Traverser Management System

Chapter 126: Earthquake reappears

The coercion in the sky disappeared, and all the aura in Zheng Yu's body had returned to his body!

He has the realm of the Nascent Soul Stage, but the Nascent Soul does not appear in his body. It is because of the Nine Turns Profound Art. At this moment, Zheng Yu's entire body is already like the Nascent Soul, and he can easily communicate with heaven and earth. !

His entire body has been built into a single piece, and the division of realms has no effect on him!

He only knew that he was invincible in this world of cultivating immortals at this moment, except for those immortals.

Zheng Yu now looks like an ordinary mortal, without any leakage of spiritual power, and no aura to reveal!

So ordinary, like just a beautiful boy playing in the countryside! (Come if you want to complain, I'm not afraid of you!)

This immortal cultivation world is really too big, if you let yourself do it yourself and recycle all the things, it will take too long.

Therefore, Zheng Yu has already planned to summon the traverser within one day, and put the call of the traverser on the right track, so that he can do all the things he wants to do with peace of mind, and then proceed to the next face. Explored!

His spiritual power has undergone a second transformation in one day, and his spiritual power can already be drawn into a thread at this time!

It's like a human-shaped radar, pulling the mental power directly and unrestrictedly, and then scanning it in a horizontal range!

The range of mental power scanning has expanded hundreds of times and thousands of times, and the radius can reach tens of thousands of miles!

However, this scanning method puts a heavy burden on Zheng Yu's mental energy. The duration is to scan a full circle, and then he is unable to continue!

At the moment when Zheng Yu's realm reached the Nascent Soul Stage, he seemed to feel that something in the dark was calling to him!

He sensed it carefully, releasing his mental power, and found that this sense of power seemed to be somewhere far south, as if it was telling him something!

This kind of induction became clearer and clearer. When his mental power was pulled to the limit, he already knew what it was. His gaze looked into the distance, as if something was brewing!

With the slightest connection between himself and that great cauldron, Zheng Yu can now clearly feel its position!

The huge spiritual power is condensed into a thread, and it has crossed thousands of mountains and rivers, and directly reached the front of the great cauldron. The tip of the mental power is like a needle point, directly piercing the cauldron!

This Dading Dading named "Earthquake" was the one that Zheng Yu had encountered when he first arrived on the plane of cultivating immortals!

The soul had just traveled through time and space, and immediately hit it, leaving a little spiritual mark on it!

So when Zheng Yu's mental power changed again, he completely discovered it.

Just now, as if reverberating in the ear, those vague utterances were actually the spiritual imprint left on the great cauldron, which was in contact with its body! This spiritual brand is not just a brand, it also carries a little bit of his soul power on it, and it desperately wants to reconcile with the body!

The system once said that the recovery value of this great cauldron is more than 10 million origins, just such a great cauldron is already half of his current origins!

He had been thinking about this great tripod for a long time, and it was an unexpected joy to be able to contact it at this moment!

The moment Zheng Yu's mental power pierced Dading, Dading began a frantic resistance!

Since the soul of Zheng Yu was thrown out of the great tripod, it was hidden in a volcanic crater! He has been hibernating quietly, absorbing the aura from the volcano, and living an uncontested life!

But just a few seconds ago, it suddenly discovered the soul that wanted to enslave itself, and attacked itself again!

Dading, as an immortal tool, once served as the foundation of the Zhenpai among the martial arts. Once the cornerstone of the suppression of the martial arts, those immortal cultivators only knew to consume their spiritual power, so they had never thought of replenishing them!

It has had enough of that kind of enslaved life. Since opening its spiritual wisdom, it has longed for freedom. After the sect is destroyed, it has deeply hidden itself!

I don't know! One day, he felt the power of breaking the realm from the sky, and he thought it was the immortal of the upper realm who came down to conquer it!

He quickly jumped out of the hidden place, and as a result, it attracted countless immortal cultivators, and the purple soul that flew out from the power of breaking the world!

At this moment, this soul has found himself again. If this soul stalks himself like this again, he decides to completely wipe out this soul and not let himself be threatened again!

Dading’s spiritual intelligence is already very high. After countless tens of thousands of years have existed, with the growth of his spiritual intelligence, he already possesses wisdom comparable to that of humans!

Therefore, he knows how to communicate!

"Damn humans, **** immortal cultivators, leave my body and stop thinking about enslaving me!"

"Huh? Someone is talking, scared me!" Zheng Yu, who was thousands of miles away, frowned, his body trembled, and then he returned to calm again!

"My name is Zhendi! It is the spirit of the immortal weapon! If you want to enslave me, I will destroy your soul at all costs! Even if it explodes!"

"So cruel!" Zheng Yu heard that this big tripod actually dared to threaten himself, and immediately instilled a steady stream of spiritual power into the big tripod. Numerous psychic powers pupae entered and filled the tripod to its fullest!

Dading has already felt the power of Zheng Yu, this endless spiritual power makes it feel that it has become very small!

He feels that he still has a fight! Although it is not sure that it will be able to kill all Zheng Yu's soul!

"Shake the ground" said with pleading and grief in his tone: "Leave, leave my body, if you want to imprint on me again, I will immediately expose myself, you will get nothing, and still Will destroy this piece of soul power you left in my body!"

This kind of fairy tool that derives its own intelligence already carries plane consciousness, just like a projection or clone of plane consciousness!

If you can't conquer it, you won't be able to recycle it into the system, and you won't be able to become the origin point!

But if you forcefully suppress it, it will expose itself completely, and Zheng Yu will get nothing!

His own spiritual power is not the power of the soul at all, nor is it the power of the gods at all. No matter how much this great cauldron exposes himself, it won't hurt Zheng Yu a bit!

However, if Dading was allowed to explode like this, Zheng Yu felt that some of the gains were not worth the loss! Wasting more than 10 million source points for nothing will make him heartbroken!

Neither can he subdue his own use, nor can he directly subdue him, and he is not reconciled if he just retreats like this. After Zheng Yu thought for a while, he decided to negotiate terms with this great tripod!

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