Traverser Management System

Chapter 133: All annihilated

The voices of the two people outside were not low, and Liu Heng could hear them clearly. He knew that there would be a second person coming soon.

However, since the first person came in silently, the second person was very cautious. He didn't walk directly to the aisle at all, but walked to the side.

Seen from the side, a straight line is unobstructed, and everything in the aisle can be clearly seen. Although the small temple is not big, it is at least ten meters away from where Liu Heng is.

The moment Liu Heng killed this burly man, he was prompted by the system.

At that time, Liu Heng was very nervous, and the prompt was directly filtered out by him. He only knew that he had obtained 100 original points.

Within this short minute of stopping, he also took the time to open the system panel!

After seeing the 1/3 task prompt on the system panel, Liu Heng smiled lightly, but still made no sound.

Just now, because the two met at close range, Liu Heng had no time to use the crossbow arrow. The crossbow arrow is still lying quietly directly under his palm, and can be touched by just a finger.

This person, called the second child, looked far away into the aisle. The first thing he saw was Liu Heng lying motionless. If he took a step forward, he would be able to see the dead man. The burly man!

Liu Heng lay there, squinting, and saw the person called the second child who appeared ten meters away from him.

The second child took a step forward and was about to see the third child's body, but Liu Heng had already moved at this time, and he grabbed the crossbow arrow down with his right palm fiercely.

After holding the crossbow arrow in his hand, he raised his right hand, and Liu Heng shot the arrow out without knowing whether he was aiming.

This time Liu Heng's luck was very good. For a person as large as ten meters away, he aimed at someone's head and shot, but he shot it in his leg.

This second **** rolled on the ground directly holding his thigh, howling like a pig.

Liu Heng felt that it might not be that painful, it was just the psychological effect of this guy.

But he didn't have any effort to think about it at this moment, he immediately took out the arrow and installed it again.

This crossbow arrow can only be fired one at a time, and it needs to be installed each time, but Liu Heng's hand speed is very fast. It only takes less than twenty seconds from the time the arrow is taken to the installation.

When he had packed up everything, the guy opposite was still lying on the ground and rolling.

The boss with sly eyebrows and rat eyes had no idea what was going on. He wanted to go up and watch, but he didn't dare, but if he let him escape, he felt that he hadn't reached that level.

When he was scratching his head in a hurry, he suddenly noticed that another silver light flew out of the corner where the little beggar was lying, directly piercing the eyes of the rolling second child.

This kind of crossbow arrow stabbed in fiercely, and almost never reached the end of the arrow. The power of this small crossbow arrow is really very powerful.

As soon as the horrible howling sound started, it was immediately interrupted. The boss who stood in front of the door hesitated, looking at the suddenly silent cock, made a decisive decision, turned and ran!

Liu Heng heard the subsystem's voice sound again, and he grinned. The second arrow just now clearly aimed at the opponent's chest. He felt that this chest had a relatively large range and was easier to hit.

I don't know that this time I shot it too far, but this time it was too accurate, and it shot into the ruffian's eyes all at once, right into his brain!

Let this second child die immediately, without even the horrible howling!

On the system panel, 2/3 has been displayed, and now the only thing left is that the boss is not killed by him, after Liu Heng has killed two people!

I also feel that these three scumbags are just ordinary people. At most, they are physically strong and there is no mystery. They do not know the Taoist law or the tactics. They are completely ordinary people!

Except for the inconvenience of legs and feet, Liu Heng is now better than these three in any other respects. The first two chopping melons and vegetables were just turned over!

It's still the last one, but the last one has already crawled to the outside of the small ruined temple, and is about to run to the distant woods!

Liu Heng was very anxious at this time. He saw the little red dot in the system panel, which was farther and farther away from him. He wanted to stand up, but he couldn't!

There was no power at all on the right leg, and no feeling came. He knew that this leg had been completely abolished, so what should he do!

Liu Heng was eager in his heart. Of course, he wouldn't shout something like stop and don't run. He knew that such shouting was useless at all, except that it would make the opponent run faster!

Liu Heng anxiously patted the ground with his hands. He suddenly realized that his hands were so powerful that he could easily support his body!

Liu Heng feels that the strength of his arms can fully support his body forward. Although the posture is very strange, but now there is no other way between eagerness, and his legs cannot be used, so he has to use his hands as legs. !

Between the transitions of his arms, it is like walking on his legs, supporting his body to move forward!

These two arms are strong, and the running speed is very fast. He doesn't care about the image problem now, he just wants to complete the task, kill this thin man, and give the last 1/3 of the result!

Between Liu Heng's two arms switching, the speed was getting faster and faster, both of which brought up afterimages. Like a wheel, his moving speed is not much slower than the speed at which the thin man runs!

Since the length of the arm is not as long as the length of the thigh, his conversion speed becomes faster!

If you look at Liu Heng at this time from a distance, you are like a big horse monkey, running and jumping with two arms!

The thin guy in the front was scared into a cold sweat when he looked back occasionally. How could the guy at the back be so scary if he was a man or a ghost?

When has he seen such a situation in his life? Almost forgot to move forward, but he reacted in an instant that the weird thing behind was chasing himself!

The thin man ran faster. He turned his head and looked back frequently, watching the distance he opened little by little, and felt a little comfort in his heart!

But after all, his physical strength is limited, and he looks back frequently, there is always something he didn't notice, like now!

Finally, the thin man stumbled on the ground inadvertently when he ran and turned his head. The effect of inertia caused him to roll twice on the ground. When he was about to crawl and stand up, how could he know this time? At this moment Liu Heng has rushed to him!

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