Why was she murdered by her two brothers even though she had no right to inherit the throne?

Why did the nobles still dare to ignore her will and treat her as a commodity that could be traded even though she had great power?

Why did Duke Booker say without any disguising that he just didn't get the right price?

-- Because she was not a princess at all!

"I, I..."

"Your Highness, calm down!"

Seeing that the power in Claire was faintly showing signs of losing control, Karin immediately infused her spiritual power into her body.

The spiritual power quickly suppressed Claire's magic power and fighting spirit, and also eased her turbid spirit a little.

"Sister Karin... I, am not..."

"Your Highness, no matter who you are... the young master will not abandon you."

Karin certainly knew what Claire wanted to hear the most at this time, so she decisively said such words.

After hearing this answer, Claire, who had already fallen into confusion due to anxiety, gradually calmed down.


"I used to be just a disabled slave, but even so, the young master never thought of abandoning me."

Everyone knows Karin's experience, and Keliya has of course learned about this sister who first followed Aarons. She used to be active in the south of the continent as a mercenary leader. After she became disabled due to her arrogance, she became a slave due to debts. Finally, she was bought and revived by Aarons when she was on the verge of death.

Aarons doesn't care about identity or status, because he was just an ordinary person in his previous life, so his attitude towards nobles and ordinary people is the same.

"Anyway, let's leave here first."

In this state, the reconnaissance operation can't continue.

Keliya's emotions have only stabilized temporarily. If she is stimulated again, she may collapse directly.

"Zhu Ying, there is an emergency here, we need to retreat immediately."

"...I'm sorry."

"It's okay, let's go out and talk about it."

Although Karin doesn't care about Keliya's identity, she can understand the feeling of losing everything.

As for whether Aarons would abandon her because of such a thing? Judging from Karin's own experience, Aarons might be happy about it.


Under the cover of Spider Sakura, the three of them quickly escaped from the underground factory in a somewhat embarrassed manner.

They did see the secret hidden by Duke Booker, but another bigger secret defeated Keliya's will.

——She is not a real princess of the empire, but an orphan whose identity is unknown and adopted by the emperor twenty years ago.

"Your Highness, are you okay..."

"Don't call me like that anymore, I'm not..."

"As long as His Majesty the Emperor still recognizes you as a princess, you will still be."

There is indeed no problem with this statement.

As long as the royal family does not deny Keliya's identity, then even if she is not the emperor's biological child, she will still be a princess.

And Keliya, who has slowly calmed down, is not so confused at this time.

"...Yes, at least for now, I am still a princess of the empire."

Because Duke Booker is unlikely to lie to outsiders about such things, there is no need to question his words.

This matter is of great importance, so Karin can't act on her own.

"Zhu Ying, contact Xia Ye now and ask her to come here as soon as possible."

"Understood. In addition, I have collected all the information in that area and will soon generate an analysis report."

At this time, Karin's past leadership experience came into play - before Keliya's spirit is restored and stable, she can fully assume the function of commanding.

"We will return to the Chamber of Commerce immediately after the mercenary group comes back, and discuss countermeasures after Miss Xia Ye comes."

"Hu... Sister Karin, I'll leave it to you for the time being..."

"Your Highness, there is one more thing... Is your body okay?"

In order to prevent Keliya from losing control, Karin just forcibly transferred a lot of spiritual power into her body.

These spiritual powers will not only have a serious impact on magic power and fighting spirit, but may also hurt Keliya's body.

"Hmm... the spiritual power in my body seems a little strange."

However, after feeling the condition of her body, Claire was surprised to find that the spiritual power that had merged into her body had actually formed an independent cycle.

These spiritual powers could even flow in parallel with her fighting spirit and magic power, without any interference between them.

"Spiritual power... my body seems to be able to absorb spiritual power."

"It shouldn't be a bad thing. Zhu Ying, come and help His Highness check."

Under this situation, the maid with cherry hair did notAfter arguing with Karin, he immediately conducted a detailed examination of Keliya.

However, the results of the examination were somewhat difficult to understand.

"Report. The main database is still blocked and the relevant data cannot be compared. But I detected strong carbon-uranium thermal radiation in the body of Her Royal Highness the Princess, perhaps affected by the abnormal product just seen."

"Affect... So what is that thing?"

"Explanation. According to the analysis, it is speculated that it is a 'high-level magical beast artificially created to absorb carbon-uranium geothermal energy', but the individual is in a state of abnormal development and cannot be finally formed."

A magical beast that can absorb psychic energy? Why did Duke Booker create such a thing?

Karin carefully recalled the conversation she had just heard, but did not come up with any answer.

"... [Star Child] may be a life form that can absorb psychic energy freely, and they should be planning to make that thing into an energy core that can be used infinitely."

Although there were still some fluctuations in her mind, Keliya still explained for Karin.

"High-level magical beasts can directly absorb energy from nature, but they cannot absorb or store psychic energy. The only problem with the use of psychic energy at present is that they need to frequently replenish magic source stones from the outside."

If there is something that can directly absorb psychic energy remotely and release it in a concentrated manner-then humans don't have to worry about energy anymore.

"The key is [Son of the Star]... We have to find that thing earlier than them."

"Understood. Zhu Ying, you fly back to find Xia Ye now, tell her everything here, and then bring her here."

"Received. Now start the return journey, please go to the Chamber of Commerce as soon as possible."

No matter what will happen next, they don't have time to think slowly now.

If Duke Booker really gets unlimited energy, then no one in the empire will be able to be his enemy-just being able to fire magic array cannons without limit is already difficult to resist.

"Before I really lose my identity as a princess... I must eliminate this threat."

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