Due to the lack of effective information sources, Claire still underestimated the degree of interference of spiritual pollution on normal order.

Even under the full control of Duke Booker, a large number of riots occurred in the villages and towns outside Booker City.

All kinds of magic equipment could not be used normally, and powerful warriors and magicians degenerated into mortals - in such a harsh environment, the ugliness and greed of human beings were rapidly magnified.

If you can easily kill someone who was previously unmatched, ignore all magic barriers and grab the wealth kept by others, would you really choose to be a gentleman?

- At least most people don't have this awareness.

"These guys usually despise us, kill them!"

"Damn it, you idiots dare to covet the assets of the Duke's family!"

"It was the Duke who made you idiots lose your power, and he asked you to die!"

The weaker the person, the greater the desire will become in this situation.

Even if the Duke's family has sent guards with muskets to these places, they cannot completely stop the riots of the greedy people - there may be enemies behind this secretly inciting, but from this point, it can be seen that the prosperity of the Dukedom of Booker is actually not worthy of its name.

Because most of the wealth is concentrated in the hands of a small number of people, even if ordinary people's daily lives are acceptable, they will not really be satisfied with it.

"... This damn place is really crazy."

"Now it seems that whether Duke Booker is dead or alive, the traitor's goal has been achieved."

Even if Duke Booker wins, he will need a lot of time to regain control of the chaotic Dukedom. During this period, the Southern Front will need to bear greater pressure.

The traitor just wants to cause huge losses to the empire, and doesn't care how much chaos it will cause... Maybe the Star Seeking Brigade that wants to blow up the imperial capital is one of his collaborators.

"There's no time to worry about what's going on here...Everyone, prepare to fight! We're going to make the final supplies here and kill everyone who dares to point weapons at us!"

"We're going to kill again...I think the young master should really learn from your decisiveness!"

After making a casual joke, Kulan immediately jumped out of the car with a group of alien mercenaries.

Although he didn't like to kill people casually, for him as a mercenary, this kind of thing has long been commonplace.


Booker City, Booker Duke's Mansion.

Most areas of the territory have fallen into chaos due to spiritual pollution, and although Booker City is still in order for the time being, riots may break out at any time.

But even in this situation, Duke Booker still seems very calm...Even his subordinates wonder if he has gone crazy.

"I have been doing business for so many years, don't I know what risk is? It is because there is a big enough return that I am willing to take the risk first."

Shaking the scarlet wine in the goblet, the fat duke showed a chilling smile at the corner of his mouth.

The servants around him shuddered at the same time - although the duke himself did not have strong strength, he did make people feel scared.

"That idiot who dared not show his face thought that I had revealed a flaw because I lost an obvious heir? How stupid... Even if the Cardians and the Twilights were involved, what would happen? As long as I took off his disguise, the whole empire would be his enemy."

Of course, Duke Booker was not without any concerns.

"However, in this case, I can only choose to support His Royal Highness the Second Prince. Although the rewards are also rich, this is not in line with my habits."

"Report, Duke, Gulin Town has been arranged."

"Very good, then start to implement my plan! Since that guy wants to destroy my city, let him do as he wishes!"

After drinking the wine in the glass with a big laugh, Duke Booker casually threw the glass to the ground.

And the crisp sound of breaking is the death knell of the city's march towards destruction.

"Let's go! Come with me to the best audience seats to enjoy this show!"


Unknown dark place.

Although the chaos was expected long ago, the person hiding behind the scenes was indeed shocked by Duke Booker's decisive hand.

The spiritual pollution that permeated the Duke's territory blocked real-time communication, causing delays and deviations in the transmission of information - this problem did affect the accuracy and execution of the plan, and made this originally flawless strategy fallacious.

"But everything is still under control."

This plan hasAfter preparing for many years, of course, many factors that may cause obstacles have been considered.

Duke Booker is indeed a powerful opponent, but his reckless actions have actually created many opportunities for himself.

"So, the biggest threat now... is the princess and the marquis."

The forces behind Keliya are not strong. Although there are many people, there are not enough resources. And the useless eldest son left by Marquis Moti did not have the strength to change the situation.

However, for some reason, after these two people got together, they suddenly had a huge energy to shake the situation.

"But they should not have seen through my plan."

In this chess game, I am already several steps ahead of others.

Even if those people are catching up now, they can't stop me from moving forward.

"For this moment, I have been waiting for twenty years..."

Unless there are really gods in this world, or the brave man who saved the world a thousand years ago comes again, it is possible to subvert all this.

But those existences will not appear.

"It's time. We will completely destroy the rules and order of the old era and hand over the future of this country to the next generation."

When the whispers of darkness spread to various places along the shadows, those latent forces began their final actions.

"For the new era."

"For the future of the next generation."

"So that the weak will no longer be oppressed by the strong."

--Even if he had to bear the infamy, the main messenger hidden in the darkness never hesitated.

"Open the country's doors and let the stupid foreign enemies first clear the rotten things for us, and then... we will sweep them into the garbage dump of history."

"We will rebuild the glory of the Armand Empire and restore everything to its original appearance."

"So, let those who are still unwilling to leave the old era turn into gorgeous fireworks together!"

All the chess pieces on the chessboard have been placed in the correct position. Next, it is time to eliminate all opponents.

--Unless someone can overturn the chessboard and the chess player together.

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