If something really happened to the emperor, what would happen?

Most people might not think it was a big deal. Even if the emperor suddenly died, with the recognition of most nobles, the famous eldest prince would naturally succeed to the throne.

But Duke Oufei knew that this matter was not that simple, for the reason that --

"Because Quinlan Armand is only the eldest prince, not the crown prince."

Before Armand VII, no crown prince had been officially appointed, so even Loran Armand, who was not yet an adult, was qualified to compete for the position of crown prince.

Even if the eldest prince got the support of most nobles, it did not mean that he would definitely become the emperor.

"Did Duke Scott make any moves on the surface?"

[No, Duke Scott still stayed in the territory and was said to be in seclusion. ]

-- Is there anyone who wants to mislead the judgment of the outside world?

Duke Scott is indeed the biggest suspect of treason, but Duke Oufei, who was determined to defeat other dukes, did not think so.

The old magician's thinking mode is not like that of someone who would do such a thing... To put it bluntly, the old man actually doesn't understand politics at all.

"Got it, now you try to find out the movements of the two princes, and tell me immediately if there is anything unusual."

How much time do I have now? A month? Ten days?

Once the news of the Star Seeking Brigade's failure with Duke Booker reaches here, the imperial capital will be destroyed by the psychic explosion - but the question is, what benefits can the traitor get from this?

Killing the emperor is meaningless. The princes are now scattered all over the place, and the power of the nobles has not changed significantly. Even if the emperor is really dead, the empire will not collapse soon.

Even if the Cadians and the Dusk people attack at the same time, and the Duke of Booker's territory is also broken... the empire still has more than 70% of its territory stable.

"Who did it?"

Walking on the streets near the imperial city, Duke Oufei, disguised as a businessman, used his brain to the fullest - but he still couldn't come up with a logical answer.

But time is running out.

"Hey, kid... what are you doing here?"

A familiar voice suddenly sounded from behind, causing the young Duke of Oufei to tense up instantly and subconsciously turn around to take a defensive stance.

But this was not a warning, but a subconscious action developed after a long battle.

"... Master?"

"Don't make a sound, follow me."

When Duke Oufei saw the man who covered his whole body with a hooded robe, revealing only the lower half of his face with strange spiritual blue crystals on his skin, his tense body finally relaxed.

Because this was the mentor who had taught him martial arts.


"Master, what happened?"

"Answer my question first, why did you come here?"

After entering a relatively hidden building not far from the imperial city, the man with Duke Oufei revealed his true identity -

He was the spiritual blue martial god who guarded the royal family.

"It was Keliya... Her Royal Highness Princess who asked me to come here. She said that the Star Seeking Brigade from the Covenant Alliance was plotting to cause damage in the imperial capital, so..."

"Hehe, that little girl is really capable - it's true, and your Majesty was also plotted against by those people."

"Has your Majesty already..."

Has the emperor really died?

However, Lingqing Wushen shook his head and denied Duke Oufei's speculation.

"Your Majesty was poisoned and his body was seriously damaged. Although he is still alive now, he can basically not get out of bed."

"Does anyone else know about this?"

"I blocked the news immediately and only called the third prince back. In theory, no one else knew about this."

Although the emperor is not dead yet, he is definitely no longer able to appear in public.

And the traitor who cooperated with the Star Seeking Brigade should have been prepared for this.

"I understand... Master, you'd better take His Royal Highness the Third Prince away from the Imperial Capital."

"Oh? It seems that you already know something. Tell me the reason."

"The unidentified traitor did this not to kill the emperor... He wanted to take this opportunity to get rid of the princes."

Now that the emperor is in trouble, it is only natural to appoint a crown prince as soon as possible.

As long as the three princes receive the order and come to the Imperial Capital, the disaster of destruction will suddenly come, and all the legitimate successors of the empire will be wiped out.

At that time, the empire, which has completely lost its ruling core, will erupt in civil strife that is difficult to quell.

"Please take His Royal Highness the Third Prince to my territory for refuge first, and then... if something big happens in the empire, take him.He returned to the Marquis of Moti. "

"Oh? In my opinion, you can support the third prince to become the new emperor, why do you want to return him to the boy of the Moti family?"

If the other two princes really disappeared with the imperial capital, then Duke Oufei could immediately support the third prince to succeed to the throne, and use his own power to completely control the young prince who was not yet an adult.

But Duke Oufei decided to send him back to the border.

"I am not interested in this... You should know that."

"Hehe, in this case, then I won't say much. I will take the third prince away tonight... and you, take care of yourself."

The young man pushed his glasses with his hand and returned to his usual cold expression.

And the man with the spiritual green crystals growing on his skin put on his hood again, and laughed with some emotion.

"Little guy, don't die casually."

"...You too. "

After watching the Martial God of the Nation leave, Duke Oufei immediately took out the communicator and contacted his subordinates.

"Change the plan and let all those who monitor Duke Scott return to the territory. Then immediately send someone to the border to contact Count Jiangyue and tell her that the Third Prince is in our hands."

[The Third Prince? Could it be that you... Your subordinates understand, Lord Duke, we will start to act immediately.]

After rethinking the current situation, the expression on Duke Oufei's face became colder.

The current chaotic situation is also a good opportunity for him-regardless of whether the other party is related to this conspiracy, he must take advantage of the situation to get rid of Duke Scott.

"Leave the battle with the traitor to the Marquis. I have other things to do, so I won't waste time here."

Although he didn't know who the mastermind behind the scenes was, Duke Oufei no longer cared about it.

The enemy of the empire will eventually be eliminated, and he must seize this opportunity-to realize his wish.

"...Dia, please bless me."

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