Traverser Management System

Chapter 112: Finally arrived

Because of the continuous flow of blood, Xu Wanguang's mind was not clear at this time!

He only knew that the Golden Core cultivator on the opposite side kept attacking until he died!

Among his vague minds, there is only one left: hold him, let his daughter run away! Such an idea!

The young Golden Core cultivator of the Dandao Sect was also a little worried.

It's been half an hour, and the same door on the other side, who only has the fourth floor of the base building, has been using his strong willpower to resist his countless attacks!

Until now, he couldn't step out of his attack range and chase the woman who escaped!

I don't know what kind of rescuer the woman will bring back? He already knew that these two people were a father and daughter. Seeing their anxious expressions at the time and the father's desperate attack, he knew that he could not chase him out for the time being!

Half an hour has passed, even if the woman in the Qi training period runs slowly, she should have gone to the Fairy Fair at this moment, and the matter has been revealed!

The thirty-odd Jidan, although not very useful to him, can be exchanged for countless spirit stones!

The cultivation base of the father and daughter is indeed not high, and I thought it could be easily settled. How can I know that when he was about to start, Xu Wanguang would be able to eat a dozen Jidan Pills immediately!

Sheng Sheng has been suppressing himself with violent spiritual power, the breath of this middle-aged man is now very chaotic, and he has been wandering in the Golden Core Stage realm, rising and falling!

The blood on his body was flowing wildly, and he was in danger of exploding and dying at any time. Although he was already a monk of the Golden Core Stage, if there were monks of the same realm and exposed himself, he would not be able to bear it!

He regrets a little bit in his heart now, it is really impossible to steal the chicken, but he only needs to hold on, and when the blood of the cultivator opposite runs out, he will naturally die!

Xu Wanguang's spiritual power is not lasting. Now not only has his movements slowed down, but his realm of rising and falling has also dropped a lot!

His offensive power is no longer as violent as before, and this golden alchemy cultivator is ready to find an opportunity to let Xu Wanguang directly account for it!

The blood in Xu Wanguang's body has almost been drained. If it hadn't been for this powerful spiritual power, which had been supporting his body, he would have died for a long time.

Speaking of this Xu Wanguang is also unfortunate. When he was robbed before, he broke out once in order to save his daughter and almost killed himself!

After Zheng Yu rescued him, it didn't take long for him to explode again. If no miracle happened this time, it is estimated that he would really die.

At this time, Xu Wanguang had run out of oil, his eyes were dull, his limbs were almost unable to move, he was lying straight on the ground!

The heart was penetrated by the golden core monk with a long sword, leaving a thin wound!

The aura in Xu Wanguang's body was almost exhausted. Now he was lying on the ground, his whole body dripping with blood, and the wound on his chest that was pierced through was insignificant on the whole body!

The remaining spiritual power in the body remains in the broken meridians of the whole body, and they are still doing their last meager strength, but it is impossible to repair Xu Wanguang's injury!

After Xu Wanguang's spiritual power was exhausted, his sanity unexpectedly recovered. Perhaps this is what people often call Huiguangfanzhao!

Now Xu Wanguang can't move, but his eyes have been looking straight at this golden core monk!

The Jin Dan stage monk was looking at him with a hairy body and killed countless people. For the first time, he discovered that someone looked at him before he was about to die, and he was a little bit creepy!

The Jin Dan stage monk looked at Xu Wanguang who was lying on the ground, shook his head, and got rid of the strange thought he had just now, stepped forward and fumbled on Xu Wanguang!

Finally, he touched the storage bag Zheng Yu gave him in his arms. There were very few spirit stones in the storage bag, and he had just sold two Zhuji Dans and just earned it back!

Then there are twenty or so medicine bottles, and each medicine bottle contains a Jidan, the golden alchemy monk smiled slightly, it is not in vain after all!

He took all these things into his arms, and then said to Xu Wanguang who almost stopped breathing on the ground: "I am an inner cultivator of the alchemy sect. I am not like you waiting for casual cultivators. I just tested the alchemy in the alchemy sect. Teacher qualification!"

Xu Wanguang, lying on the ground, couldn't speak, he could only breathe with blood foam! His eyes have been looking at this monk of the Golden Core Stage!

The Golden Core Stage monk directly ignored Xu Wanguang's sight, and continued: "Although I have the resources of the martial art, I finally reached the Golden Core Stage! But the resources in the door are really limited, and I don't even have a decent spiritual weapon!"

Xu Wanguang's gasping sound became thicker, he really couldn't understand why this person was also a pill sect, why did this person commit such a bad hand!

"I will let you understand that since I went down the mountain, I found that killing people and gaining money came so fast. I walked this way, like you, I don't know how many killed!" This golden elixir cultivator smiled. !

"To blame, I can only blame you for having so many Jidan Jidan, although it is of little use to me, but so many Jidan Jidan, how can I exchange it for a low-grade spiritual tool!" Jin Dan stage monk, looked at the sky after speaking!

"Your daughter, it is estimated that he has already arrived at the Xianjia Fair, and maybe the rescuer has moved here. In the fair, there is only one powerful person in the Yuan Ying period. Of course he will not care about this matter. I have to wait and see, what kind of rescuer can your daughter bring?" This Golden Core cultivator thinks that even if he comes to the same realm, he can't beat him, he can escape!

If you can beat it, it's even better, just cut the grass and get rid of the roots! Anyway, the things are already in hand, although it has shrunk a lot, but with your own inventory, you can almost change a lower-grade spiritual weapon!

He just watched Xu Wanguang's dying struggle lying on the ground, his helpless eyes!

In the middle of his heart, Xu Wanguang hoped that his daughter would not come back again, nor would he bring that life-saver with him!

Senior Zheng Yu, although his realm is a bit higher than his own, but after all he has not reached the Golden Core Stage, he will not be the opponent of this Pill Dao Sect Golden Core Stage!

Just when Xu Wanguang was expecting them not to come again, a fiery red streamer fell from the sky, and a man and a woman fell on the ground on the streamer, not far from Xu Wanguang and this Golden Core monk!

Xu Wanguang closed his eyes in pain. Perhaps this was the biggest catastrophe in his life. God didn't want to let it go through. I thought it was such an easy job, how I would have done it like this by myself!

Not only did the benefactor’s pill be forcibly taken away, but also took the lives of his father, daughter and Zheng Yu, what a pain!

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