Traverser Management System

Chapter 103: Sell ​​tsukidan

Now Xu Qiaoer has completely believed what Zheng Yu said! Seeing her father who was slowly recovering on the bed, Xu Qiao'er also let go of her heart. She felt that now she should have a good discussion with Zheng Yu as to what she needs to do for him!

I took the opponent's pill, and now it has been used! And you can see that his father is getting better, Xu Qiaoer is full of joy!

Xu Qiao'er is not particularly beautiful, but she has the temperament of Xiaojiabiyu's big sister next door, which makes Zheng Yu feel that it is easier to get along with her.

Xu Qiao'er said this question directly and abruptly, which made Zheng Yu a little unexpected. He thought that Xu Qiao'er would wait until his father's injury was almost healed, and he was asking this question!

Xu Qiao'er's idea is that if you don't bring it up quickly, you will always think about this in your heart and it will be uncomfortable! I have already received the payment, and it's time to do my own work at this time.

"I want you to help me sell some medicines, but I can't tell you that these medicines are what I gave you. All these medicines are replaced with spirit stones, and then you can bring them back to me!" Zheng Yu smiled. Said to Xu Qiaoer!

"You can just take these pills and sell them yourself. Why do I have to go?" Xu Qiao'er asked strangely!

"Because I am being chased and killed, and someone should be tracking me. I dare not spread the news of myself. The pills I sell are not ordinary products. If more people know about me, I may be in danger, so I need someone to help me!"

Although Zheng Yu felt that he was not very afraid of that group of people, it was not the time to blatantly confront them. He secretly became stronger, and then settled the ledger with them!

"You have the status of an alchemist, you can better help me accomplish these things!" Zheng Yu said to Xu Qiao'er!

Then Zheng Yu was a little strange. Xu Qiaoer was so young that she could reach the level of a first-grade alchemist. If she is a high school, it is possible, but as a casual cultivator, she can reach the level of such scarce resources. , It is very precious, Zheng Yu asked Xu Qiao'er: "May I ask, who did you learn from alchemy?"

"My father taught me. My father is a second-rank alchemist, but he rarely makes second-rank pill. First-rank pill is very good!" Xu Qiaoer proudly looked at her father to Zheng. Yu said!

Then his face became pale, and he said, "Before that I was robbed by those people because I was carrying some elixir on my body! We have already given them the elixir, but we still didn't let us go, and then Daddy became this. Looks like!"

When Zheng Yu heard that Xu Qiao'er's father was actually a second-rank alchemist, his eyes lit up: "Then don't worry about it now, we wait for your father's injury to fully recover, let's talk about this again!"

Seeing Xu Qiao'er's strange expression, Zheng Yu explained: "As your father's second-grade alchemist, it should be easier to accomplish this!"

Zheng Yu was talking, he reached into his arms and groped out a storage bag. There were a lot of bottles and cans in the storage bag, all of which were the third class pill "Zhu Ji Dan"!

The immortal bazaar that Zheng Yu was at at this time was mostly casual cultivators, and many, many people had not yet reached the base-building period, so these medicines would definitely sell very well!

Moreover, the foundation pill, that is, the pill that has just reached the third rank, with Qiao'er's father's second rank alchemist rank, it can be said that he made it himself!

Zheng Yu asked Xu Qiao'er for help. It was actually very simple, that is, borrowing her identity as an alchemist and selling pills for herself!

Zheng Yu is not in a hurry now, because he has found a better candidate, the middle-aged man sitting cross-legged on the bed, Xu Qiao'er's father!

This storage bag, and all the pills in the storage bag, were all directly exchanged by Zheng Yu from the system!

Storage bags are already regarded as relatively high-end items in casual repairs, and many foundation-building monks may not be able to own one!

But if Zheng Yu didn't have a storage bag, and he took out countless pills from his arms, this scene would be too strange!

Although a pill like Zhuji Dan is not a particularly high-end pill, Xu Qiao'er has never seen one that can pull out dozens of pills like Zheng Yu at once!

Zheng Yu was also ruthless this time, and exchanged 200,000 source points for the Jidan! Five thousand roots are built with a base pill, 200,000 roots are forty!

The Zhuji Dan sold in the big pill shops outside is a three thousand lower-grade spirit stone!

Zheng Yu doesn't need to be so expensive, as long as he sells one piece of two thousand lower-grade spirit stones! You only need to change hands and you will earn 15,000 yuan immediately!

Zheng Yu's heart is fierce, but he knows that forty Jidan is not a small number in any school. People with better qualifications can reach the foundation building stage with one Jidan, but those with poorer qualifications. If there are more than one or two people, the chance of success will also increase. Forty foundation-building pills can basically make 20 people reach the foundation-building period!

The pill that can improve the realm like the Jidan is a strategic material in any school, and no one will easily sell it!

There are only a handful of them sold in these shops outside, and they will not be willing to take them out no matter how many!

So Zheng Yu sold forty at a time, which is already a very large amount!

Each kind of pill has its own unique effect, but if you want to say which pill is easy to sell, what is the pill that everyone needs, it must be those that can improve your own realm, so Zheng Yu chose to build the foundation. Dan took it out and sold it, and the 150% profit made Zheng Yu feel a bit dry!

Of course he understands that this time it is estimated to be a one-off sale, and selling such a large amount here at a time will definitely be targeted by someone with a heart!

Although it is very profitable to use the origin point to replace the pill to sell, Zheng Yu can't keep doing this! It's impossible to do it all the time!

The depths of the immortal world are unfathomable. If someone who has the intention to watch them, with the current realm of Dzogchen during the foundation-building phase, they cannot completely protect themselves. At that time, it is estimated that only a few will be thrown out. The nuclear bomb and the other side are desperate!

Zheng Yu directly handed these pills and storage bags to Xu Qiaoer! Now Xu Qiaoer's father's injury has not been fully recovered. During the recovery period, his spiritual consciousness was immersed in his meridians, and the slightest repair was carried out, and he could not pay attention to anything outside!

So all Zheng Yu needs to do now is wait!

Next, Zheng Yu found a yard in this inn with peace of mind and settled down, right next to Xu Qiaoer and his yard, very close!

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