Karin immediately became alert after the other party shot the spiritual arrow just now.

Spiritual power is the power of the planet itself, and it is not compatible with the power used by monsters and humans. Even Karin, who has been blessed by the alien god, can only control the light and heat properties of this power.

But these people seem to have mastered the ability to use this power freely.

"Confidence? Ha, a mere alien cannot understand the real power."

These men who look ordinary do exude a special aura of power... but Karin does not think that these people have the ability to threaten her.

Xia Ye has already rushed to the inner hall with Keliya. Even if there are still enemies ambushing there, Aries, who claims to be a civil servant, can deal with them alone.

"I really don't understand the real power... but you are not strong at all!"

In order to test the other party's true power, Karin deliberately did not stimulate the spiritual power in her body.

She rushed towards the enemy closest to her, and then just swung her fist casually - and the opponent did not dodge at all, and after a cold laugh, he released a large number of dark red particles from his body.

He might think that as long as he has spiritual power to protect his body, fighting spirit and magic can't hurt him... But Karin didn't use these things.

So, without any fancy punches, she directly knocked the overconfident guy out.


"Ha, is this all you have!"

While knocking the opponent away with a punch, Karin also felt the spiritual power released from the opponent's body.

That kind of spiritual power is completely different from the one stimulated from the magic source stone. It is full of a dead feeling - as if it had been separated from the planet a long time ago, lost its activity and was then absorbed into the body.

To put it simply, there is no temperature in that spiritual power.

"She actually has such strong brute force?! Don't be careless, suppress her with spiritual power!"

After discovering that Karin had the power to break through the interference of spiritual power, these enemies immediately released the spiritual power they controlled.

It was as if they were back in the Duke of Booker's territory. The diffused spiritual particles instantly covered the entire area - if it was an ordinary fighting warrior or magician, it would probably have completely lost its combat power at this time.

But this had no effect on Karin at all.

"It's really surprising that you can manipulate spiritual power, but... do you have any other skills?"

Although the enemies were quite confident in their own strength at the beginning, they could no longer remain calm when they saw that the black-haired and brown-skinned wolf girl was still leisurely under the high concentration of spiritual power.

"What's going on... Is this guy a level 6 power?!"

"Oh? It seems you know a lot... Although I really want you to tell me everything now, a more efficient way is..."

Karin didn't need to induce the other party to tell her any information, because she had a professional intelligence collector beside her - as long as she caught two people alive, Xia Ye could directly forcefully read their memories.

As for whether this was humane... Do demons need to pay attention to that?

"Come on, see the real power!"

As Karin shouted loudly like a long howl, the lifeless spiritual power around her became active in an instant.

The controlled light and heat quickly condensed on Karin's outstretched hands, and in a blink of an eye, two red flame balls like mini suns were constructed.

The brown-skinned wolf girl holding the sun seemed to have transformed into a foreign god at this time, bursting out with divine power that made people want to kneel down.

"The so-called power of the planet should be used like this!"

The red flame exploded in his hand and turned into two wolf heads made of spiritual power.

Then the two wolf heads simultaneously opened their huge mouths that seemed to be able to swallow everything, revealing a darkness that was as dark as the abyss.

"What, she can actually--"

Although the enemy had realized the danger, they had no time to react.

The red wolf head flew towards the two closest people at an incredible speed, and the ferocious fangs made of spiritual power instantly bit through their thin protection.

But this did not leave any obvious external injuries on them.

"Spiritual power can actually... woooo--"

However, when the illusory wolf head bit the two people, their bodies instantly burst out with the dark red brilliance unique to spiritual power-the active power quickly eroded their bodies, making them howl miserably.

This was obviously more painful and terrifying than being bitten directly by a wolf.

"The alien can actually manipulate spiritual power...Everyone, retreat immediately!"

"You wish - since you are already here, don't even think about leaving!"

The opponent's actions were indeed quite decisive - seeing that the situation was not good, they planned to abandon their injured companions and escape immediately.

But at this time, the two wolf heads that had just bitten the two people as if they were unreal had returned to Karin's side.

"Divine body - liberation!"

It seized the vitality of humans, completed the activated spiritual power construct, and roared into Karin's body.

Then, the perfect body given by the foreign gods was constructed again in this world using these spiritual powers.

"Do you understand now? This is the real power of this planet! "

After transforming into a giant wolf with a black body, white armor, and red mane, Karin immediately raised her head and howled.

Under her control, the blazing spiritual power spread out like a corona. The earth and the sky were simultaneously enveloped in blazing red flames, and the temperature quickly rose to a level that ordinary life could not bear.

"Burn up in the heat of the earth - [Earth Blood Tide]!"

The giant wolf raised its strong front paws with red crystals and white bone armor high, and then slapped the ground hard.

And this blazing area also trembled violently - the earth cracked and bulged, and red lightning flashed in the sky.

Then, like a volcanic eruption, the lava flow rolled out from under the originally stable ground without any warning.

"What! How is it possible - why can aliens also control the power of this planet! "

However, no one could answer this question.

Because when these people were trapped by the violent magma tide, the giant wolf that called on the power of the earth had already rushed towards them on the boiling lava.

And when the stranger who originally thought that he could win the battle by mastering the spiritual power was violently and forcefully pressed into the rolling lava by the giant wolf, the world soon became quiet.

"Oh no, I forgot to leave two people alive for Miss Xia Ye--"

However, there seemed to be some small flaws in this sweet victory.

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