Traverser Management System

Chapter 113: Cheating exchange time

At this moment, the monk of the Golden Core Stage looked at the great phoenix sword in Zheng Yu's hand, his eyes were fiery!

When Zheng Yu and Xu Qiao'er fell, he had already seen Zheng Yu's realm clearly, but it was just a great completion in the foundation building period!

Unless he, like the monk lying on the ground, has countless Jidan cultivators to give him violent spiritual power, otherwise, he is just a small person who can be killed easily!

After Zheng Yu fell, he looked at the young Golden Core Stage cultivator in front of him, and he realized that he still knew him. This golden core monk was the golden core phase that fell from the sky when Zheng Yu had just arrived at the Xianjia Bazaar before, and didn't need to hand in the spiritual stones of the introductory phase!

At that time, the old man who guarded the gate compared the golden age with Zheng Yu, and Zheng Yu still remembers it clearly!

This guy should be the second Golden Elixir monk he has ever seen! Now Zheng Yu sees Brother Jindan and thinks of the origin!

In the past, it was because of lack of ability, and the meat on his lips made him run away. Now that Zheng Yu has 8 million roots as a source of confidence, there is actually a Jin Dan stage cultivator who has sent him to the door. Didn't this guy hit the gun!

"Hehe, the death-dealer is finally here, but it's a great perfection in the foundation period. Is this your dependence? You even sent me a high-grade spiritual weapon. Today is really a good day for me to develop!" The Jin Dan stage monk laughed and looked very happy!

"The kid on the opposite side, hand in your high-grade spirit weapon, and then kneel down and knock your head a few times. Maybe I can let you go!" The Jin Dan stage monk is very relaxed now, he feels that the two opposite people He couldn't pose any threat to himself at all, he said jokingly!

Zheng Yu hasn't made any changes now. What he reveals is the appearance of a 14-year-old boy, but he is taller! There is nothing wrong with calling him a child!

Of course Zheng Yu understood that even if he gave him everything, he couldn't let Zheng Yu leave alive!

However, Zheng Yu didn't feel that the golden core monk on the other side could put any pressure on him! I don’t think the Golden Core Period is so great!

Zheng Yu at this moment is no longer the little man who couldn't help the injured Jin Danqi more than ten days ago!

The moment Xu Qiaoer landed, she ran towards Xu Wanguang who was lying on the ground!

The Golden Core monk did not try to stop him either. It is estimated that in his heart, he had already regarded the three people present as fish on the chopping board, let him slaughter it!

Zheng Yu ignored the Golden Core cultivator opposite, and walked directly to Xu Wanguang who was lying on the ground!

Proposed to the system: exchange for something that can make the dying person in front of you temporarily immortal, and the price should not be expensive!

Then the system gave him a ball, which only cost two thousand yuan, which is not expensive!

This ball can maintain Xu Wanguang's current state, so that his injury will not be more serious, delay the passage of life, and allow him to live for a few more days!

When Zheng Yu fed the meatballs to Xu Wanguang, he turned his head and looked at the Golden Core monk on the opposite side!

"Little Golden Pill, dare to be rampant?" Zheng Yu released his aura, and now he doesn't use the phantom mask, so the spiritual pressure on his body is the degree of great perfection during the foundation construction period!

However, the momentum of the power of life and death shocked the golden core monk on the opposite side!

The Jin Danqi monk thought in his heart: Is it a big man of which school? But how did he escape before the golden core period? Maybe... just posing!

The Jin Dan stage monk was uncertain, thinking about a lot of possibilities, there was some hesitation in his heart, and he didn't do it right away!

Zheng Yu looked at the golden core monk on the opposite side, his eyes flickering, and he looked surprised, and he didn't bother to care about him at the moment! He turned his gaze to Xu Wanguang on the ground, wanting to see how effective the 2000 Yuanyuan exchanged things were!

Xu Qiao'er ran up to Xu Wanguang long ago, and sat down on her knees in front of him: "Daddy, hold on! Every time you get hurt, you will get better soon, and it's the same this time!"

Xu Wanguang also cast his eyes on his daughter, with mixed feelings in his heart. If he could speak, he would want to ask: Why is it always me who gets hurt!

The thing that Zheng Yu ate for him just now relieved his injury as soon as it was imported. He felt that his body seemed to have stopped all its operating mechanisms, and it had been frozen!

He knew immediately that he could not die for the time being, but his injuries were still on his body, he still couldn't get up, couldn't speak, and couldn't operate his spiritual power! I can only watch and listen to what is happening around me!

Zheng Yu glanced at Xu Wanguang for a few times, and sighed in his heart: The things produced by the system are good! I don't know what plane product it is, it can actually produce a time-limited regional time delay!

"As a monk of the righteous way, you are killing your fellow sect and robbing your property! You, a monk of the righteous way, are no different from those in the demon sect!" Zheng Yu saw that Xu Wanguang could not die for a while, so he was ready to clean up before him. This golden core monk is now!

Zheng Yu was talking to this Golden Core cultivator, but in his heart he was calling the system to exchange him for the first level of the Nine Ranks Profound Art!

No matter how many points of origin Zheng Yu now has, it has not yet been transformed into strength! Although he looked at his domineering side leaking now, his confidence was not as strong as he showed himself!

But the system's answer almost caused Zheng Yu to spit out old blood on the spot!

"The 1 million source has been deducted. From now on, we will start to count the time. After 24 hours, the transmission of the first level of the Nine Turns Profound Art will be completed!" The voice of the system echoed in Zheng Yu's mind!

Zheng Yu is now facing the golden core monk on the opposite side. Although the golden core monk on the opposite side is temporarily bluffed by himself, what if this guy suddenly makes a move!

Zheng Yu seems to have seen the scene where he was beaten with a bruised nose and swollen face! If the other party knows that he is bluffing him, maybe he is not just trying to kill himself, right?

Can't all kinds of torture come again?

Zheng Yu hurriedly asked the system in his heart: "Boss? I'm in a hurry, can I hurry up? Wait online! Very anxious!"

"No! Because the power of this transmission is too large, the host can't absorb it all at once. Only by slowly injecting it and absorbing while transforming can complete the transmission of the entire exercise!" the system replied!

"The previous exercises were completed all at once! Why not this time?" Zheng Yu asked eagerly, he wondered if the system was correcting himself! This is the first time I have encountered a time limit for redemption!

"Can the 2000 points of origin exchange technique be compared with one million? If I want to punish you, you will belch! Please don't think about it!" The tone of the system fluctuates again after more than ten years!

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