Traverser Management System

Chapter 125: Crazy absorption

He has been on the ground with his knees cross-legged, and he can clearly feel that this hill under his feet can be destroyed by a strong blow himself without any major movements!

This is not the illusion given to him after the sudden increase in energy, but it is very clear that he can feel it, and he can indeed do it!

This is just an incidental power after the evolution of physical defense!

At this moment, the power transmitted to him is no longer the slightest feeling at the beginning!

If the energy transmitted at the beginning was a drop of water, then it has now converged into a river, which is extremely turbulent!

If it were the original physical body to withstand such energy transmission, a random impact would cause him to explode and die, this physical body is absolutely impossible!

And now, Zheng Yu can clearly feel the strength of his body's defenses. Even if you use the Fengming Sword that has been unblocked at this time to attack yourself, it can't hurt a single feather!

At this moment, Yang Xinyu had already ran far away, and he no longer dared to sit next to him, because he could clearly feel the tremendous pressure from Zheng Yu at this moment!

Not to mention his own father, even the elders in the door are all added together, and they are not as powerful as Zheng Yu at this moment!

Another hour or two passed, and the coercion from Zheng Yu's body became stronger and stronger. Zheng Yu had no energy at this time to look at Yang Xinyu again.

He closed his eyes, sat there cross-legged, quietly feeling the huge energy coming from his body, this energy made him feel that his whole body was a little painful!

I don't know when it started, the cloud of tribulation in the sky condensed again. This time Jieyun was very powerful when it condensed again. Perhaps it was also wondering, why did the guy below block the street twice in one day?

This time, the thunder robbery was far more ferocious than the last time. Zheng Yu stood directly below, feeling a powerful force driving him with the pull of gravity.

His eyes are blurred, and it seems that there is an invisible force field covering him, making him unable to move, unable to see the surrounding things, and unable to release his mental power, so he is completely imprisoned in place!

Zheng Yu tried it, and he was still able to contact the system, so he was a little relieved. As long as the system is still there, no matter how much he confines himself, there is a way to escape!

Thunder Tribulation is based on the energy in the body of the person crossing the Tribulation as the standard. The previous Thunder Tribulation was indeed the first level of the Golden Core Stage. Perhaps Thunder Tribulation did not expect that he could actually strengthen his physical body to such an extent at one time after the first attack of the Thunder Tribulation. Therefore, the Thunder Tribulation of the Golden Core Period was so easily passed by Zheng Yu!

But this time, from the very beginning, Zheng Yu, whether it is the energy of the physical body or the energy of the realm, together, it has exceeded the stage of completion! Therefore, it seems that it is not so easy to become a Yuan Ying this time!

In Zheng Yu's feelings, it seemed that the whole world began to spin. A dazzling light burst into his body. Zheng Yu is already running the Nineth Rank Profound Art with all his strength, but he doesn't believe that such a powerful defense can do nothing about the Thunder Tribulation of the mere Yuan Ying period!

The sky thunder at this moment is much stronger than usual. It should be considered several times more than the sky thunder in a normal Nascent Infant period!

The thunder tribulation in the sky is still brewing, constantly absorbing the aura that drifts between the sky and the earth, and it seems that it has not reached its limit!

Standing in the distance, Yang Xinyu has retreated far away for the fifth time. He looked at the brighter and brighter cloud in the sky, his eyes widened in horror, and he didn't know what evil his nephew had done. The calm lake of mind was once again turbulent. Said: "What's the matter, this child won't be bombarded into scum by then!"

Until now, Zheng Yu hasn't had a decent offensive move. Everything has been practiced around strengthening his physical body. The Nine Ranks Profound Art that has spent 1 million source points in exchange has made Zheng Yu's heart full of confidence!

But no matter how much confidence, Zheng Yu couldn't help getting a little hairy when the first thunder struck down!

Standing in the distance, Yang Xinyu had already exclaimed. He felt that let alone a Nascent Soul stage, even if there were thousands more, it would not be enough for this thunder to blast, and he would definitely be blasted into scum in an instant! What's more, there is more than one thunderbolt, from beginning to end, there are nine thunderbolts! One line is more powerful than one line, let alone the Nascent Soul Stage, it is the Deity Transformation Stage. When the Mahayana Stage comes, you have to kneel!

Fiery and violent lightning surged wildly, with a crackling noise, the sound spread hundreds of miles!

The monks thousands of miles away can feel the unique coercion of the heaven and earth coming from here, frightened and terrifying!

Whether it is the human monk outside the 100,000 mountains or the demon cultivator in the 100,000 mountains, everyone looked at the place where Zheng Yu was in the void, with awe and dignity on their faces!

"Has another Mahayana monk crossed the robbery?"

"Such pressure is not available to non-Mahayana monks!"

"Which power is it, is it the Ascension Tribulation of Crossing? Why have you never heard of it!"

Zheng Yu didn't even know that the knot he crossed at this time had already attracted the attention of most people in the entire immortal world. There was an electric arc flashing on his body at this moment, crackling, and it kept ringing!

The first thunder tribulation has passed, and Zheng Yu's body is still as white as jade. The corners of his mouth were slightly cocked, and he was completely relieved!

The little bit of vitality in every thunder tribulation touched his body, Zheng Yu received the system's prompt: find the original power, whether to recover it! ? Even if Zheng Yu directly carried such a thunder tribulation with his body, it was no longer a problem. It could be recovered as the source point. Zheng Yu now wants to laugh, let the thunder tribulation come more violently!

When the first thunder came down, Zheng Yu had already activated the recovery function! The electric arcs flowing on his body are just the overflow of energy, and there are no wastes with recoverable cost sources!

With more than 700,000 origin points, it was so easy to get in his hands. The last time I passed the Golden Core Thunder Tribulation, there was no such hint. Perhaps, at that time, Lei Jie believed that Zheng Yu could not afford to mobilize the origin to kill!

The thunder robbery is still going on, one after another fierce, but Zheng Yu can already raise his head calmly under the thunder robbery and look at the sky with mocking eyes!

In front of this violent and huge lightning, Zheng Yu's body looked very small.

A huge thunder fell on him, but it only made Zheng Yu's smile bigger.

One by one, Zheng Yu's small body compared to Tianlei carried all the thunder. At this moment, Zheng Yu's smile couldn't hold back anymore!

"Recovering the original source of 740,000..."

"Recovering the original source of 980,000..."

"Recovering 1.47 million of the original source..."

"Recovered 1.74 million of the original source..."

"Recovered 2.54 million of the original source..."

After the nine thunderbolts, Zheng Yu gained more than 14 million origin points, plus the remaining 7 million that he had left, now he has 21 million origin points.

So many origins are enough to make Zheng Yu an invincible existence in the entire world of cultivation!

Jieyun in the sky seemed to let out a sigh, and then gradually dissipated!

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