the black fighter plane slowly slowed down and hovered in the air under the support of an extremely strong wind.

"Master, do you see everything over there?"

【Yeah, my diagonal antenna is a super advanced antenna, and I can receive all the signals from your side. 】

"Is this all right? There are still many people in that ship."

When the fighter plane stopped in the air, the armored cockpit was opened immediately.

Then, Mo Qianyun, wearing a black combat suit that looked like a one-piece swimsuit, slowly raised his body and waved to Zhu Ying not far away.

After seeing her action, the maid with cherry hair also flew over and connected her arthropod-shaped wings to the back of the body.

This is an additional insurance measure - even if Mo Qianyun stops outputting magic power, the fighter will not fall.

[William Booker is dead, and the ship has lost a magic source furnace. The biggest threat has disappeared, and the others don’t matter. ]

"Master, I... I think that they can’t leave here alive."

[Qianyun... Are you serious? ]

But Mo Qianyun's unexpected rebuttal made Jiang Yue on the other side fall into silence.

In front of Aarons, Mo Qianyun is just a shy and very upright girl.

She would only do things that did not violate morality and her original intention, and she did not have any extra killing intentions... But now, she made an unexpected suggestion.

"If the master was here, he would not give such an order... But by doing this, the master is actually taking risks."

Although she did not give the impression of being good at thinking before, what Mo Qianyun said at this time clearly showed her delicate mind.

Aarons would definitely not order the remaining people to be killed - and this also means that he is likely to be retaliated by these people in the future.

And doing this is just to make Mo Qianyun not violate his original intention.

"I... I have the opportunity to choose my life, all thanks to the master. If I let the master get into danger in order to follow morality... I will be a shameless person who repays kindness with enmity."

[Qianyun, huh... Actually a bad boy. 】

Jiang Yue, who had already felt the same way, of course understood Mo Qianyun's thoughts - in her heart, Aarons' status was higher than anything else.

For them, other people's lives are simply not comparable to Aarons.

"Master, I am now applying to you... I will eliminate all those who may endanger the master."

[No need to ask for my opinion, just do what you think is right. ]

"Yes! Senior Zhu Ying, please help land the aircraft - Mo Qianyun, start the cleaning mission!"

When the front wing of the fighter was reconnected to the device on Mo Qianyun's waist, the beautiful warrior jumped down from the sky.

And the long sword she wore on her waist was out of the sheath at this time.


The warship with the destroyed bridge and magic source furnace finally fell.

Since more than half of the warship is made of alchemical materials specially designed to reduce weight, the actual weight of this behemoth that is hundreds of meters long and more than ten stories high is unexpectedly light.

Under the exquisite structural design, the alchemical materials used in the warship are usually not affected by the internal magic.

However, when the magic source furnace, which was the core, exploded, the magic power that erupted from the psychic energy conversion array quickly destroyed the structure of the warship.

So when the warship really fell to the ground, the hull had already broken into several pieces.

"...Have we landed?"

"What happened?! Where is our commander?!"

"Are there any survivors? I am the third squadron leader of the second brigade! Those who are still alive, leave the ship immediately!"

Except for the magic source furnace, other parts of the warship did not explode. So many people who used fighting spirit or magic power to protect their bodies in time survived this sudden fall.

But even if they didPreparation, most people were injured to varying degrees - after all, they fell directly to the ground from hundreds of meters in the air. Even if the protective fighting spirit and magic absorbed most of the impact, the remaining force was enough to break people's bones.

When the living people limped out of the wreckage of the warship, they discovered a more terrifying fact.

- The heir of Duke Booker disappeared.

"Master William is not here... Go and find a few people!"

Of course, it is impossible for a person who has been completely burned to ashes by the high-temperature carbon uranium to appear again.

And just as the remaining soldiers of the Duke's family were anxiously looking for traces of William Booker in the wreckage of the warship, a short-haired woman wearing flying wings and holding a long knife suddenly landed in front of them silently.

"Who! You--"

Before the first soldier who discovered the abnormality had time to ask questions, his body was split in two by an arc-shaped sword light like ice.

"What... there are enemies! Get ready for battle--"

Whether it was the fighting spirit flame or the magic shield, they were just fragile bubbles in front of the long sword in the hands of the black-haired and black-clothed woman. Every time the cold sword light flashed, a fresh life would quietly disappear.

"Damn it! The rest of you, attack with me! Otherwise, we will all die here!"

But even if they tried their best, these people could not resist the cruel and ruthless sword intent-the opponent came to kill them all from the beginning.

And the sudden fall of the warship may also be the work of this beautiful woman.

"No! Don't... don't kill me, there are people waiting in my family..."

When the last soldier also fell under the cold sword light, the incarnation of killing finally regained his clear temperament.

"For the master... I will not hesitate even if I fall into evil ways."

[Search. No life signal was found, you can return. The aircraft is on standby 200 meters to the south. It is recommended to use carbon-uranium bombs to clean up the wreckage area before returning. 】

"Understood, I will return immediately."

When the black giant wings spread out again and returned to the sky with a roar, gorgeous hot red flowers bloomed on the earth.

All the sins that once existed here disappeared in the dark red lava.

"Confirm that the target is completely destroyed-Mo Qianyun, return now."

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