Traverser Management System

Chapter 136: Good show opening

The person was ten miles away, but he couldn't see the vision of Zheng Yu on the hill.

Within a few minutes after this woman appeared, another person appeared within Zheng Yu's mental power, followed by a man!

The man who followed was also Jin Dan’s cultivation base, but looking at his appearance in hiding, Zheng Yu felt that he did not seem to be a good person, and maybe another murder would happen in front of him soon. It's a drama!

Neither of them knew. At this moment, there was a person watching a play, watching them peek-a-boo!

The woman in front was walking leisurely all the way, and she didn't find anyone being followed behind her at all. And the man, keeping his breath, hiding his figure, followed the woman hundreds of meters away!

The woman in front was a disciple of the Wuliang faction. She had never descended the mountain before the Jin Dan period. When she went down the mountain, she was already the cultivation base of the Golden Core Stage. In the door, her brothers, sisters, masters, and elders in the door were all great masters. She had never felt how powerful she was!

Since going down the mountain, she has passed through many towns and villages. Not long ago, she heard a news that a treasure was born in this big mountain, waiting for someone to be destined!

With the mentality of giving it a try, she walked in this direction, collecting the fairy forest and grass elixir along the way, which was also very rewarding!

The master prepared a cubic sized storage bag for him, which was filled with all kinds of pill, including detoxification, obstacle avoidance, healing, and even bone-setting medicines!

In the Wuliang faction, it is famous for its law of law. If they were given time, with the formation of the talisman, the monks of one or two ranks higher than himself could not do anything about them. In normal times, the immeasurable monks can only prepare all kinds of talisman early, and if there is a battle, they can only use their own inventory to fight the enemy!

Therefore, in her storage bag, she also prepared a variety of talismans that can be instantly activated, including magic talisman, hidden spirit talisman, golden talisman, and thunder-attracting talisman!

Magic Run Talisman, as the name suggests, when a Talisman is hired, it can instantly increase the running speed by itself, which is necessary for escape. When fighting on the ground, stick this talisman to get faster movement and strengthen the agility of your legs!

This hidden spirit talisman is something used between the world. After it is used, it will hide its aura. It looks like an ordinary person, but it is of no use to monks of the same level. So she has such a thing. Very little preparation!

And the golden talisman is the best defensive talisman she can take out. As long as it is used, there will be a layer of defensive layer made of gold and stone, which wraps up the whole body. The defense of this thing is very powerful! And can be used in stacks, sticking a sheet will add a layer of defense, stack as many as there are! Someone once tried, a monk of the Golden Elixir period, after putting this talisman on his body for 100 layers, even the most powerful attack in the Yuan Ying period could not help him, but the price of the golden talisman was very expensive. It's also very troublesome. However, when she went down the mountain, the senior brothers and sisters gave her all the golden talisman they had saved. At this moment, there were at least 20 or 30 in her storage bag!

The lightning talisman is her common attack method. The talisman drawing is also staged. Now the talisman drawn by a monk in the Golden Core period has reached a high level, but its failure rate is very high, and dozens of talisman drawing can only succeed. Last one or two. Most of the rune papers are made of spirit grass or animal skins, spirit grass is not ordinary spirit grass, animal skins are not ordinary animal skins, these things are very expensive!

Therefore, besides Fulu, the Boundless Sects will also learn some other techniques. In fact, the most commonly used things among the martial arts in this world are swords!

So she knows some swordsmanship, but she's not very proficient!

Among all the sects in Zhongzhou, the Ten Thousand Sword Sect, the Wuliang Sect, and the Dandao Sect, these three sects stand together! Intercommunication with each other. And this woman, immersed in the light of her father's generation, was fortunate to have learned the Lightning Sword of the Ten Thousand Sword Sect. This sword technique compresses her own spiritual energy and can respond with invisible sword energy one after another. Therefore, when she went down the mountain, the senior brothers and sisters in the door were not particularly worried, unless they encountered the kind of shameless Nascent Soul monk, otherwise the ordinary Golden Elixir, there should be nothing to do with her!

Among the high sect, all the disciples who have reached the Golden Core stage will give them the experience of being born into the world, and all of them are on the road alone, and they are treated equally. Although there have been cases of decent disciples being killed by demons in the past, but, This tradition has been passed down!

"I don't experience wind and rain, where to watch the rainbow!" I don't know which suzerain said it, but the three sects in Zhongzhou all set this tradition as the iron law of Zhongmen!

At this time, the sky was bright and the stars were sparse, the moon was falling, and the forest was silent. The girl walked and walked and stopped in place.

"Tired! Tired!" The girl was tired and muttered in her mouth. She found a place in the woods that looked a little more empty and started a fire.

Along the way, I basically didn't bring anything that I could eat on my body. I couldn't bear to kill rabbits and catch fish.

For the first time in her life, she wiped off a dirty face: "Perhaps, this is the intention of the teacher!"

Clean up the rabbit with the long sword that she carries, then put it straight on the long sword and roast it on the fire. She waited attentively, waiting for the rabbit to be roasted, and you can have a good meal!

Behind a big tree hundreds of meters away from her, another man, hiding his figure so quietly, stared at the girl who was roasting the rabbit!

At this time, within Zheng Yu's mental power, he found that someone had come in again, this time two!

The two of them chased and fled in the air, and the two fought fiercely in the air. The person in front of him was seriously injured, and he was about to fall to the ground!

Zheng Yu regarded it as a condiment to pass the time in boredom. He didn't even plan to take care of it. He just sat in place and watched quietly!

Although he didn't know why so many people would come to such a remote place suddenly, but it did not prevent him from watching the show!

Clang... With a sound of weapon impact, a person fell diagonally in the air.

It was quiet in the woods at night, and this sound spread far, and the female disciple of the Boundless faction who was roasting rabbits heard the sound of weapons intersecting, and suddenly stood up.

The man hundreds of meters away suddenly turned his head and looked at the place where the sound was made. This place was not far from the girl's fire.

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