"...No, that guy's tentacles can regenerate!"

While running all the way to the imperial capital, Keliya and her group were constantly trying to attack the giant beast that was moving.

Even after leaving the Duke's territory polluted by psychic energy, Keliya's strength has not recovered - the spiritual power is still flowing in her body. Although there is no harm for the time being, it may still erode her body at any time.

If it weren't for the suppression necklace given by Duke Oufei, Keliya might fall into a coma at any time because of the spiritual power invading her brain.

"Try to cut off those tentacles that may attack the ground, and then think of other ways!"

Although Keliya and her group have been doing their best to deal with it, the scale of the opponent is too large.

The villages and towns that the man-made giant monster passes through will be destroyed in an instant, and although Karin and Zhu Ying can easily cut off those tentacles, the opponent's regeneration speed is also exaggerated.

This monster created by Duke Booker with all his strength does have the destructive power to destroy the empire.

"Your Highness, it will take at least six days for the monster to self-destruct, but we are not far from the imperial capital."

"I know... we may have to use those magic source stones."

The six tons of magic source stones loaded on the three trucks are Keliya's last trump card - these magic source stones are enough to trigger a terrifying psychic explosion, and there is a high probability that most of the biological structure of the monster can be destroyed.

But this also means that they will face the danger of possible death.

"Boss! I just contacted someone we know in the empire, and the other party said that they can give us some support... but not much!"

"Whatever you have, give me the map by the way!"

Because Zhu Ying and Karin have been trying to attack the moving monster in the air, Kulan naturally sat in the back seat of the SUV.

After leaving the psychic pollution and recovering his fighting spirit, the mercenary leader immediately used his hidden resources - as a mercenary who often travels in the empire, Kulan actually has a lot of connections in the empire.

At this critical moment, he certainly would not be stingy with these things.

"There is the last mountain range ahead. After crossing it, there will be a plain near the imperial capital... We must block it there!"

"Your Highness, we have tried all the conventional methods. Now we can only let Miss Karin and Miss Zhu Ying take appropriate risks."

The so-called "risk" is actually the last resort.

Let Karin completely absorb all the magic source stones they brought, and then merge with Zhu Ying to completely destroy the opponent with the strongest attack form - but there are actually two problems with this.

If Karin absorbs too much spiritual power, she must bear the risk of her own self-detonation. And the consumption of the fusion technique is extremely exaggerated, and it does not necessarily ensure absolute destruction of the opponent.

Doing this is actually equivalent to letting the two of them fight to the death... But are they really willing to do this?

"Let me think about it..."

Even if the imperial capital is really destroyed, it has nothing to do with those two people. They are Aarons's retainers and have no obligation to protect the safety of the empire.

And I am just Aarons's nominal wife who has not yet married - if I really want to rank them according to comprehensive strength, I, a fake princess, have no competitiveness at all.

So the question is... can I really order them to risk their lives for unnecessary things?

"Your Highness, although I know that you and the young master have the same problem, you should not think too much at this time... Now we are all your retainers, please give the order directly."

"Sister Xia Ye..."

The sharp Xia Ye saw through Keliya's thoughts at once, and she gave her answer without hesitation.

"If the young master was here, he would give the same order as you."

"I know... Let's speed up and unload all the magic source stones as soon as we rush to the mountain!"

"Understood! Big boss, I will notify the assistance to be sent to the mountain!"

After getting the affirmation of others, Keliya no longer hesitated.

She certainly did not intend to let the monster continue to hurt innocent people, nor did she want the traitor's conspiracy to succeed.

"Then Captain Kulan, please fire a flare now to let Miss Karin and Miss Zhuying come down first."


Although the huge monster was flying very fast, the off-road vehicle still reached the top of the mountain at full speed.

"——In this case, I can only ask you two to take the risk."

After a short rest, Xia Ye immediately explained the plan to Karin and Zhuying.

Kulan also began to work on the support he received - a military-grade level 5 magicArray.

Of course, no one would ask what was going on with Kuran's connections in the empire at this time.

"Although it seems fine, if we really fight like that, it would be equivalent to causing a psychic explosion in the air."

"I agree. If the opponent is forced to disintegrate under external force, there is also a risk of uncontrolled energy explosion."

"Coincidentally, the support I received is a defensive barrier array... We just need to hide on the back of the mountain and set it up. Even if there is a psychic explosion, we should not die."

The existing preparations are indeed not sufficient, but if this opportunity is missed, the imperial capital will definitely be damaged.

So even if this is a huge risk, they can only do this now.

"I'll ask again, Sister Karin, Zhu Ying... are you willing to take risks for such an irrelevant matter?"

"What are you talking about, Princess? You are the young master's fiancée, so of course we will obey your orders."

"I agree. According to calculations, our lives will not be in danger."

At this critical moment, she was of no use at all - only then did Keliya really realize how much pressure Aarons had been under.

He was always worried that he would become a useless burden, so his evaluation of himself would become lower and lower.

"Then, please."

"No problem, Miss Xia Ye, please take the others to find a place to hide as soon as possible... I can't guarantee that the battle will not get out of control."

"I will send you a signal."

After a brief exchange, Xia Ye directly stuffed Keliya into the car, and then jumped into the driver's seat quite coolly.

The truck that had unloaded all the magic source stones also started to drive towards the side of the mountainside with the magic array under the command of Kulan.

"Tsk, stinky spider, do you think we can really deal with that guy?"

Although she made a confident promise just now, Karin actually felt uneasy as she looked at the huge tentacle monster slowly flying from the horizon.

——Can she really destroy that monster?

"Suggestion. Maybe praying more devoutly will be helpful... If the gods hear it by chance, they may give us some extra power."

"That kind of thing is too unreliable!"

But anyway, they have no other options now.

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