Traverser Management System

Chapter 130: Close to the horizon

On Xu Wanguang's side, Zheng Yu decided to go and treat him immediately, and then hand over the coordinates of the Yuet to Xu Wanguang directly, so that he could bring the No. 0003 traverser to his sect!

At this moment, he was still sitting there cross-legged, Yang Xinyu didn't know what was going on, and he stood there in a daze for a long time!

He didn't even intend to pay attention to Zheng Yu at all. When he was extremely boring, he wanted to go and heal Xu Wanguang's injury first!

However, he didn't know how long it would take to go back and forth. He looked at his origin, and there were so many left, so he simply changed one of the tricks that would allow him to move quickly!

Zheng Yu is picking and choosing among the system!

Of course, the most famous one is the somersault cloud that everyone is familiar with. Zheng Yu looked at the price of somersault cloud, and it was indeed not expensive!

It only needs 10 million of the origin to be able to get it, a somersault is one hundred and eight thousand miles away, it only consumes the vitality of the heavens and the earth, the energy requirements for oneself are not high, the premise is to reach the heavenly fairyland!

As soon as Zheng Yu saw the three words in Heavenly Wonderland, he was silent for a moment. Now he is anxious to repair that Xu Wanguang's injury. Where can I have time to wait here!

When I reached the Heavenly Wonderland, it was estimated that Xu Wanguang's corpse was already cold, and it would be necessary to spend more source points to resurrect him!

Zheng Yu thought for a while and eliminated somersaults. Of course, the most important point is that someone who is such a suave himself does somersaults all day long!

At that time, he will also become the master of countless planes. As the administrator of a traverser, he does not want to turn somersaults all day long!

In the end, he finally chose an ability called Zhi Chi Tian Ya, which is an ability that can be obtained without cultivation. With the power of blood, many people are born with it, and of course it is invisible on the plane of Xianxia!

This kind of ability should be produced in the prehistoric world, after all, there are too many kinds of great abilities there!

Due to the current realm, he stepped only a few miles away in one step, but this speed was already called a teleport. Zheng Yu was already very satisfied. When he reached the heavenly realm, he took this step, although not It's 100,000 miles away, but there are still thousands of miles away!

It’s a big deal, just take a few more steps, just exercise!

As long as the affairs of the traverser are finished, Zheng Yu will have time to clean up, and let the traverser develop slowly by himself for other things!

"Second mission 2: Kill the street bully x3. Every time you kill one, you will get 100 origin points. Kill all of them and you will get extra rewards!"

"The owner of your original body was brutally murdered, and his soul was not willing to dissipate. He is still affecting you. You need to avenge him and let him hand over the body willingly to you so that you can fully integrate this body. !"

Zheng Yu released this task to him, mainly to exercise the decisive heart of the 0003 traverser, and let him know that if there is no cruel heart in the world of cultivating immortals, he may not survive two chapters at all!

If you are cruel, you should start with the first murder!

The man he possessed was originally a little beggar. Every day he looked for other people's leftovers in the small market, and occasionally someone would give him one or two coppers!

But I don’t know if it hit the Grand Canal today or suffered a bad luck! He met a benevolent person and gave him a silver coin, which was at least two taels.

However, these two taels of silver brought him a murderous disaster!

The three land ruffians wandering in the street found the two taels of silver that he was rewarded, but they did not **** them on the spot, but waited for him to return to the ruined temple before they started to do it!

The little beggar thought that the silver was his own, and he was willing to give it to him. After some setbacks, the three scumbags couldn't wait. They just pressed the little beggar on the ground and beat him severely, breaking his left leg.

In the end, his two or two silvers could not be kept, and he was snatched away by the three ground ruffians. His thin body simply couldn't stand the blow of the three adult strong men.

When the three ruffians left, he climbed into the pile of straw he paved, and he died!

When the system was looking for the target, it happened to see this person, and he immediately summoned Liu Heng from the earth plane and stuffed it directly in!

At this point, the little beggar became Liu Heng!

The three scumbags are not far from here. They beaten the little beggar to death just now. Although the little beggar may be killed by no one, it is not too troublesome to find them in such a wild corpse. , So the three people came back quietly, wanting to see if the little beggar was dead!

Liu Heng was still communicating with the system at this moment. The dialogue panel that the system showed him made him look enthusiastic. He felt his blood was boiling, and he wished to become a master in the world of cultivating immortals immediately!

However, the 100 points of origin that he owns can't even be exchanged for the most basic things!

His 100 origin points can only be exchanged for Wuxia and Xianxia items, and all other things are blocked, and his exchange method is exactly the same as Wang Dayong!

However, the mission that Zheng Yu issued to him was to recover the source of the aura of the entire world! Train Liu Heng into an unscrupulous person, and then directly stock it!

I have prepared enough for him. If he is not able to provide him with enough source points, what use is it for him?

Since Zheng Yu had prepared him adequately, which was equivalent to the very high investment in the early stage, his recovery point was also very high. Wang Dayong got 10 points of origin, and Zheng Yu only recovered 7 points!

As for Liu Heng, if he gets ten points of origin, Zheng Yu will reclaim nine points! Without investment, where will the gain come from? Zheng Yu prepared this immortal device for him. He also prepared a practice book and two nanny for him. This kind of treatment, if the two previous travellers knew about it, they would definitely have tears in their eyes and envy them!

Liu Heng doesn’t know this at all at this moment. He only knows that within two days, an immortal artifact will reach him. He now only has 100 origin points and can only change some secular techniques, but he is cultivating. He still doesn't know if there is any use in the fairy world!

But the task released now is to kill three people. He looked at his black, thin hands like chicken feet, and his body with his ribs exposed. He didn't think he could kill people!

This task is not simple. The most difficult thing lies in the mentality of killing. A living person who has been tied up, just put it in front of you and let you kill him. Do you dare?

But now Liu Heng is facing three living, powerful young men with Kong Wu. He needs to plan carefully how to solve them as quickly as possible.

These three people will bring three hundred origin points to themselves, so the 100 origin points that they have now are the decisive factors!

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