The atmosphere in Booker City has become increasingly tense.

Residents were ordered to stay at home and wait for the Duke to eliminate the enemy, but the daily supply of food and daily necessities became less and less.

When some careful residents discovered that there seemed to be only a few guards left patrolling the streets, the originally fragile order quickly collapsed.

First, someone violently robbed the neighbor's supplies, and then someone attacked the guards guarding the supply point... In the end, everyone realized that there was nothing that could restrain them.

So, unstoppable chaos broke out.

"Kill them! They have weapons and food in their hands!"

"These people are all crazy... Is there something wrong with our plan!"

And a little unexpectedly, when the panicked and crazy people began to kill and plunder each other in the city, a group of mysterious people who had never been noticed before were also forced to reveal their identities.

These people are not like the mercenaries who came to the Duke's territory to hunt monsters before, but more like well-trained soldiers-but in such a chaotic situation, no one cares who they are.

Anyone with weapons and supplies will become a target. Even if they want to escape the city, ordinary people without sufficient defense will soon be shot down by cold guns and cold arrows from nowhere.

On the tenth day when the psychic pollution began to spread, Duke Booker's residence finally became a stage of violence and chaos.


"Your Highness, you don't have to come with us."

"No, I have to go to the scene in person to know what to do next."

Although Claire can't use any power now, in this environment, others are actually as vulnerable as she is.

So Xia Ye didn't refuse Claire's companionship in the end-but she still tried to shorten the distance between herself and the other party as much as possible.

"Your temper is really similar to that of the young master..."

Karin, who was walking at the front of the team, sighed slightly.

After all, Aarons also stood beside everyone like this at the time. Although he didn't have the power to fight, he inspired others to fight to the last moment.

And now, Claire, who is determined to become Aarons' wife, has done something similar.

"My husband has been fighting all the time... to avoid being a burden to us."

Karin and Xia Ye knew this, of course. Although they also wanted Aarons to let go of those psychological burdens, there was no particularly good way until now.

Perhaps Keliya, who is very similar to him in nature, can help him understand his own value.

"So, I can't escape either."

However, the closer they got to Booker City, the stronger the atmosphere of chaos became.

Zhu Ying, who had been conducting reconnaissance in the air, reported a disturbing situation when she fell just now - Booker City had fallen into a serious riot, and the whereabouts of Duke Booker himself were completely unknown.

Why did Duke Booker let his city become like this? Is there any connection between this situation and the enemy who was acting in secret?

"It must be faster... Damn, I still don't exercise enough!"

"Don't learn to be strong like the young master at this time, we will help you."

Because her physical fitness is not as good as others, Keliya's walking speed has obviously slowed down a lot.

After discovering this problem, Xia Ye decisively carried the princess on his back. In the eyes of those who knew her true identity, the hardworking Aries was not like the legendary ancient demon at all, but more and more like an almighty butler.

However, Karin, who had been with her the longest, did not intend to point this out.

"Boss, if you are going to fight someone later, you should find a bunker first. If you stay among us, you will be finished if there are really explosives thrown at you."

"Mr. Kulan, I will be responsible for protecting the safety of the princess, so everyone in the mercenary group does not have to worry about the problems in the rear."

The old-fashioned muskets issued by Duke Booker to his subordinates have limited lethality, and the alien mercenaries who are already equipped with full body armor are not too worried about being sniped from a distance.

Because the carbon-uranium rifles made by Jiangyue have a range and accuracy far exceeding their opponents, the mercenaries who are already proficient in using these weapons can now deal with more than twice as many enemies.

"I didn't expect that after losing their fighting spirit and magic, humans would still come up with so many ways to kill..."

——Kulan's unintentional sigh made Keliya feel a little more depressed.

Although the empire does have many problems, the lives of ordinary people have always been relatively stable.

However, this turmoil, which was caused by unknown reasons, has made the people of the empire who have always lived and worked in peace and contentmentBecame an innocent victim.

"Your Highness, the wall of Booker City is ahead. Please give the order."

"... Sister Karin will lead the charge, and the mercenaries will follow her. Anyone who dares to point a weapon at us is an enemy, show no mercy."

The chaos in Booker City is irreversible, so Keliya can only do her best to complete the predetermined goal.

When Duke Booker takes out his secret weapon, she can start to act... and before that, she must take the opportunity to find out who the hidden enemy is.

"Signal Miss Zhu Ying! We are going into the city!"

After receiving the order, Karin punched the sky and sent out a dark red stream of light. When the light exploded in the sky like fireworks, all the mercenaries rushed into the unguarded city gate at the same time.

- Then, they saw a miserable scene like purgatory.

"Why is this happening here?"

"Your Highness, please be careful... I don't feel right."

The once bustling city was now full of miserable corpses... The strong smell of blood, like a tragic battlefield, almost made Keliya vomit.

The houses on the street were burning, and the streets were full of broken building debris. Apart from the constant sound of gunfire from afar, even the voices of living people could not be heard in this city.

Why could a riot be so tragic?

"It's mental interference. This city has been covered by some kind of mental wave that can stimulate human killing desire... Captain Kulan, are your members carrying the mental protection props we prepared?"

"All of them, no problem! Director Xia Ye, just protect Your Highness!"

"Did Duke Booker do this? Or was it the enemy..."

- No matter who the culprit is, this kind of inhumane behavior can never be forgiven.

"Report. Emergency. A large amount of life energy is found to be gathering in a specific direction."

Just when Keliya was shocked by the miserable scene and lost her ability to think for a moment, the cherry-haired maid holding a giant axe suddenly fell from the sky and landed accurately beside her.

"Where is the life energy... going?"

"Confirmed. It is in the direction of Gulin Town. I also detected a huge carbon-uranium radiation reaction."

"It is the monster, Your Highness. Duke Booker is using the lives of these residents to stimulate the awakening of the artificial monster."

Since Keliya had not yet come to her senses, Xia Ye immediately made a judgment for her.

"Go and notify our trucks and ask them to go to Gulin Town immediately. Your Highness, we must go there as soon as possible."

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