Zheng Yu returned to this hillside and sat down cross-legged again. For this week, he didn't plan to leave anymore. He had to wait in this place until he was over.

Yang Xinyu did not give a definite answer to Zheng Yu's question about his mother at the time!

He was still here waiting for Zheng Yu to come back again, and then told him that if he had time, he would go to Wan Jianzong by himself.

Before, he planned to bring Zheng Yu back to Wan Jianzong to train with the resources of the entire sect, but he found that Zheng Yu now does not need the support of the sect at all, and can be self-reliant!

In just one day, Yang Xinyu has refreshed Yang Xinyu's understanding of the world of immortality!

He didn't think his sect had anything else to teach him, and now Zheng Yu was already a great power in the world of cultivating immortals!

He doesn't need his own protection at all. He came out this time to find Zheng Yu. His goal has been achieved, and now he wants to go back to the mountain!

Another day passed, and now there was only Zheng Yu on this hill. He put his mind into the system and opened the connection 0003 Crossover system. The other end of the link is Liu Heng!

At this moment, Liu Heng, holding a cane, followed Xu Wanguang and Xu Qiaoer on the road!

After Xu Wangang and Xu Qiao'er experienced this big ups and downs, they have fully realized the terrifying world of Xiuxian!

They decided to go back to their hometown, go back to teach Liu Heng with peace of mind, and complete Zheng Yu's entrustment!

Liu Heng also succeeded in apprenticeship, completed this task, once again obtained 100 origin points, and now he has more than 400 origin points!

He wants to get together again, and heal his leg injury after obtaining 500 origins, but there is no task to give him again!

He communicated with the system many times in his mind, but the system ignored him. He now has only one dialogue panel and task panel in the direction of system operation!

Now he has one main task left: to recover all the aura sources in this world!

At this moment, he is still an ordinary person, just with the blood rebirth Dafa taught by Xu Wanguang!

He had checked this blood rebirth Dafa in the system, and the price was as high as 500,000 yuan. After reading it, he was excited!

Even if he only cultivated to the first level, he could immediately heal his injuries and easily heal his broken leg. Cultivating to the highest level can really be reborn with blood!

Then he began to practice seriously. He knew that if he exchanged this exercise in the system, he could learn it directly, but he really didn't have so many roots, let alone 500,000, he couldn't get 500!

Liu Heng shook his head and smiled bitterly. He didn't know the year and month if he wanted to gather so many sources!

Now that there are as many as 500,000 original exercises in front of him, and there are people who teach them carefully, he is very happy!

He followed Xu Wanguang, the newly admired master, toward Xu Wanguang's hometown. Go and learn the Dafa of Rebirth by Dripping Blood, and understand everything about the world of cultivating immortals! Wait until the exercise is successful, come out of the mountain to recover the world's origin!

Zheng Yu no longer pays attention to Liu Heng at this moment!

Because he knew that after waiting for Liu Heng to come out of the mountain, even greater changes would take place in this immortal cultivation world!

What he has to do now is to spend the next tribulation, after passing the next tribulation, his ability will reach the limit of this world, and the physical body will reach the immortal level!

Except for the hidden immortals in this world, no one can hurt him.

At that time, he can go out of the mountain in a fair manner, and then, with an unrivaled attitude, sweep the entire world of immortality, and sweep back all the treasures of the town that they are proud of, reclaim, recycle, and recycle!

Before leaving this world, he has to earn enough origin points to deal with the plane he will go to next, and deal with any situation that he does not know that he will encounter!

It is said that the mountain is not high, and there is a fairy!

The mountain where Zheng Yu is located, under his powerful swallowing of spiritual energy, has been constantly washed away by the spiritual energy, from the original bare state, now it has become a pleasant scenery!

Developed downward from the center of himself, the green grass on the ground swayed with the wind, and the blossoming flowers just opened up, and the grass continued to spread towards the foot of the mountain!

Zheng Yu has been meditating here, and under the influence of a lot of spiritual energy, this place can be regarded as a treasure place. As long as Zheng Yu is still here, this place is a treasure place for cultivation!

The aura between heaven and earth is swarming here, and the energetic aura is floating in this area!

Zheng Yu sitting at the center, really looks like a fairy family! From a distance, this is a blessed land! And at this moment, Zheng Yu is the immortal who is in the blessed world who is eating and drinking!

Zheng Yu waited quietly.

Every half a day, he will feel that his realm is more advanced!

The realm of Yuan Ying Period has been constantly breaking through!

One floor, two floors and three floors.

In a blink of an eye, four days passed. These four days have made Zheng Yu's physical body more solid and his realm more advanced!

Although there is no need for Zheng Yu to deliberately cultivate, there will be countless heaven and earth auras coming!

However, Zheng Yu, based on the principle of not wasting, has been reclaiming the source point that he absorbed, and every few minutes, there is always 1 point of the source point!

On this day, Zheng Yu absorbed the aura, and the seventh level of the Nascent Soul made him recover the aura much faster!

He didn't know that various versions of stories had begun to circulate throughout the world of immortality, and all the stories pointed in one direction, that is, the area where Zheng Yu is located!

Some people say that there are immortals coming to this world, and the world is putting pressure on it! This version is somewhat similar to Zheng Yu's situation at the time, but only half of the guess is correct!

Some people say that it is the monks of Dacheng who are going through the heavens and accumulating too much to trigger the power of heaven and earth!

More people believe in another version of the story!

On the outskirts of the Shiwan Mountain, there was an Immortal Cave Mansion that year. At this time, it was born, and the coercion shocked the entire world of immortality, declared its birth, and waited for the destined to come and find treasure!

Because similar things happened in the realm of cultivating immortals back then, countless casual cultivators and disciples of the martial arts sect who have gone down the mountain want to see it!

There are too many people who believe in this story, and many people are already embarking on a treasure hunt!

Zheng Yu doesn't know anything yet! He quietly waited for the next catastrophe to come!

Estimated time is two and a half days!

In normal times, he would naturally let go of his spiritual power, and within a radius of ten miles, he would be covered by his spiritual power. However, as long as there is a little sense of opportunity, it will immediately attract his attention!

On that night, he found a man at the foot of the mountain, whose cultivation was only in the Jin Dan stage, and he was still a woman.

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