After the fleet of trucks quietly entered the building, they entered a long and narrow tunnel.

The pack animals were blindfolded early, and the faint spiritual power in the tunnel kept them calm - for magical beasts and ordinary animals, spiritual power can not only suppress their strength, but also soothe their spirits.

"The concentration of spiritual power is getting higher and higher, Your Highness, are you okay?"

"It's okay... It's so strange."

Keliya's magic power and fighting spirit have weakened by about half at this time, but she did not feel uncomfortable, but instead had a wonderful sense of pleasure.

And the spiritual power floating in the air is constantly trying to integrate into her body at this time - as if it has some kind of consciousness.

"Am I really suitable for using spiritual power?"

"Well, then find time to practice later?"

Although she has the ability to manipulate spiritual power, Karin can't understand what happened to Keliya at all.

Because even the spiritual power in her body seems to be attracted by Keliya, and it has been constantly agitated.

"Warning. A strong ground reaction has been detected... There was originally a magic source stone mine underneath."

"Mine... No wonder."

The most common veins in the Duke's territory are magic source stone veins, and the hollowed-out mines are usually idle.

But this empty mine has now been transformed into a secret factory - it has both ready-made space and can be hidden from the public.

"The car has stopped, we should be there soon."

When the long journey finally stopped, Keliya and the other two finally entered the underground factory of Duke Booker's house.

But when they carefully left the truck, they immediately saw a terrifying and strange scene -


"What is that...?"

After successfully leaving the truck under the cover of optical camouflage, Keliya and the other two immediately saw a huge deep pit.

However, right above the pit, a super-giant orange-yellow ellipsoidal object was suspended in the air by countless steel chains, and red lava-like liquid was constantly dripping into the pit.

- It was like the egg of some creature.

"Scan. Detected abnormal ground vein reaction... There are all activated carbon uranium and unstable vitality."

"That means it's all activated magic source stone?! With such a high concentration, it may explode at any time?!"

"Analysis. A quick scan cannot give an accurate result. It takes time to analyze it in detail."

Even Zhu Ying couldn't identify what it was at once, let alone Keliya.

——But she always felt that there was some special pulsation in it, and it seemed to resonate with her heartbeat.

"Zhu Ying, you stay here and continue to analyze that thing. I will take you to see if there is any information that can be collected... Your Highness, you are not affected by the spiritual power, right?"

"Fortunately... Let's go."

Because it felt quite bad, Keliya didn't plan to stay here for long.

After sneaking into the shadows with Karin quietly, they slowly moved towards the facilities that looked like buildings.

"The materials of the monsters were transported to another place... Strange."

Soon after Claire and the other two left the truck, the materials of the monsters were transported to another passage.

The inspection there was very strict, and each vehicle had to be carefully searched several times by the guards before it could be released. It might not be a simple matter to sneak in there.

"It seems that the materials were not transported to this thing... But what exactly is this thing?"

Looking at the orange-yellow giant egg that seemed to be gestating something twisted, Claire felt very bad for some reason.

——And soon, she saw a scene that surprised her even more.

"Mr. Mud, do you think this experiment will succeed?"

"It's difficult. After all, this is not a real star child... Even if it can absorb the energy of the earth veins freely, it is difficult to use it as a stable energy source."

After quietly touching the edge of the building, Claire and Karin were shocked to find that Duke Booker and the star seeker were here.

And what they talked about was even more terrifying.

"The thing we created this time is probably just a level 6 monster that can't live for too long... It's far from being good enough to be used as an energy source to drive the sky fortress."

"Hmph, I don't mind spending money. But didn't you say you had already determined the whereabouts of the Star Child? Why can't you find it now?"

"I originally suspected that the princess was the one we were looking for, but her reaction was completely different from what we expected... Didn't you also think she was the Star Child?"

These twoThe person seemed to be talking about the "Child of the Star" mentioned in front of her before, but it sounded like this matter seemed to have some kind of relationship with her?

Keliya had no idea what was going on, and she didn't dare to act rashly here.

"Because I know a secret that the royal family has been trying to hide... There are no outsiders here, so it's okay to tell you."

For some reason, Duke Buck's voice was cold and disturbing at this time. And Keliya desperately held her breath, fearing that she would miss some key information.

However, the next sentence that Duke Buck said made her stagnate in place as if struck by lightning-

"--The princess's nominal mother actually has no fertility at all, and she herself is a child that the emperor picked up from somewhere twenty years ago."

...I am not the emperor's biological...child?

"I see, that's why you asked me to test her... Unfortunately, she's probably not the Star Child."

"Hmph, since she's not the target we're looking for, she's probably just a bastard that the emperor picked up on a whim... I hope she'll be obedient in the future, otherwise I'll have to disclose the evidence to the empire."

"But if it's not her, then who would be the Star Child..."


Although Duke Booker was still talking to the Star Seeker, Claire couldn't hear their voices at this time-

I'm just a child picked up by the emperor?

Just a fake who was adopted and raised by the emperor on a whim and got the false name of a princess?

"Who am I?"

It doesn't matter who I am.

The most important thing is... if I'm not a real princess, how will Aarons treat me?

Will he feel deceived? Will he abandon me because I'm not a real princess?

I'm just a fake... What can I give him?

"Your Highness... Your Highness! Please calm down!"

When Karin's urgent cry reached Keliya's ears, she finally came out of her confused and trance state.

However, at this moment, she had completely lost her former pride and unruliness... Like a child about to be punished, her whole body was trembling slightly with fear.

"Sister Karin, I, I am... I am not..."

——After losing her identity, what is left?

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