Traverser Management System

Chapter 102: true colors

Finally arrived in front of a small courtyard, Xu Qiaoer opened the door and said to Zheng Yu: "That's it, you come with me to see my dad, I want to take the Huansheng Pill to my dad first!"

This small courtyard doesn't look big, but when I entered it, I found that the rooms inside were scattered and there were quite a few rooms. There were living rooms and bedrooms, and a peach tree was planted in the small courtyard!

Zheng Yu asked Xu Qiao'er for a room, and then got in by herself. Xu Qiao'er didn't wait for him, so she went to find her father first. She was anxious to give the medicine pills to his father so that he could get better soon!

The greatest effect of Huansheng Pill is to renew the meridians, regenerate the true essence, and also have a certain effect of replenishing the lifespan. Xu Qiao'er's father broke out again after he was injured in the meridians, causing problems in his dantian, so that the true essence could not be transferred. Now the injuries are getting more and more serious, and he is about to die!

The medicinal effect of Huansheng Pill is just right for the symptom. If this pill is left on, it is estimated that it will not be long before it will recover!

After Xu Qiao'er entered the room, he saw the middle-aged man lying on the bed. His eyes were a little gloomy. His entire upper body was wrapped in bandages, with some blood oozing out of it. This is the destruction of the meridians and collapsed. The scars left by the flesh! The entire pubic area was sunken, and it looked like it had lost its internal organs. It was a bit horrible!

Xu Qiaoer walked forward quickly and looked at Daddy lying on the bed, tears fell again!

Xu Qiao'er said: "Daddy, I found the Pill of Resilience, you can take it quickly!"

Xu Qiao'er's father is also a casual cultivator. He had an adventure since he was a child. He found a book on alchemy in the ancient tomb of his hometown and stepped into the world of cultivating immortals!

He ran countless places for the spiritual herbs and elixir for alchemy, and he didn't know how much suffering he had eaten!

Only now has the foundation-building cultivation base, and now my cultivation base is completely lost, my heart is ashamed!

Every day he saw his daughter go out looking for those spirit grasses and refining spirit potions from spirit medicines. He just wanted to make up for himself a spirit stone for a life-saving pills, and he felt a little bit miserable in his heart!

My daughter is weak by nature, how can I know that at such a critical time, she can put everything aside and run for herself!

He knew his fate soon, are those tens of thousands of spiritual stones so profitable? And to pick those spirit grass and elixir, relying on the daughter's cultivation base during the Qi training period, maybe one day she would die in the hands of those monsters!

He also tried to persuade his daughter several times, but now it is difficult for him to get up. He has nothing to do if his daughter does not listen to him. Every time his daughter went out, he was lying on the bed, waiting for her to return safely!

What he didn't expect was that this time his daughter went out to sell the pill and came back to tell himself that she had brought back the Pill for Life!

"How did this pill come from?" He didn't think that his daughter would be able to exchange for such a life-returning pill after a period of time to collect the pill, and the pill that he had practiced for a period of time. After running around for so many years, he may not be able to change it, let alone his own daughter?

"Father, don't ask, you take it first, and wait until you are healed, and then tell you!" Xu Qiaoer didn't know what Zheng Yu needed her to do, but as we talked, Xu Qiaoer didn't have any thoughts. What kind of bad person think Zheng Yu will be, and what about even if he is a bad person? He is just a little person who cultivated in the Qi refining period!

But since the other party has found himself, it means that he can definitely help him with what he has to do. Xu Qiaoer is very sure of this! Regardless of Xu Qiaoer's weak temper and shy, but very smart!

Xu Qiao'er's father watched his daughter take out the pill and put it to his mouth. His ardent gaze caused tears to flash in the seven-foot man. He opened his mouth and asked Xu Qiao'er to put the pill away. Go in!

Then he closed his eyes and started the exercises recorded in the original alchemy book!

Zheng Yu had already entered a small room next to him, took off the phantom mask on his face in the room, and then took all his clothes back into his portable space!

Then, he took out his masquerade costume, two big peonies on his snow-white robe, a folding fan in his hand, and densely painted flowers of various colors, which looked dazzling!

He tied the hair back to his head again, revealing his original face. Zheng Yu took out the mirror and looked at it from top to bottom. He felt very satisfied, and then walked out of the cabin and walked towards the room Xu Qiao'er went to just now!

The scene that Zheng Yu saw after entering the room was this: Xu Qiaoer was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at the bed with joy, the middle-aged man sitting up cross-legged! Some small wounds on the upper body of the middle-aged man are slowly recovering. Although they seem to be slow, they are visible to the naked eye!

The sound of Zheng Yu pushing the door alarmed Xu Qiao'er. Xu Qiao'er turned her head and looked at the door, and then she saw Zheng Yu!

She was stunned for a moment. She only had her father and daughter here. Could it be that who had gone to the wrong house!

She didn't react at the time, but she could feel the light aura emanating from the opponent, very powerful!

She asked, "Excuse me, this predecessor, what can I do if you come to see us?"

Zheng Yu laughed and said, "I haven't seen you for a while? You can't recognize me! Sister Qiao'er!"

"You are...Ah! Really you? You are Zheng Yu! Right?" Xu Qiao'er suddenly remembered!

Looking at Zheng Yu's figure at this time, it was very similar to the one just dressed up, but this facial change was so great that he couldn't believe it!

Zheng Yu continued to laugh: "I told you everything, I'm only fourteen years old, you still don't believe it, just believe it now!"

The appearance of Zheng Yu's dress really made Xu Qiao'er amazed. She followed her dad to the north and south, and there were indeed many people of all shapes and sizes, and she had also seen those disciples of the martial arts!

Zheng Yu's dress and temperament at this time are very similar to those real disciples sent by the famous sect!

Then, Xu Qiaoer had some doubts in her heart. Like the disciples of the famous sect, they can’t go down the mountain without reaching the Golden Core Stage. When going down the mountain, they must have the Golden Core Stage cultivation base, but Zheng Yu told him that he is now The cultivation base is the completion of the foundation period!

Now that Zheng Yu removes the phantom mask, there is no effect of hiding spiritual power, and Zheng Yu did not deliberately converge his breath!

So Xu Qiao'er can now very clearly feel the pressure on herself by the person in front of her! This kind of pressure is even stronger than the power erupted by Dad with all his strength!

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