——The civil strife began.

After the communication problem that had troubled the entire empire for half a month was solved, the entire empire immediately received several earth-shaking news.

The second prince, Mylan Armand, led the Second Legion to attack and occupy the imperial capital, and publicly announced to the whole country that Emperor Armand VII was assassinated by the first prince, Quinlan Armand, and Duke Scott. Then he announced that he would inherit the throne and called on the people to fight against the first prince's faction of regicide and treason.

The first prince also issued a statement saying that the rebellion of the second prince and the second legion led to the complete collapse of the southern front, and the army of the Dusk Kingdom had invaded the empire, killed Duke Booker and destroyed the dukedom - the other side was the rebel

Because the two princes held their own opinions and confronted each other, all kinds of unconfirmed information quickly filled the entire empire.

But everyone knew that an unexpected civil war would soon break out.


"...No news yet?"

"Your Highness, because most of the common magic communication networks in the empire are built by the Scott family...so now more than half of the lines have been occupied."

The third prince Loran, who was brought to the Dukedom of Oufei by the Spiritual Green Martial God, has been paying attention to the changes in the situation in the empire.

But this is the least valued northeastern region of the empire - although a large area of ​​the empire's territory borders the ocean, the coast is full of cliffs with complex terrain, and the sea near the coast is full of reefs and rapids, and there is no place to build ports and routes.

So this is actually the dead corner of the empire...After the two dukedoms blocked the external trade channels, the Duke of Oufei was forced to choose self-sufficiency.

And now, communication here and other regions has also become a problem.

"The southern front is not so easy to break, and the royal sister and brother-in-law will definitely not sit idly by in this situation...but where are they now?"

The current situation does not allow people to think carefully about countermeasures.

If a civil war really breaks out in the empire, then the surrounding neighboring countries will definitely take the opportunity to launch a full-scale attack and completely destroy the empire's future.

However, Aarons and Keliya, who are most likely to solve these problems at this time, have lost contact for some reason.

"Your Highness, Duke Oufei is here."

The underage third prince does not know what he can do, but he knows very well who is controlling his fate.

"Your Highness the Third Prince, are you looking for me?"

"Duke Oufei... Please tell me, have you foreseen this situation a long time ago, so you spread the news publicly in the imperial capital at that time?"

Duke Oufei once publicly announced in the imperial capital that the emperor was dying of an acute illness, and at the same time expressed his opposition to the eldest prince's succession to the throne - although most people were skeptical at the time, reality soon slapped those people in the face.

In this situation now, there is no chance to stay out of it.

"In fact, I worked with Her Royal Highness the Princess at the Duke of Booker's place for a while. I discovered at the time that Duke Booker had been bewitched by outsiders and had lost his proper judgment."

"Outsiders... are you talking about the Star Seeking Group?"

"I suspect that one of the two princes has also lost his original self, so he made such a statement to test... but unfortunately, the development of the situation still exceeded my expectations."

——Duke Oufei's words cannot be fully believed.

Although the third prince Loran is young, he is not a fool who knows nothing.

Although the young duke appears to be polite and rational, such people are often more calculating.

He must be hiding some ulterior motives-the young prince will not trust others easily in such a situation.

"By the way, Duke, how are Els and Meili now? I heard that they are learning from Lingqing Wushen."

"Those two young people are very talented and should soon become your right-hand men."

Although Luo Lan was only allowed to return to the imperial capital alone when he was urgently summoned, he still brought Els and Meili with him - and these two peers who had learned a lot from Aarons did help him a lot.

Now the only people he can trust are these two followers who were once orphans.

"Your Highness, I still want to emphasize one thing to you. The Duke's family will not support you in your fight for the throne, but will definitely guarantee your safety - if the eldest prince and the second prince lose the opportunity to inherit the throne for some reason, then you will be the only bloodline of the imperial royal family."

It was as if... Duke Oufei had predicted that the two princes would eventually die.

Luo Lan did not dare to ask more, nor did he want to expose too much of himself.idea. So he just nodded, and skillfully put on a look of half-understanding.

"If the Duke has nothing else to say, then go and do your own thing. I have no problem here."

"Then your highness, I will take my leave first."

After watching the young Duke leave the room, Loran finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the civil war between the two princes is probably inevitable... So what can I do now?


Border Territory.

"Count, although the Battle of Zhengrong has been suspended now... But the honorary nobles belonging to the two factions have begun to confront each other in the territory. If they fight here, there is a high possibility that there will be problems in our rear."

"I know... What is the situation on the front line?"

"We can't completely stop the advance of the Cadians. Their reserve materials and personnel are several times more than ours... Mines and artillery alone are far from enough."

There is only one valley connecting the Empire and the Kingdom of Cadia, so the losses of the Cadians every time they fail to attack are not that great.

They can continuously send new soldiers to consume the empire's military power, and the Fourth Legion in the border territory now has no backup.

"In addition, the Third Battalion of the Third Legion left behind on the southern front sent us a letter for help a few days ago... but we have not been able to contact them since then, and we don't know what the situation is over there."

Aarons personally commanded the Yumenhua to go out to solve the problem over there - Jiangyue, who stayed in the border territory, knew this very well.

If the situation over there has not eased, it means that Aarons has failed... but now the magic communication network in the empire has been almost completely cut off, so no one knows what happened over there.

"Then let's do this... I will solve the problem of the honorary nobles, and the Fourth Legion will try to maintain the current situation as much as possible, and hold on for one more day."

As long as Aarons and Keliya come back, many problems may be solved.

... But where are they now?

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