Well, another stage is finished.

...Can I start laughing?

Of course, the Q&A rules are the same as before, but I am very happy this time so I will write more.


Q: Stop writing, what the hell is this?

A: Okay, let's finish it now!

Then let's start.


Q: You, you, you, what the hell are you writing? !

A: I made this dumpling for this little vinegar!

This is the first plot I thought of when I conceived this book. These 600,000 words and more than 200 chapters are written just to lay the groundwork for this plot!

I am very happy!


If you want to answer seriously, I have already mentioned it a long time ago.

I have already talked about the relevant topic during the first Q&A. At that time, most people probably didn't take it seriously at all - Tomato, you are not happy with this article, but you dare to stab people with a knife?

No one is watching me, why don't I dare to stab!

It's fine if there are no updates or reviews, but there are so many people who start cursing after reading only one or two chapters in this book review area. If I had the bad temper five years ago, I would have even dared to end this book here!

Of course, this will not happen... Besides, I received a huge reward two days ago.

After all, this book still has many readers, and I have expectations and plans for this book - so of course I will continue to update it in the future, and all problems and twists and turns will be given a satisfactory explanation.

Human growth is not about leveling up by killing monsters. You must take responsibility for what you do and pay the price for making mistakes. Since you have read this far, I believe you should be able to accept this simple truth.

Those who don't accept it will not see this place, it doesn't matter.


Q: I want to support the book. What stage has this book reached?

A: This plot represents the official end of the early plot, and the next is the middle plot of the whole book - it won't be long, but it is very important.

Anyway, no one is reading it now, so if you want to support the book, then support it. However, correspondingly, the fewer people follow me, the less likely I am to update more.

This is the so-called contradiction of "How can I read if you don't update more" and "How can I update more if you don't read", which has no solution.


Since it has been mentioned, I will also talk about the update.

I was actually very uncomfortable when I updated twice before. After all, I am not a full-time writer. I have to spend time writing when I go to work during the day and come back at night. Sometimes I have to write two chapters at night because of work, and I will probably have to stay up until two or three o'clock-and then my work and rest will be messed up.

It is painful to lack sleep, and the physical examination indicators were also wrong a few days ago, so I gave up updating twice a day.

Why does it take so long to write 4,000 words? Isn't it that "readers only need to read, but writers have to consider more"?

Anyway, let me take a break during this period. Recently, I work ten hours a day and write two hours at night. It's already stuck at eleven thirty before I can post it.

I can't guarantee that I will resume updating twice, but I promise that I won't stop updating for a long time without reason.


Q: The relationship between the characters seems to be a bit complicated. Can you explain it a little?

A: Before answering this question, I want to talk about something else.

During the second Q&A session, I had planned to pull one person from the supporting role to join the main character group, and make up an eight-person full-strength female protagonist team.

However, after careful consideration during this period, I found that this was not quite appropriate.

First of all, the level of the supporting role and the main character is not quite equal, and the relationship is also difficult to handle - you see that the female protagonists are all monsters and ghosts now, can a supporting role keep up with their rhythm?

Secondly, the introduction of the role is indeed not very convenient. I didn’t describe the supporting role much, and it would be abrupt to add it in.

So after careful consideration, I decided to cancel the idea of ​​turning the supporting role into a main character and add the last real female protagonist - and the interpersonal relationship will be a bit surprising.

The detailed relationship between the heroines will be reflected in the text, so I won’t say more here. But everyone will have a direct connection with the other three people, making the interpersonal relationship form a perfect closed loop.

As for other characters? As long as it has been used, it will definitely be useful.


Q: It feels like the combat power is about to collapse. What about the previous balance?

A: It is not out of control. Everything is still within control.

At present, the most powerful force in this world view is the pseudo-nuclear explosion, but the conditions for launching it are very harsh. It is not something that can be done by just waving a hand.

You said that someone seems to be able to do it? I have said in the Q&A before that the "scale" of humans is not that large.

So even if it is really a human-shaped nuclear bomb, as long as it still maintains the human form, it cannot be used.Such a powerful force——Of course, the power of the entire natural world is immeasurable.

Even if I take a step back, I have already created a protagonist who has no fighting power at all. Would I still bother to write about the battle of traditional fighting magic?

So the fighting power must be replaced by a system, but the scale will at most reach the level of modern or near-future wars.

Killing thousands of people with one sword? Change the book.


Q: The protagonist should also have some means of self-protection, right? If it continues like this, something bad will happen?

A: Okay, then let's have a female protagonist summoning technique (not).

Don't even think about fighting power, even self-defense weapons are not available.

But I originally designed something on a large scale, so that he can effectively exert his abilities——and it can also solve many existing problems.

What exactly is it? You can guess.


That's all for this Q&A.

Thanks to the readers who are willing to post various comments to exchange their thoughts and read the book silently.

I will take a day off tomorrow to sort out the rest of the story, and then I will continue to update one chapter a day for the time being.

The following is a story about facing oneself, correcting mistakes, and fulfilling promises before everything is irreversible.

Spoilers? Nothing to say.

"Let the flame purify everything" - what is too old? Let's change it to a new one.

"Growth, life, happiness, and friends."


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