Traverser Management System

Chapter 124: Defense explosion

Zheng Yu heard Yang Xinyu's question, felt it for himself, nodded calmly, and said: "Yes! It seems that the third level of the Golden Core Stage is already in place, not bad, a little faster than just now!"

Yang Xinyu didn't understand the meaning of the sentence a little faster than just now, could it be faster than when he broke through the golden core just now?

Zheng Yu just wanted to express that, compared with the current energy transmission speed, when compared with the Jin Dan stage monk pk, it is now a little faster than before!

But of course he wouldn't tell Yang Xinyu directly, as long as he knew it!

Yang Xinyu thought that this should be the reason that the energy of the thunder tribulation just now had not been absorbed. By this time, it was finally transformed into spiritual power before reaching the third level of the Golden Core Stage!

Zheng Yu thought for a while. It seems that there is nothing to do in a hurry. The only urgent thing is Xu Qiaoer's father, who is waiting for her to save her life!

Xu Qiao'er's father couldn't die for a while, and he was not in a hurry. Anyway, Zheng Yu simply sat down in the same place again when he was about to pass the Thunder Tribulation of the Nascent Infant Stage!

Yang Xinyu couldn't understand his weird behavior! Someone outside is waiting for him to save, but he is not in a hurry!

Yang Xinyu also investigated the man's injuries. The meridians were completely destroyed and the blood was lost. Even in the sect, there might not be any elixir that could save him, but his nephew vowed to heal him!

Yang Xinyu has never understood his nephew from the beginning to the end, no matter whether it is behavior or cultivation base!

The aura of the superior person on him has surpassed his father. You must know that his father is the sect master of one of the most powerful sects in the entire world of cultivation!

And he only has the Golden Core Stage, but the pressure on his body can suppress himself to the point of reaching the Golden Core Stage!

However, such a powerful person seems to have no knowledge of the most basic common sense in the world of cultivating immortals!

For example, a high-grade spirit tool must have a tool spirit to be called a high-grade spirit tool, he didn't even know it!

Still stupidly took the high-grade spirit weapon, and used the skills of mortals to fight his opponents desperately!

I really don't know how he reached his current state! But Yang Xinyu didn't struggle for long, he attributed all this to the innate Dao body!

Yang Xinyu is now curious about Zheng Yu. Although it has been determined that there will be no more danger at last, he has no plans to leave!

He also wanted to see how amazing his nephew could not be discovered by himself!

Zheng Yu and Yang Xinyu stared at them with big eyes. After waiting for a long time, Yang Xinyu also felt bored, so they sat down cross-legged not far away!

Although Zheng Yu now has many questions he wants to ask his cheap uncle, whenever he turns his head and sees his cheap uncle's curious eyes, he has no desire to speak!

Just as the two of them stared at them, Zheng Yu suddenly let out a long breath, then relaxed, and continued to look at each other with Yang Xinyu!

But Yang Xinyu was not so calm at this time! His eyes widened again and his mouth opened wide!

" broke through again?" Yang Xinyu didn't understand what was going on. He sat with Zheng Yu all the time. He didn't see Zheng Yu's movements at all, just stared at him, and then broke through. Up!

Yang Xinyu only felt that in his heart, there are now 10,000 alpacas running past!

This time the breakthrough was actually a little bigger. Zheng Yu obviously felt that the spiritual energy in his body had grown stronger. He let out a long sigh of breath and heard Yang Xinyu’s question. He replied plainly: "Yes. !"

Yang Xinyu was obviously dissatisfied with Zheng Yu's so plain tone. Whoever cultivates, it is not just a few years of hard work that can break through such an advanced stage, the accumulation of hard work, and the joy after each breakthrough, will make people tears, but look at Zheng Yu again!

Yang Xinyu was a little skeptical at this time: "It's such a simple breakthrough! Are you not surprised at all?"

"Where is this? I have to wait for almost a day!" Zheng Yu straightened his waist, sat for a long time, and waited silently for a little bit of energy to pour into his body. It was a bit boring. !

"What do you mean? Isn't it...? Still?" This time, Yang Xinyu was truly shocked. Does the legendary Congenital Dao Body possess such terrifying power!

Don’t you need to practice cultivation at all? As long as it is turned on, will it be a smooth journey, and a direct breakthrough without any bottleneck?

Zheng Yu actually wanted to tell him that there were indeed more!

However, I felt that if I said it directly, I would be a little bit suspicion of pretending to be forced, so I simply said to the cheap uncle: "Wait a moment, you will know!"

From the initial surprise, to the later shock, and then to the fear, after seven hours have passed, Zheng Yu has reached the ninth stage of the Golden Core Stage. He is about to reach the Golden Core Stage Great Perfection, and is heading towards the Nascent Soul Stage. !

At this moment, Yang Xinyu has only one expression. He can't even speak now, only his disorderly thinking is left, and he keeps mumbling in his heart: Impossible!

Then he kept looking at Zheng Yu with his mouth open, to see when he would make the next breakthrough!

Zheng Yu's heart is calm, since the system has told him that he will reach the meta-infant stage within 24 hours, he will definitely reach the meta-infant stage!

He is not in a hurry at all, just waits silently with such a calm mind, every hour he will break through a level!

After another hour, Zheng Yu finally reached the state of congenital Dzogchen. He silently counted the time in his heart. He wanted to break through from the Golden Core period to the Nasal Infant period, and the time was actually as long as two hours. That is four hours!

Just this last step of breakthrough, the energy consumed is definitely not small!

You must know that Zheng Yu has been silently feeling in his heart that when the Nine Turns Profound Art transmits energy to him, it will always transform his physical body!

When his physical body undergoes further transformation, the energy transmitted will increase again, and the transmission of this energy has been doubling upwards!

By the time the Golden Elixir period reaches the Great Consummation, the transmitted energy is already 256 times that of the first layer of energy transmission!

This is equivalent to the energy of 256 Golden Core Stages, all of which is concentrated in one's own body!

And 99% of the energy is used to transform the physical body, and only the 1% is left to improve one's realm!

One can imagine how powerful Zheng Yu's physical body is at this moment!

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