Traverser Management System

Chapter 129: Traverser 0003

After Liu Heng sobered up, he found himself in a ruined temple. The outer shell of the clay sculpture in the ruined temple had long been peeled off. The statue that should have been kind and benevolent now looked a little terrifying.

The door of the ruined temple was not known when it was burned as firewood, so he could clearly see the lush woods outside!

It seems that today should be a good weather. The trees, flowers and plants illuminated by the sun in the distance seem to be more beautiful than those I have ever seen, and the air here is really fresh!

At this moment Liu Heng was lying on a pile of haystacks. The piled up grass was not the straw he had ever seen, but some unknown soft grass, all stacked together, and he was lying on it now.

At this moment, he felt that his back was sore, and his left leg was unable to exert strength.

The feeling of pain in his head made him groan. He reached out and touched his head, but suddenly found that his hair seemed to grow a lot, just like a woman's hair!

He stretched out his hand to draw his hair up and placed it in front of his eyes. His hair was jet-black, covered with dust and grass clippings!

Liu Heng was a little confused, he didn't know when he came here, and he didn't remember when he grew his hair!

He wanted to stand up, but his left leg didn't have any strength at all, and he staggered when he got up.

His left leg seemed to be lame, or it was already lame, he didn't know it!

He stretched out his hands in front of his eyes and took a closer look. Due to the long time of work, he remembered that his hands were relatively strong, but now these two hands are black and thin like two chicken feet.

Have you slept for a long time? Liu Heng asked himself in his heart.

The weak left leg made him unable to stand at all, and fell on the straw again, where he fell, he just saw the light from the hole in the ruined temple shining on his eyes. He blocked the light with his hand, and recalled carefully, how did he get here?

On a thunderstorm day, the cement bag, and the collapsed wall, piles of piles, piece by piece, flashed past his eyes like a revolving lantern, he thought carefully, quiet memories, it seemed that he was thinking of something.

He remembered that he seemed to be dead. At the moment of his death, something seemed to take him to the sky.

He groped carefully on his body, and at this moment he was wearing an old robe that had been ripped through countless holes! After groping for a long time, I found that there was nothing on my body, empty, and it was really a breeze.

He now feels that he is very hungry, and his body is very weak, starving himself like this, as if he will die again!

He gave up thinking about why he came here, and now his first thing to do is to fill his stomach!

He was weak and could only lie on the spot, his left leg should be broken, although he didn't feel any pain. Those who feel the pain are mainly the back and the head!

He held his head in his hands and groaned twice, feeling as if he had been severely beaten. Liu Heng didn't know that as soon as the master of this body died, he took possession of the magpie's nest!

He lay in place, sad in his heart. He already understood what had happened to him. This should be the legendary soul possession, or reincarnation?

Such a leaky small ruined temple is a place for him to shelter. This old clothes torn from beginning to end is all his property. A broken leg and thin chicken-foot-like hands made him full of despair for his future!

How much does this thief have to play with himself before he is willing to be willing!

Liu Heng was angry in his heart, he was not reconciled!

Perhaps, I will die again soon, this time I was starved to death! Liu Heng was thinking about it, but he laughed silently: It depends on what you can do to me!

Just as Liu Heng roared and shouted in his heart, he heard a paragraph in his mind!

"The 0003 Crossover system has been bound to the host, the current plane of the fairy world!" The voice of the subsystem is always so dull, the intelligence is too low, that's it. Zheng Yu has no way, unless he is willing to invest a lot of money. The origin point, let the subsystem become active!

But such a prompt sound, regardless of whether he was dull or not, in Liu Heng's heart, this system prompt sound was like a natural sound, making him too excited!

"The welfare of the traverser, the traverser? The system of the traverser? That squandered life, just leave me, God once again gave me the opportunity to rebirth, I will definitely take it well, I am coming to the world of immortality! ………"

"I knew that I wouldn't die again so easily! God crossed me from the earth to the realm of cultivating immortals. Of course, he wouldn't let me die so easily. If I were brought here, it was just to starve me to death again. , Such a god, it's really too tmall!"

No matter what Liu Heng thought in his mind, this rigid subsystem did not directly respond to him, but continued to do what it should do, showing everything directly in front of Liu Heng's eyes!

"Currently the original origin point is 100, the newbie gift package: Lottery roulette! Not yet claimed! Is the host receiving it?" At this moment, Liu Heng was in a jumble of thoughts and excitement, and suddenly heard that there was a newbie gift package presented by the system. Excited!

He hurriedly responded: "Get it, get it! I want to get it!"

It's the big turntable with 36 grids, and the pointer in the middle keeps spinning!

The items in each grid are constantly changing, Liu Heng is excited, and he has been praying in his heart, hoping to make his luck not so bad!

"Congratulations to the host, get the "earthquake" tripod, quality: immortal, use time: 10 years! Arrived within two days! This newbie gift package has been distributed!"

After the subsystem finished speaking, the voice continued to echo in Liu Heng's mind!

"The main task of the current world: Recover all items containing aura, recover the original aura of the plane! Time limit: None!"

"Please don't die easily, if the host dies, the system will re-call the traversers!" From the dull voice of the system, what Liu Heng heard was that there was no chance to come again!

"Secondary Mission 1: Within two days, apprentice Xu Wanguang! Reward 100 origins!"

"Even though Xu Wanguang is a casual cultivator, he possesses very powerful techniques. This is the most accessible goal for you as a novice traverser! Adore him as a teacher, and he will teach you cultivation and let you understand the world of cultivating immortals! "

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