After Keliya and Kulan boarded the magic car prepared by the Royal Guards, the female deputy commander of the Royal Guards told them about the current situation.

"The fact that His Majesty was ill was not spread out, and only a few people knew about it... But three days ago, Duke Oufei suddenly made it public to the whole country, and also declared that he would not support the eldest prince to succeed to the throne."

"What... Moro that bastard!"

"Please calm down, Your Highness, this is not entirely a bad thing."

Keliya, who had lost her power, did maintain sufficient rationality at this time, so her anger only lasted for a moment.

At first glance, Duke Oufei's actions exposed the biggest problem of the empire-but in fact, this also disrupted the enemy's plan.

"Not long after, the second prince rushed to the imperial capital with most of the second legion... But according to our estimates, they had been mobilizing troops at least half a month ago."

"Half a month... Wait, then who is maintaining the southern defense line?!"

The second legion led by the second prince is the main force of the southern front.

The Third Army just withdrew from the southern front last year, and many veterans and wounded soldiers have taken this opportunity to retire. The Fifth Army, which was added this year, is a new army with incomplete personnel and organization, and has little combat effectiveness.

"Because the imperial capital is blocked, we can hardly grasp the information outside at present... but I think the situation over there should not be optimistic."

"That would be bad, my husband..."

If the southern front is already at a disadvantage, then what crisis will Aarons, who is trying to raid the Twilight People, encounter?

Without the main force of the Second Army, the southern front will find it difficult to resist the attack of the Twilight People for a long time - but the second prince is determined to attack the imperial capital and forcibly succeed to the throne, and he will definitely not go back.

"Your Highness, we can only try our best to do our own things now."

"...Ah, that's right."

"Noral, let me ask a separate question - have you found any suspicious outsiders or suspicious magic devices in the imperial capital these days?"

Because Keliya still needs some time to sort out her thoughts, Kulan took the initiative to ask the key things.

The Star Seeking Brigade of the Covenant Alliance - they even planned to trigger a psychic explosion in the Imperial Capital in order to awaken the Son of the Star.

"Outsiders... Although we haven't found any clues, people around His Majesty said that His Majesty suddenly fell ill after meeting with a group of scholars from the West."

"It seems that the Star Seeking Brigade is behind this. Boss, what do you think?"

If you don't know what happened in the Duke of Booker's territory, most people will only think that all this was planned by the Second Prince to usurp the throne.

But the Duke of Booker, who supports the Second Prince, has actually been calculated by the real enemy.

"... Wait until I see my father."

Because the Imperial Capital could be breached at any time, the originally prosperous streets were now empty - because the Second Prince did not stop the residents of the Imperial Capital from fleeing, most people had already left the city.

Even if the magic car was speeding at full speed on this dead street, there would be no problem.

"The Imperial Guards have run out of supplies. We can hold out for three more days at most... But His Majesty is in no condition to break out with us."

"Wait... Where is His Excellency the God of War? If it was the Lingqing God of War, he should be able to take my father away, right?"

"His Excellency the God of War... disappeared with His Royal Highness the Third Prince who came to see His Majesty after Duke Oufei announced the news that His Majesty was seriously ill."

Roland actually came to the imperial capital... and was taken away by the Lingqing God of War?

This unexpected news made Claire's thoughts, which had been sorted out with great difficulty, confused again.

"Your Highness, I think this is all Duke Oufei's strategy. He protected His Royal Highness the Third Prince who has the right to inherit the throne, so even if a civil war breaks out between the First Prince and the Second Prince, the bloodline of the empire can be preserved."

"What on earth is that damn Moro Oufei thinking?"

If this is true, then Roland should be hiding in Duke Oufei's territory now. Even if Duke Oufei's overall strength is not as good as the other two dukes, he will not be defeated easily.

But what benefits can Duke Oufei get by doing this?

"Your Highness, please don't think too much about these things for the time being."

Since the magic car arrived at the imperial city very quickly, Xia Ye interrupted Keliya's excessive thinking in time.


"Your Highness, we have already dismissed most people in the imperial city, and His Majesty is... Now there is only one imperial doctor left."

"I understand. Captain Kulan, please wait outside with Captain Nolar.Yes. Miss Zhuying, please protect them. "

After the magic car stopped at the main gate of the imperial city, Keliya immediately rushed in with Karin and Xia Ye.

This once magnificent and majestic imperial city has long lost its original majesty, leaving only unbearable silence.


In fact, Keliya knew very well that even if she really met the emperor, the other party might not be able to communicate with her.

--When did things become irreversible?

"... Found it, it's here!"

"Your Highness, please be careful! There is a strange breath nearby!"

Since Keliya has no power at all now, she didn't even notice the existence of the enemy-if Karin hadn't blocked her behind her in time, the red arrow that suddenly shot out from the shadow would have pierced her body at this time.

And after the arrow touched Karin's body, it immediately exploded into dark red flowing dust.

"...Spiritual power? Who is it, come out! ”

“Heh, I didn’t expect that someone would come to look for a dying emperor at this time.”

As the brown-skinned wolf girl shouted, several people wearing the same exotic costumes and looking obviously very strange appeared from the shadows around them.

Even though Claire had never seen them before, she could probably guess their identities.

“…Star Seeking Brigade!”

“Do you know our name? Heh… The woman who dared to come to the Imperial City at this time must be the princess.”

Why did these people appear in the Imperial City?!

Even though most of the Imperial City’s garrison forces were outside, the Imperial City’s barrier was still functioning normally when they came in just now…

So how did these people get in?

“Miss Xia Ye, take His Highness away from here immediately. These people seem to be able to use spiritual power… Leave it to me. "

After quietly signaling to her colleagues, Karin immediately stepped forward to meet these foreigners who were obviously ill-intentioned.

"It seems that you are very confident in your own strength - coincidentally, so am I."

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