Traverser Management System

Chapter 128: Come on, go through!

Zheng Yu sat on this chaotic hill that had been struck by lightning. There were only two people left on this bare hill, one was Zheng Yu and the other was his cheap uncle Yang Xinyu!

Regarding the question Yang Xinyu gave him, he just chuckled, and then said: "No kidding! When I take a break, let's talk first."

Zheng Yu raised his head and looked towards the south. As an immortal tool, the Earthquake Dading naturally knew how fast it was moving. Since it said it would be here in two days, it would wait for him here for two days. ,does not matter!

How can Yang Xinyu have any thoughts to chat with Zheng Yu at this moment?

His heart is still throbbing and throbbing. As a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage, this is the first time that he feels this way. Even when the Nascent Stage Celestial Tribulation was that year, he was not so nervous!

He categorically refused: "Chat! What is there to talk about? I have not been frightened in my entire life as much as I have been in just a few hours!"

"But I will stay here for two days. I don't plan to leave for the time being. I have to wait for someone, um! No, it's waiting for something! It's hard to get through if you don't chat!" Zheng Yu recalled, that Dading's It looks like, although when I communicate with him, I have a feeling of talking with people, but that thing is really not a person!

Yang Xinyu was at a loss at this moment. He didn't even know what Zheng Yu was talking about. Could something come by himself? He asked curiously: "Waiting for whom?"

Zheng Yu didn't answer. He thought of leaving his mother for such a long time, and he didn't know what happened to her mother!

Although the cheap uncle told himself that his mother was in no danger at this moment, after all, he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, so he was still a little worried!

Now that you have free time, why not ask about your mother's back then, and he asked Yang Xinyu: "Can you tell me the story of my mother?"

After Yang Xinyu heard Zheng Yu's question, his heart that was throbbing and beating gradually eased, and his expression seemed to be lost in thought and memory!

Zheng Yu didn't interrupt him, just waited quietly!

I didn't know that Zhen Yu waited for a long time, watching Yang Xinyu motionless, and didn't know when he would speak, and the truth language was opened, the second level of the Nine Revolutions Profound Art!

"The second level of the Nine Revolutions Profound Art needs to consume 1.5 million source points, whether to turn it on!" The system's voice echoed in his mind again, the system's voice was still calm, and there was still no fluctuation!

Zheng Yu didn't care that the system is a thing of flurries from time to time, even if the system is sometimes particularly funny, and loves to beat himself, but when doing business, the system is always so reliable!

Of course Zheng Yu chose "Yes"!

"The energy transmission begins and is expected to be completed in 168 hours. Please be patient with the host!"

After the system said this sentence, Zheng Yu was a little confused at the time. He asked the system in his mind: Isn't it 24 hours? Why would it become 168 hours? This is a whole week! Is there a mistake?

Of course, this question came to nothing afterwards, and there was not even a wave of disturbance at all. The system had completely ignored him!

Zhenyu, once again felt his body, and there was a numbing feeling. You must know that his current physical defense power is comparable to that of a Mahayana monk, even if he uses a high-grade spiritual weapon, blessed, sharp, and looks to himself. , I don’t think I feel much!

It is conceivable that the force that came this time was huge!

Between the ninth level of the Golden Core and the Nascent Soul Stage, it is more than two hundred times the level of the Golden Core. Now this account is too lazy to forget it, just wait slowly!

Yang Xinyu was still immersed in his own memories, and didn't want to pay attention to Zheng Yu at all. Zheng Yu looked at the sky and Yang Xinyu!

When he was idle and bored, he said to the system: "Spend 680,000 origin points to initiate a call to the earth plane of the traverser, life experience selection: request a miserable life experience, no father or mother, no care, and unwilling people!

"Summoning at a fixed point: Find a dying person within a radius of 1,000 miles centered on me, and directly possess the soul! Age requirement, under twenty years old!"

"680,000 origin points have been deducted, 100,000 origin points will be deducted for certain life experience, 100,000 origin points will be deducted for fixed-point summoning! The summoning is on! Ten minutes later, the first subsystem connection will be possible!"

………………………On the far plane of the earth………………

Liu Heng is a man, an adult, who has done a lot of work and can make money, as much as he wants.

As long as you can eat enough, there is no requirement, it is the kind of mixed days, counting the days, and waiting to die.

Liu Heng came out of the countryside. He didn't know who his parents were since he was a child. He was picked up from the water. A small person was placed in a basin and went down along the water.

Fortunately, I didn’t name Jiang Liu'er. Otherwise, it would be difficult to find him. At that time, the village was poor, and the local name was Liujiaji. So he named Liu, and he called him a kid. Feeling unpleasant, he asked the old village party secretary to give himself a name called Heng.

After eating Baijiafan, he lived to be more than ten years old, and then he left the village, running around the world, with no goals, no relatives, and most of the money he earned was sent back to the village by him. , But there is no other way to repay, these are better than nothing.

Liu Heng found a job on the construction site, moved bricks, and moved two yuan and a dime.

Moving ten yuan at a time is fifty cents. He didn't count, and he didn't bother to count. He knew that the foreman always deducted his money, and he didn't care about it, thinking about it, just keep it.

Work steadily and live your life!

Just today... I have been busy all day. I just built the wall in the afternoon, and the cement has only been put on for less than an hour. The heavy rain came, and everyone was busy hiding from the rain and all went inside the building. The rain was rushing down, and the newly built concrete wall was washed away, and no one knew it.

The foreman saw that there were more than a dozen bags of cement outside, thinking: If it gets wet, it can still be used! Got to move back!

He yelled for a long time and no one went there. Everyone said: "It's raining all the time, but you still let people go? Isn't it a tossing person? For such a thing of dozens of dollars, forget it.

The foreman quit: If you don't move, you will be deducted from your salary.

Liu Heng went, resisting a bag of cement and walking back and forth, three or four times back and forth. The wall was washed over by rain, and the steel frame, bricks and stones were all smashed down.

Liu Heng didn't hide. The moment he hit it, he actually felt like he wanted to laugh. This was a silly life.

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