"Ka, Miss Karin, how are you?"

After his identity was exposed, the leading mercenary immediately took off his helmet.

When the man who Karin was very familiar with showed his ridiculously handsome face again, Keliya smacked her lips with a little displeasure.

——Although this man's face is really good-looking, for some reason it makes people want to get angry.

"Took the job to deal with us? Ha... poor mercenary."

"No, no, no, we were just here to hunt monsters! It was these guys who insisted that we go find someone to make trouble, and they haven't paid us yet!"

After saying this, the man named Kuran immediately distanced himself from the employer next to him. And his subordinates followed suit and quickly moved away from the men dressed as businessmen.

This guy is really very sensible.

"Oh? So these guys acted on their own? Princess, what do you say we should do?"

"Ask me what to do? Cancel the chant, omit the double compression - [Dark Eclipse Hell]!"

Before anyone could react, a huge black tentacle suddenly appeared from Claire's hand, instantly engulfing and crushing the merchants who were still shouting just now.

This merciless and decisive killing made the mercenaries terrified all of a sudden.

"Sorry, Princess, your temper is not very good."

"This... I am really sorry to offend your Highness, I hope you will show mercy..."

Of course, Claire did not intend to kill innocent people.

Since Karin knew the mercenary captain, she had to give him some face - but she really did not have any good feelings for such a man.

"Your Highness, this is the leader of the Kulan Mercenary Group who helped the young master during the last border beast tide, Kulan Li Laer."

"Miss Karin actually still remembers my full name... I am overwhelmed."

"The one who helped my husband? Oh... I see."

Looking at the blonde girl who was half a head shorter than Karin but actually quite tall, Kulan immediately felt an indescribable sense of oppression -

That must be the rumored princess of the empire.

"I heard that the princess and Young Master Aarons have a good relationship... Is that true?"

"Although the wedding has not been officially held, Aarons is already my husband."

Kulan did hear some rumors when he returned to the empire, but he did not take them to heart at the time... It was not until the heir of Duke Booker was killed along with his ship that he realized that the princess seemed to have been abducted by Aarons.

How did that young master do it? !

"Well, then, Princess, if everything is ok, we will first--"

"Don't rush to run, Captain Kulan, we just happen to have a job that can make money... Do you want to give it a try?"

Kulan, whose sponsor had just evaporated, wanted to leave these evil gods as soon as possible, but his intention was discovered by Karin.

"Okay, okay..."


After returning to the Chamber of Commerce with a team of mercenaries, Keliya learned the secret of this mercenary group.

"All of them are aliens? This is really... rare."

"Your Highness, this duchy earl is an avid alien lover. He once said that he would build a harem composed entirely of aliens in the future."

"This, this, this... It's just a joke, a joke..."

After the mercenaries took off their masks or helmets, their inhuman features were fully revealed.

And the only human who accompanied Kulan to meet the princess was the fox girl Li Yue, whom Karin had met once before.

"But if you think about it carefully, there aren't many humans in my husband's family."

"Compared to this captain who hasn't even touched anyone around him, the young master never cares too much."

After revealing a little secret, Kulan and Li Yue immediately blushed with embarrassment - they were indeed not in that kind of relationship, and Kulan's previous statement of building a harem of aliens was indeed just a joke.

"This, this is not a chance yet..."

Although Kulan made a weak defense, Karin knew that these two people didn't even have that experience.

So she kept a weird smile when she spoke.

"By the way, the maid you saw just now is not actually human."

"Damn... that young master is the one who is building a harem of aliens!"

Although Kulan was acting quite comfortable at this time, the alien Li Yue seemed very scared when facing Karin for some reason.

And the mercenaries just now had a similar reaction.

"I'll tell you about my young master later. First... take theHand over all the information, we will pay you according to the problem.

Compared to the princess who has been rejected by the Dukedom, it is definitely easier for mercenaries to get information.

So Karin did not give them work immediately, but asked about what happened recently.

"First of all, do you know why the Dukedom wants to collect a large amount of magic beast materials?"

"I don't know about this, but I have heard a rumor before... It is said that Duke Booker is building a palace that can fly in the air."

"Flying palace, no wonder so many magic beast materials are needed... Your Highness, what do you think?"

"Grab it, or destroy it. It's that simple."

Listening to the princess's lightly expressed terrifying ideas, Kulan felt that he was sweating all over.

Is this a princess or a bandit? Not only does she dare to kill people at will, she doesn't even care about the Duke's power...

I am afraid I have already boarded the pirate ship!

"Then, do you know where the materials purchased by the Duke's family will be sent? ”

“Most of the materials will be sent to Gulin Town east of Booker City, where there are many processing plants.”

“Very good… Hey, stinky spider! Bring me the map!”

When the petite cherry-haired maid handed the Duke’s map to Karin with a look of disdain, the black-haired and brown-skinned wolf girl smiled kindly at Kuran.

“Your Highness, we should go and find out what’s going on over there, what do you think?”

“Let them come together, and no matter what they find inside, we’ll split it 70% and 30% at the end.”

Keliya’s proposal was actually quite generous—she didn’t need the protection of the mercenary group at all. And sneaking into the factory area of ​​the Duke of Booker’s house, these alien mercenaries might not be useful.

If it was 70% and 30% like this, it would actually be like making a profit for Kuran.

“We accept this mission! Please let us prepare a little first, and then we can set off right away!”

“Prepare? Just get in the car and do it. Sister Karin, go get our own truck and we'll drive it over in a bit."

"No problem... Stinky Spider, go get some fuel! We'll be leaving in a bit!"

After getting the first clue, the decisive Claire took action immediately-

"Let me see what the Duke's family is hiding."

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