Traverser Management System

Chapter 154: Recycling fairy gas

As time passed, Yun Xiaozi and Chisongzi stood in the distance, feeling that every second was suffering.

The two girls behind Zheng Yu could no longer bear to collapse to the ground.

Everything that happened on this day made the two of them go from shock to numbness, and they were a little bit strange at this time.

Two girls didn't know the passage that appeared in the sky, but the real coercion made them tremble.

Zheng Yu sensed the strangeness behind him, waved the two girls dozens of miles away, then turned his head and continued to look into the sky.

The figure appeared in the depths of the passage, only getting bigger after a while, as if it were far away.

Zheng Yu looked at the figure inside through the passage, calculating the time, and after waiting for more than ten minutes, the size of the figure still did not change much, and he waited a little impatiently.

He pointed at the figure in the passage and said, "Isn't it okay? How long will you have to walk?"

What Zheng Yu didn't expect was that the figure waiting in the passage actually answered, "It's not half done yet, do you think it's so easy to cross the border? Don't worry, it's fast, it's fast!"

The man moved slowly, and every time he raised his leg, every time he moved forward, he seemed to be under immense pressure!

Zheng Yu was full of black lines. He didn't expect that the people in this passage could still hear what he said!

But he didn't answer again, but squinted his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking!

When Zheng Yu recovered, he turned his head and suddenly found that Yun Xiaozi and Chisongzi were still standing in the distance.

"Hurry up and collect the spirit stones for me. What are you doing here?"

Zheng Yu's mental power rushed to the two people in the distance. The two staggered, and then made a joke, without saying anything, directly Yu Qi Dunguang and flew away.

However, the two stopped after flying thousands of miles, wanting to observe the follow-up development, did this person go to the immortal world, or did he not leave?

As Yun Xiaozi and Chisongzi murmured to themselves before, Zheng Yu could hear them clearly. If his strength is now in the immortal realm, it is probably the bottom of the existence.

He didn't intend to leave the realm of cultivating immortals just now, nor did he intend to go to the realm of immortals at this time!

Who knows if the fairy world above is the fairy world that oneself knows, who knows how the strength levels of the fairy world above are divided!

Now Zheng Yu needs time. He intends to sweep the world of cultivating immortals, and then make plans, but now he does not have the time to care about the world of immortals!

He has already activated the third layer of the Nine Revolutions Profound Art, his body seems to absorb energy like a black hole, and all the transmitted energy is madly instilled into his body!

With this way of absorption, Zheng Yu didn't have any aura, and there was no aura around his body, just like an ordinary person!

Every inch of his skin absorbs the transmitted energy like a sponge. These energy perfuse the body and all transform into his defense, become his realm, and become his aura!

His realm is growing every second, although it is insignificant, but he can clearly feel it.

This time it will take longer, and it will take 49 days to reach the next stage!

In these 49 days, Zheng Yu intends to sweep the world of cultivating immortals and enrich the origin point.

And let oneself reach the realm of Mahayana period, the physical body reaches the level of celestial being. There is also the case of Wan Jianzong, and I need to go there by myself!

If you go to the immortal realm, you don't know when you can come back to do something that you haven't done in this cultivating realm, so Zheng Yu will never go to the immortal realm.

The person is still getting bigger, looking at it with Zheng Yu's line of sight, he should have already walked 2/3, but the speed of the figure is getting slower and slower, I don't know when it will be able to finish this road!

He couldn't see the person's realm clearly, his spiritual power swept through, and the passage was clear in his spiritual power.

This passage is completely a pipe-like thing made of immortal energy, and that person is a blur in his mental power!

This was the first time Zheng Yu found out that he could not see the realm completely. He knew that he was definitely not his opponent.

If this person walks through the passage and arrives in front of him, and wants to forcibly bring some immortal world with him, he has no ability to resist at all, unless he crosses the border and flees!

But, what if this channel is gone? Can he step over and grab himself!

Regardless of whether this person has a good intention or a malicious purpose!

Zheng Yu does not intend to expose himself to the other person. For those who are not sure of dealing with him, the best way is...

Although he didn't know how this connecting channel was formed? And why does it show up on the top of your head? But none of this prevents him from turning this thing into its origin!

Zheng Yu stood directly under the passage, smiled, and stretched out his hand toward the passage!

Zheng Yu's mental power acted on the channel formed by the immortal energy, and he immediately received the system's reminder that the origin of one hundred and one hundred was constantly increasing.

However, the speed was very slow. It increased four or five times in a second, and it was only four or five hundred of its origin. Such a recovery speed made Zheng Yu frown.

For Zheng Yu, there have been tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and millions of recycles each time recently, and there has never been an increase of hundreds or hundreds of points.

And the figure walking forward in the passage also stopped immediately and looked towards Zheng Yu.

"What are you doing? How could it be possible, how could you absorb the fairy qi in the cross-border passage? Stop it, you will ruin the cross-border passage!" The figure in the passage was anxious, as if gritted its teeth. , Walking forward quickly.

As soon as Zheng Yu saw that the other party increased his speed, he immediately applied all his mental energy to the passage formed by the fairy qi, and the speed of recovery accelerated, and the passage formed by the fairy qi began to tremble.

Every second, there are seven or eight sounds of the system, and each time there is a harvest of 100 source points, Zheng Yu wonders: Why is it so slow!

He didn't know that the passage formed by the fairy qi was refined from the fairy world, and it was formed by the condensation and compression of countless celestial qi, and it was extremely hard!

It was already very difficult for Zheng Yu to extract this fairy qi little by little. It was impossible to eat this fairy qi passage in one bite!

The passage trembled more severely, the speed of the figures in the passage also increased, and the speed at which Zheng Yu pumped immortal energy began to increase!

It depends on whether the passage is destroyed first, or the people inside come out first!

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