"By the way, didn't you say before that I was some kind of...sensing species? What does that mean?"

"Explain. Your bloodline ability can manipulate specific energy within a certain range. Existing data shows that you can freely control carbon-uranium radiation energy within a distance of one kilometer."

"Oh...wait, in that case, can we--"

While absorbing the magic source stone, Karin suddenly remembered a question that she had not paid much attention to before.

After asking her former opponent, she came up with a rather risky idea.

"Evaluation. Is your brain no longer working? What's the difference between your method and rushing in and self-destructing?"

"But it is indeed feasible, right?"

The petite maid with cherry hair now glared at her colleague with disdain, and only changed to a serious expression after realizing that the other party was not joking.

"Prediction. The success rate is less than 20%. If you fail, you may die."

"But we have no other choice."

"... Then wait a minute. I will inject part of my structure into your body."

Zhu Ying, who rarely said the concluding words at the beginning of the sentence, became solemn at this time.

Because she herself is not a human, not even a life - having such a human-like reaction means that she actually has her own soul.

"Ah, wait - it hurts!"

"Shut up, stupid dog. This will increase your chances of survival."

After a strange limb like a spear protruded from under the maid's skirt and pierced Karin's abdomen directly, a mysterious connection was established between the two.

- It was the sharing of life and energy, and the fusion of spirit and soul.

"... So that's how it is. I understand."

"Don't say anything extra. It's time to go. I'll throw you to the opponent's core part, and then you can use the method you came up with."

After the limb-like structure protruded from behind, Spider Sakura quickly entered the preparation posture for takeoff.

And Karin also cooperated very well and jumped directly onto her back, grabbing the wing-like part on her back with her hands.

"Take off."

Without using airflow or magic, the unknown strange power of the alien creation made her fly into the sky in an instant and rushed towards the giant monster that was approaching quickly.


"Hmm... This spiritual power concentration is really a bit outrageous..."

When Karin was accurately thrown onto the monster's body by Spider Sakura, the spiritual power she had absorbed into her body in advance also became agitated.

Karin, who forcibly absorbed six tons of magic source stone, was a dangerous item that could explode at any time.

If Spider Sakura hadn't injected a part of its own structure into her body, she might have exploded directly.

[Announcement. I will try to clear the tentacles as much as possible on the periphery. Please tell me if you need to retreat. 】

"Don't worry, I know what to do."

This monster was originally just the energy source of the aerial fortress, but the people of the Star Seeking Brigade must have made some tricks when they created it.

After being attacked and losing control, it quickly expanded its body and devoured all the humans in the fortress - but the structure of the fortress itself was not seriously damaged.

So Karin still has a normal way to go.

"Find the core and control it to release all the energy..."

If my ability is really as effective as Zhu Ying said, then this huge opponent may not be so difficult to deal with -

But unless I can get there in time.

"Tsk, are you really prepared!"

The monster had already sensed Karin's invasion, so the huge flesh and blood tentacles drilled directly along the internal passage of the fortress.

And after this terrifying limb discovered Karin's existence, it directly released violent energy in the passage and directly erupted the high-temperature spiritual power.

"...This guy!"

The hot spiritual energy like lava directly pushed Karin against the wall, and the spiritual energy in her body began to surge violently.

Because the spiritual energy in her body had long exceeded the critical value, if it was triggered in this situation, there was a high probability of a secondary explosion.

But the spiritual energy released by the opponent was like flowing lava, which was not something that the flesh could easily resist.

Oops, I underestimated the opponent -

Even if the body that has reached level 6 will not be burned by such heat, the excess spiritual energy in the body may be detonated at any time... Karin realized how stupid her previous thoughts were at this time.

In this situation, she could not survive at all.

"Oh, really... I should have known not to do this.. "

The spiritual power in the body became more and more violent, and the spiritual energy of the giant tentacle did not show any sign of stopping.

Realizing that she would soon become the core of the explosion, Karin could only sigh.

[Why not try a more devout prayer.]

At this last moment, the brown-skinned wolf girl suddenly remembered her companion's joke for some reason.

Prayer - can the gods of alien planets really hear their voices?

I have borrowed their appearances before, and just doing so will consume a lot of power - if I can change into their appearances by myself, then the power in my body may be exhausted in an instant.

So, now I can only pray.

"Gods in a distant foreign land, if you can hear my prayers, please -"

"It is too much of a burden for you to imitate my original appearance, let me see... um, I will give you a new form."

... What?

Unexpectedly, Karin really heard the voice coming from the dark.

That was a cunning tone that made people feel that she was quite difficult to deal with.

Although the voice sounded like a quirky girl, the image that appeared in front of her was actually a mature and majestic woman.

『I, ■Fi■a·Sa■el——give you the name of "Red". 』

The most crucial name of God was completely lost as if it was erased by some force.

However, when the ethereal voice echoed in Karin's heart, her body suddenly began to change without any signs.

Spiritual power gushed out of her body, and then immediately attached to the surface of her body——then, these red lights quickly condensed into entities, completely changing her body.

In a flash, Karin's human body completely turned into a giant alien wolf with a black body, white bone armor covering the limbs and head, and red mane on the back of the neck.

『Okay——you can bite and crush everything you want to destroy. 』

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