Traverser Management System

Chapter 131: Liu Heng's first time

But for Liu Heng, this most difficult point can no longer restrain him, if his soul can't blend with this body!

Maybe he will die again immediately, God gave himself such a chance, he will definitely grasp it!

He wants to rise, he doesn't want to live a lifeless life, let alone killing three people, it doesn't matter if he kills ten or eight!

He is ready to kill in his heart!

Liu Heng opened the system and searched for everything below 100 origin points in the system.

All kinds of weapons and weapons, hidden weapons, poisons, traps, exercises, all sorts of things, it took his eyes!

He kept choosing, letting his 100 points of origin be spent in the most cost-effective way!

The first point is that now I can’t even stand firmly, saying that I don’t have the power to bind a chicken. It’s a compliment. It’s more than a chicken. Anything you can get can turn yourself off!

To heal his left leg, 100 origin points are no longer enough, so he completely ignores the wound healing!

Next comes weapons. Although there are no firearms, they can be replaced with long-range assault weapons such as crossbows and arrows.

He put this aside as a backup option, and then continued to choose!

Concealed weapons are useless to oneself, this thing is very cheap, one source point can be replaced a lot, but oneself does not know any exercises!

Then things like the goddess dispersing flowers, rainstorm pear flower needles, and the like, also require a certain skill as a match. If there is no specific method, you may accidentally hurt yourself after opening it!

Even if the hidden weapon is exchanged, it is only a display item, and it has no actual effect!

There are many different types of poisons.

All kinds of poisons and all kinds of effects made Liu Heng look at it, but the price is really not low, and those low-priced poisons, it takes a lot of time to let an adult man go!

Liu Heng didn't want to capsize the ship in the gutter. He put the poison away and poisoned people. As a result, due to time constraints, the other party killed him alive. That would be a shame!

Liu Heng skipped the traps.

This kind of thing can only be used at a specific time and at a specific place. If the other party runs directly in front of you, how can you have time to set up any traps!

He looked directly at the last item: Gongfa!

There are a lot of cheap exercises. Because the system can directly empower, as long as he chooses this exercise and can afford the original point, then he can learn it immediately.

Every exercise has the effect of improving physique, although 100 source points are exchanged for exercises, this kind of **** can't heal one's left leg!

But it can greatly increase his strength, so he really wants to exchange it directly for the exercises.

Now there are only two options, one is the long-range attack method: bow and crossbow!

The other is to directly choose a cultivation technique, which can greatly increase his own strength and be able to deal with these three legitimate middle-aged ruffians!

After a period of careful deliberation, Liu Heng changed his hand skills, which was called "Iron Sand Palm."

It sounds like the name is a bad street technique, but when this thing is practiced to the extreme, it is also very powerful, and the copper wall and iron wall can be used to shoot a hole in it!

The most important point is that this technique is very cheap, and it only takes 70 points to reach the level of mastery!

Liu Heng was lying on the ground, quietly feeling the power emerging in his body.

Two hands, which were still like chicken feet, are now solid. They opened their palms and looked at them. There seemed to be an iron-like luster on them. Liu Heng nodded with satisfaction, and there were still 30 points of origin left!

He spent two points on the origin point for a pile of food, and ate it in big mouthfuls.

He has been hungry until now, he has long been unable to hold on. When he saw that the origin point can be exchanged for all kinds of exquisite food, he can't help it!

But in order to survive, he chose forbearance. After he changed all the exercises, he went to the food section!

Then he spent ten points on the origin and replaced it with a crossbow arrow. This crossbow arrow is very delicate, dense, with various parts together, with a little sci-fi style. I really don't know which plane this crossbow arrow is produced?

This crossbow arrow is very small, holding it like a gun in his hand. After holding this thing in his hand, Liu Heng feels his heart is full of peace of mind!

After all, he is just an ordinary person so far, and he does not have the kind of heart that regards human life as a waste!

Don't look at Liu Heng with a little excitement in his heart when accepting this task, but if he is indeed asked to do it directly, he is also worried, after all, it is a murder! Killed his own kind!

After redeeming this crossbow arrow, the system also gave him ten arrows!

These arrows are also very small, not much longer than his palm. He stuck this small arrow in the crossbow arrow, and it fits tightly, only a little bit of the point is exposed at the front end of the crossbow arrow!

The arrow was shining with a biting light, and it looked extremely sharp!

Liu Heng took the crossbow arrow and shot it at the pillar in the ruined temple. His hand was unstable and the aim was not accurate enough. The crossbow arrow was shot off the track, which was more than 20 centimeters away from the place where he was aiming!

It seems that this crossbow arrow can only be used as a close-range attack method. Now there is no time for him to practice the firing of the crossbow arrow, as long as he knows how to operate it!

This crossbow arrow is still used as a backup method, better! Liu Heng placed this crossbow arrow in a very comfortable position and covered it with grass!

Then Liu Heng looked at his task: to kill three ruffians!

This time, Zheng Yu released this task to him, very humanely marking him the location of the three ruffians!

Therefore, Liu Heng could clearly see that the three ruffians were walking towards where he was.

In his taskbar, three red light spots are displayed, and they don't have the exact appearance, but Liu Heng is already full of food and in good spirits!

And he has kung fu at the moment, as well as crossbow arrows, so he is not nervous now, just lying quietly on his haystack, waiting!

He adjusted his mentality and made himself seem very relaxed. He estimated the time, and there were about ten minutes left, and those few people would walk to the small broken temple!

Liu Heng closed his eyes, the panting voice gradually died down, Liu Heng had already adjusted his breathing!

He is ready to welcome his first murder with the most peaceful state of mind!

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