Regardless of the truth, most people in the empire at this time have noticed that there is a turbulent undercurrent that is converging towards the border territory.

After losing a warship and a precious heir, even if Aarons really has nothing to do with this matter, the Duke of Booker's family will not let him go.

I am afraid that a war between nobles will break out soon.

——But how can an honorary noble without a territory fight against a feudal lord with a lot of wealth and resources?


A few days later.

"I really don't have much manpower now, but this refers to the aspect of ruling the territory. If it's just about fighting, then I have more power in my hands."

After possessing a strategic weapon that can easily sink an air battleship, Aarons is no longer afraid of ordinary threats.

"If the other side wants to send high-end combat forces to decapitate me, then the people around me can fully cope with it. And if the other side intends to defeat me head-on with numbers, I also have many means of long-range strikes."

Most of the border territories are plains, and large troops will only become targets for artillery when they march. And a small number of high-end combat forces cannot break through the defense circle around Aarons.

Unless Duke Booker can completely cut off Aarons' economic source, it is possible to win the subsequent battle.

"But this is impossible. I have basically monopolized the trade and transportation between Cadia and Collins. If he wants to cut off my financial resources, he must first have the ability to close the border."

The most important thing is that Aarons' economic source is not just normal trade and transportation. In fact, he has long controlled the smuggling channels between Cadia and Collins with the cooperation of the Fourth Legion.

The tariffs that the two countries should have paid to the empire have all gone into his pocket-so it is difficult for Duke Booker to defeat him economically now.

"So if you want to defeat me here, it's not enough to rely on just one duke's family."

"Brother-in-law, I know you are really powerful now... but what if the Cadians cooperate with Duke Booker to attack here?"

"That would be a real war. The Empire will not let the Cadians take this territory. If Duke Booker brings in the Cadians to deal with me, there will be people who will help me deal with him."

After discussing the current situation with the third prince Loran, Aarons also sorted out a lot of problems.

The problem mentioned by Loran is actually very critical-if Duke Booker did not choose to fight Aarons, but let the Cadians invade the border territory first, then Aarons would most likely be attacked from both sides.

At that time, Duke Booker could take advantage of the opportunity to send troops to resist foreign enemies and launch sneak attacks and plots behind Aarons.

"But what you said is indeed a problem, so I have to go back and discuss it with others."

"Father can't help you much... I contacted him before, and I heard that father seemed to have some illness a few days ago and is now recuperating."

Armand VII does not have much power, and even if he is in good health, he can't give Aarons much support. So Aarons can only use the existing resources at hand to deal with this crisis.

"Well, anyway, I will think of a way... How are Els and Merry doing with you? You are not pestering the little girl anymore, right?"

"Of course not, Els, that bastard, has reached level three a few days ago. Now I can only watch them show their affection in front of me... I am so angry!"

"... I can't do anything about this."

Because considering that Roland really needs some friends of the same age, Aarons specially sent Els and Merry to him.

But even with such an arrangement, the young couple showed no signs of changing their minds... So it can only be said that Roland's charm is not enough.

"Okay, I'll go back first. Oh, by the way, please help me check which of the honorary nobles who participated in the Battle of Glory are related to the Duke of Booker's family."

"No problem, brother-in-law, don't worry."

Aarons certainly didn't intend to sit and wait for the other side to attack - in order to eliminate the hidden dangers, a few nails must be pulled out first.


"Master, are you worried that the Cadians will attack here first?"

"Yes, if Cadia invades first, we will have to use our resources to fight them first."

Unlike the internal fighting among the nobles, if Cadia really attacks the empire, it will be a full-scale war between countries.

At that time, even if Aarons has powerful combat power and dangerous weapons, he is likely to be overwhelmed by the power of the country.

"Our resources are indeed not enough. Even if we work hard, we can't deal with the Cadians."

First of all, the production of carbon-uranium artillery is not that simple. Some key materials required for the components can only be imported from Collins.

As for the carbon-uranium shells and the high-yield bombs carried by [Night Raven], the monthly output is not ideal because the main raw materials need to use special magic beast blood.

Although the problem of "whether there is technology" has been solved, "whether there is more" still depends on whether there is sufficient supply of raw materials-and in this regard, Aarons' current small workshop is definitely not as good as a country.

"There is really no perfect solution to this problem. You can only let the Fourth Legion strengthen the defense of Cadia, and then try to eliminate the Duke of Booker's family before the Empire is invaded."

"If Duke Booker intends to forbear, we must find a way to force him to go to I need some advice."

"I understand. I will discuss this with others at the meeting tonight. "

Even Xia Ye didn't have a good solution, which shows that this problem is indeed very difficult.

If Duke Booker is the traitor who has an affair with the Cadians, then he will definitely choose to endure it first, and wait until the Cadians invade in large numbers, and then stab Aarons in the back.

And even if he is not a traitor, his battle with Aarons is likely to give the Cadians an opportunity to invade.

"Either eliminate the threat of one side as soon as possible, or find a way to make them consume each other..."

"It can't be done, Master. Our current strength is not yet at the level where we can actively attack one of them."

The idea is indeed beautiful, but the reality is often cruel.

Aarons also knows that God will not always fulfill people's wishes, so he must quickly develop a set of plans that can deal with various situations.

"By the way, the old woman Jiangyue asked me to tell you that if you have time after you come back, go to the research room... She seems to have made something new, which is related to your safety. "

——Because the weakest link in the whole system is himself, Aarons has never dared to be too arrogant.

If he had a defensive item like the ancient scroll, then others would not have to worry too much about his safety.

"Really? Then I'll be there in a moment."

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