It is almost impossible to conceal such a large-scale flow of goods.

Mercenaries and hunters constantly sweep the magic beasts in the Duke's territory, and the magic beast materials are purchased by small merchants from all over the country, and eventually slowly flow to the Duke's house.

Some people even go to other places to buy magic beast materials, and then bring them to the Duke's territory to make a profit.

"Humph, this amount of materials can't be used up by building one or two warships."

"Maybe they are really building a sky palace?"

After loading all the alien mercenaries in a truck, Keliya began to move towards Gulin Town.

The magic beast materials in the Duke's territory will eventually flow here-and there are only a few small processing plants here, which are not enough to digest so many materials.

"Magic beast materials, alchemical materials, and ordinary steel and wood... and there are almost endless magic source stones in the Duke's territory."

Keliya is not particularly good at technology, but under the influence of Jiangyue, she still has some basic knowledge of manufacturing.

——The things Duke Booker is building must be of a large scale.

"When we get there, let the mercenaries disguise themselves and move around, and we will go find the things they hide."

Because the detection function of the spider cherry is very advanced, even if the other party hides the secret underground, they can find clues.

"I don't know how my husband is doing."


At night, the truck carrying the mercenaries and the princess's car arrived at Gulin Town.

However, this town is not lively - except for a few small factories that are still in operation, there are few people in the town.

"It's so deserted?"

After getting off the car, the mercenary leader Kulan immediately expressed his opinion.

And after seeing the scene of this town, others also had the same feeling in their hearts.

"Hmph, the more you cover it up, the more it shows that there is a problem... The mercenary group can just go to the town to find out, and Sister Karin and Zhu Ying will go to the factory with me."

"Just pretend to pass by here, right? Then everyone else follow me, let's see if there is anything we can buy here."

After quickly understanding Keliya's intention, Kulan led his alien mercenaries into the town.

Because there are so many mercenaries in the Duke's territory now, as long as they pretend to pass by here, no one will suspect.

While they divert the attention of the public, Keliya can take the opportunity to find the things hidden by the Duke's family.

"Zhu Ying, please scan those factories from the sky at close range to see what is inside."

After receiving the order, the petite cherry-haired maid flew into the sky silently.

And Keliya and Karin slowly moved towards one of the factories under the cover of night.

"Hmm... Your Highness, the spiritual power around here seems to be very active."

"I can already feel it... Tsk, the magic power is a bit sluggish."

The closer they get to the factory, the more obvious the fluctuations in spiritual power become - it's as if many magic source stones are being activated.

This concentration of spiritual power is nothing to Karin, but Keliya is a little uncomfortable with this environment.

"Sister Karin, if you need to fight something later, I'll leave it to you."

"No problem, there's still that spider."

After the high-altitude reconnaissance spider Sakura returned, Keliya was more certain that something was hidden here.

"Report. There are a large number of carbon-uranium activation facilities in the factory. Most of the heat radiation flows underground."

"It seems that there is something underneath."

Just as Keliya was thinking about how to get in, a transport team consisting of a large number of pack animal carts suddenly came into their sight.

Those trucks, which seemed to be carrying a lot of things, approached the town slightly under the cover of night.

"That's it. Let's find a way to get through!"

"Understood. Activate camouflage, please stay by my side."

After Zhu Ying opened the very convenient optical camouflage force field, the three of them quickly approached the approaching convoy.

Because it cannot cover up magic power or other energy fluctuations, this ordinary camouflage is usually not very useful.

But the spiritual power here is too strong, and ordinary detection methods are simply ineffective here.

"Sure enough, they are all materials for Warcraft... The entrance and exit must be in this town."

After the three of them restrained their breath and slightly touched a truck, Keliya immediately found a large amount of Warcraft materials.

Common materials such as bones, claws, teeth and skin are mostly used to make magic props.

The more expensive blood and magic cores are used to draw the core of props or arrays.

"With this amount...are all the monsters in the dukedom almost killed?"

"The reproduction capacity of monsters is very strong, and hunters will not go to those more dangerous habitats. So the number of monsters will recover in a few years."

"...Humans are still too weak."

In the past, humans learned fighting spirit and magic, and then they took the living space from the hands of monsters.

Although human footprints have now spread all over the continent, monsters are still a huge threat.

"The growth of monsters is different from that of humans...They seem to be able to obtain energy directly from the environment, unlike humans who have to use their own vitality to refine fighting spirit or magic."

Sometimes, Claire would wonder if humans had taken the wrong path from the beginning.

Although human fighting spirit and magic are indeed very powerful, due to the small size of individuals, they still have no advantage when facing monsters.

That's why humans use the remains of monsters to create huge weapons to make up for their own lack of size.

"...What's going on outside?"

"Report. The convoy is entering the building and confirming that there is a tunnel leading to the underground."

In order to avoid the weight affecting the vehicle, Zhu Ying has actually been in a suspended state.

And Keliya and Karin huddled in a corner of the car, trying to restrain their breath as much as possible.

"Using spiritual power to cover up the underground structure... How clever."

--Since the factory above is constantly emitting a large amount of spiritual power, ordinary magic detection techniques are simply ineffective.

Under such cover, even if outsiders know that the materials of the monsters will eventually be sent here, they cannot see through the internal situation here from the outside.

"There should be a few more tests inside. Sister Karin, please."

"You want me to use my spiritual power to interfere with the detection, right? Your Highness, I can only wrong you in that case."

"No problem, it's just that I can't use magic for the time being."

When Karin released countless dark red particles from her body, Keliya found that the magic power in her body had completely stagnated.

——Under the interference of spiritual power, both fighting spirit and magic are difficult to function normally.

"Hey, what's going on? Why is there such a strong spiritual reaction in this car?"

"It should be accidentally stained outside. Don't worry about it... Open the gate!"

After a while, Claire heard a conversation outside the car.

"The number of materials has been getting less and less recently. Are the monsters in the Duke's territory almost killed?"

"If there is none, we can only let the mercenaries go to the border to find it. I heard that there are still level 6 monsters there."

"The Duke should give an order soon... Okay, let's go in."

——With the slight vibration of the car, Claire finally sneaked into the secret factory of Duke Booker.

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