Not only these three ruffians knew about the destruction of corpses, but Liu Heng also knew about it.

The sky was getting dark gradually, and Liu Heng had already returned to his small ruined temple!

Legs are inflexible, and walking with both hands supporting the body is not a long-term solution. Maybe when you head down and get a cerebral hemorrhage, it will be bad if you die young!

There are simply too many elixirs in the system that can repair one's own injuries, but there are very, very few that are cheap. There is a very familiar black jade intermittent ointment, the price is 500 points!

Moreover, this kind of thing does not allow him to directly recover from the injury. It takes two or three months to recuperate. How can Liu Heng wait for such a long time? He now has a task to complete his apprenticeship in two days!

Look at the origin of the 318 points left in my own right now, I can't change it at all. In the end, he changed a pair of crutches, clamped it on the left side, supported his body, and walked two steps. It felt pretty good!

He also changed his clothes and pants with two points of origin. The previous one was completely unable to wear, and it was worn out a lot by crawling and rolling outside, turning the originally tattered clothes into cloth strips. thing!

He is not like a real beggar, he has been so difficult in his life, he has not been a beggar, how could he be a beggar in the realm of cultivating immortals instead!

He found some money on the dead three people outside, not much! In addition to his own two taels of silver, there are only dozens of coins, these few people are also poor enough!

Originally planned to take off the clothes of these people, but he thought about it, and when he was able to use the origin point to change the clothes, he would wear the clothes of the dead. It was indeed a bit cruel!

And there is not much spent on the origin, so the matter of wearing the clothes of the dead is just fine!

Because the power of the hands is very strong, even if you use crutches to support your body, it is much more comfortable than holding your hands on the ground!

After thinking about the remaining origin points, he decided to stay. Except for his usual need to exchange food, he basically never touched the origin points again!

He still doesn't know what kind of aura possesses something that can be exchanged to become a source item!

Liu Heng lay quietly in his nest. Sleeping on the haystack was soft and comfortable. It was much more reliable than when he slept in the shed on the construction site!

The starry sky at night can be clearly seen from the big hole in the ruined temple!

A meteor flashed by, and Liu Heng's thoughts drifted away with the meteor. Gradually, he calmed his restless heart!

The thrill of this day passed, he lay quietly and fell asleep!

Zheng Yu had healed Xu Wanguang at this moment, and gave him a 45,000-origin Shengshengzaohua Pill, and he immediately recovered from the injuries visible to the naked eye!

In just half an hour, all his meridians had been fully restored, and even his vitality had been added to him. It was indeed a pill with the name of good fortune!

"The person I need your help has arrived, and it's in a small market six hundred miles away to the west!" Zheng Yu said, and waved his sleeves in front of him. The air condensed and formed an image. Something like a screen!

This kind of mirroring technique was also just exchanged by Zheng Yu from the system. Under certain circumstances, this ability is still very useful!

Moreover, the price of this skill is also cheap. If it is available at this moment, he simply exchanges it!

On the small mirror where the air was condensed, the entire scene of the town was first revealed. Zheng Yu pointed to a ruined temple outside the town and said, "Others are here!"

Then, Zheng Yu zoomed in on the mirror image and moved towards the ruined temple. Once inside the ruined temple, Liu Heng appeared in the mirror image!

"After you pass by, just pretend to be passing by yourself, don’t reveal that I let you go! If he wants to worship you as a teacher, you just accept it and teach it carefully. For other things, don’t say anything, just Treat it as the apprentice you accepted yourself!"

Although Xu Wanguang didn't know why Zheng Yu wanted to do this, since he has agreed, he will do his best to complete it. Because this is the second time Zheng Yu has saved his life!

And this time when Zheng Yu came back, he no longer looked like the first time he saw him. At this moment, the feeling Zheng Yu gave him was as unfathomable as the vast ocean!

He simply couldn't understand why the same person felt so different to himself in just one day!

If he had known that Zheng Yu was still absorbing the power continuously at this moment, he could reach the stage of transformation within a week!

It is estimated that he will faint on the spot! In the entire world of cultivating immortals, I have never heard of anyone whose cultivation realm can grow so fast!

They didn't know that Zheng Yu's advancement speed had frightened a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage!

Because Xu Qiaoer's realm was too low, and Xu Wanguang, who had a high realm, had already been seriously injured, and his spiritual energy and blood had run out, so they couldn't feel the aura that destroyed the world before!

So they have no way of knowing that this person who has made the entire world of immortality boil, is standing in front of them!

Before, Xu Qiao'er had been taking care of Xu Wanguang with all her heart and had never gone out, so she didn't know that the catastrophe just now had already spread to the whole Xianjia Fair!

Zheng Yu put his hand in his arms and exchanged a copy of "The Art of Rebirth by Dripping Blood" in the system.

Since it is just to exchange this cheat book, there is no need to directly infuse the body, so the price of this cheat book is very low, only 1/10 of the original, that is, five thousand origin points!

This trick of blood rebirth can guarantee that Liu Heng will not die so easily. After giving this secret book to Xu Wanguang!

Zheng Yu told him: You two can also learn this secret book. However, don't spread the secret book outside, destroy it after you remember it, and teach Liu Heng carefully!

Being able to redeem this exercise method so cheaply is also drenched in the light of the system.

If the traversers of the subsystem want to redeem this exercise, even if they only exchange the copy, without directly pouring the body, it will be increased by five times and six times.

A novice who has just crossed over can't afford such a huge source point at all!

Zheng Yu had already contacted the Earthquake Dading with mental energy and transmitted the same image to the Earthquake. And tell it that the person who has followed this ten years is Liu Heng!

After everything was arranged, Zheng Yu stepped out and disappeared before Xu Wanguang and Xu Qiaoer's eyes!

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